Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Oct 18 to Nov 17

Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Oct 18 to Nov 17


October 18, 2013

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Event Highlight




Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Oct 18 to Nov 17

Cosmic Update
  • The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is Friday, Oct 18 at 4:38 pm PDT
  • Sun 26° Libra, Moon 26° Aries
  • Eclipse Portal remains open until Nov 17 (next Full Moon)
  • This month’s New Moon theme is “Discovering Your Own Truth”
  • The Last Quarter Moon is Sat, Oct 26, at 4:40 pm
  • Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday, Oct 22
  • New Moon on Sun, Nov 3
  • Winter Solstice is Dec 21

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. This week look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the face of the illuminated Moon. From an astrological perspective this is a very special event. During a Lunar eclipse, when the constant connection between Sun and Moon is momentarily broken, a portal opens in the heavens at the exact degree of the Full Moon. This portal allows cosmic energies to stream to Earth, delivering a gift beyond that which is normally available. The gifts of an eclipse, arriving from deep within our galaxy, provide support, realization, and skills to be integrated by humanity for the betterment of all.

Steven’s weekly astrology reading offers unique insight into the specific potentials of Cosmic support available to you at this time.

Full Moon Eclipse Astrology: A Glimpse of Your Soul

The gift brought to us during this week’s eclipse provides a glimpse into your Soul and how you can better relate to your Higher-self. The eclipse portal will stay open until the next Full Moon, giving you a full lunar month to experience new ways of seeing your consciousness operating as your Higher-self.

To access a glimpse into your Soul, it’s important to make a distinction between your Soul consciousness and ego consciousness. Ego makes sense of the world by placing everything in one of two categories, good or bad. The Soul, on the other hand, operates from holism, beyond the limiting ideas of “good and bad.”

Soul operates in the world from a slightly different point of view. Soul sees the world in terms of connections, integration, and the actions needed to realize a greater sense of unity or wholeness. Soul operates in unity through two fundamental forces that we call “Love” and “Will.”

Love and Will

“Love” seen from the consciousness of Soul is based on connection. It’s the feeling that everything is working toward a great unity. This is true even of those aspects of reality that are hard to reconcile. This is a unity based on an intuitive knowing that Spirit is actively working to create unity between everything and everyone.

This unity is a type of dynamic wholeness. It’s dynamic because of the integration of the “Will.” Will is the spiritual force behind action. It is activity that integrates and unites, based on your awareness of how everything connects. Dynamic action occurs when individuals connect freely through the sense of alignment with the whole. Spiritual Will, then, is the conscious use of your activity working toward a greater sense of wholeness.

Love provides the connection, Will provides the directed activity. Both together allow for connection to evolve into a greater wholeness.

Anchor Your Gift

October Lunar Eclipse 2013The Eclipse is offering you a conscious glimpse of your Soul operating in the world through your use of “Love” and “Will.” To anchor this gift, notice when you’re moving into ego perception and seeing the world in black and white, or “good and bad.” When you notice your world narrowing and your perspective polarizes, think of your Soul and feel your Higher Self urging an expanded view. Think “Love and Will” and see where your consciousness takes you.

The role of Jupiter in the Full Moon astrology chart is offering some additional insight into how to anchor your gift of glimpsing your Soul. Jupiter is allowing for an easy expansion into appreciation, especially the idea that “everything in the world plays its part.” Seemingly unrelated facts aren’t unrelated at all, and in the big picture everything is connected. One of Jupiter’s solutions to help anchor your appreciation is to celebrate. Throw a party! Life is better than it seems, says Jupiter, so let’s appreciate this idea and celebrate.

To help anchor this gift of a glimpse of your Soul, hold thankfulness, and back it up with ACTION: festive action. Celebrate the good in your life. Celebrate the complexity. Celebrate the fact that your awareness is always expanding.

Use your will to actively acknowledge your realization that the world is more connected than your ego can fathom.

Full Moon Eclipse Tarot Reading

Elizabeth’s Tarot reading further explores the patterns revealed in the astrology chart. The Tarot offers guidance that allows you to take full advantage of the potentials available in the coming two weeks.

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/Z2eubwTRpZQ” autohide=”0″ fs=”1″]

In Closing

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you. Thank you again for your participation.

Have a wonderful week,
Steven Shroyer

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