The Aquarian Age Library
Free access to more than 40 articles exploring the Aquarian Age and humanities transition into this remarkable golden era. These articles offer incredible insight into many of the astrological topics considered to be the cutting-edge of astrological wisdom. If you're interested in our shift into a dimensional reality unknown to humans until now, then you'll you are at the right place in your astrological journey into the new Earth energies.
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Aquarian Age Journal, Articles, Updates, Insight and Astrological Wisdom
The Aquarian Age Journal explorers the energetic shift of Pluto's entrance into Aquarius and brings both a practical and spiritual perspective to everyday living that has been missing from traditional astrology. Every seeker of wisdom will find valuable insights that will help them transition into the Golden Aquarian Age of high-frequency consciousness.

The Transformational Journey into the Golden Aquarian Age
New Aquarius Energies
The Aquarian Age is now fully active, and we are collectively in the process of ushering in a new Golden Age. These are pretty big words,

Knowing What, How and Whom to Trust
New Capricorn Energies
Our solar activation in Capricorn can offer significant support for anyone who has experienced the challenges of misinformation and confusion regarding who and what to trust.

A Golden-haired Goddess of Opportunity
Sagittarius New Moon
With Pluto in Aquarius, favorable energies are aligning and highlighting an opportunity for a great worldwide shift in every aspect of our lives.

Hidden Knowledge Reveals a World Once Gone Mad
Taurus Full Moon
We are on the precipices of a great change with Pluto only days away from reaching 1° Aquarius. On Nov 19th at 12:28 pm we’ll witness

Revelations of Your Expanding Multidimensional Abilities
Aries Full Moon
New energies are coming to the forefront of our world, including unexpected twists and turns of events. Through these energies of change we are witnessing the

Discerning the Reality of Cultural Programming
Libra New Moon
Pluto’s journey through the last degrees of Capricorn continues to exert it’s collection control in the world. This brings our attention and focus to a final

Unveiling the Mysteries of What’s Coming Next
Virgo New moon
Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn which has activated a very powerful collective shadow of control, manipulation, and an unhealthy desire for power.

Intelligent Foresight: The Writing on the Wall
Aquarius Full Moon
As we enter the final preparatory days before Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the last time, we can experience a sense of hope and calmness, knowing that

Peace vs. Chaos: Calm Before the Storm
Lew New Moon
We are only 26 days from Pluto’s final return to Capricorn. Over the past several years, starting in the fall of 2019, we have written extensively

Examining the Physical Pleasures of Life
Cancer New Moon
We are keeping a close eye on the shadow energies of Pluto. These energies have the potential to become more problematic as we enter the last

Seeing the Codes of Light Hidden within Reality
Capricorn Full Moon
A phenomenon that occurs with each shift in consciousness is a deeper connection to our inherent multidimensionality capability. We are all multidimensional beings, whether we realize

Information Overload and the Evolution of Spirit
Gemini New Moon
Gemini is a much more advanced zodiac sign than traditional astrology has recognized. The reason for this oversight comes from the tendency to define Gemini by

The Game of Life: Is it Rigged?
Sagittarius Full Moon
Now that Pluto has reached the 3° of Aquarius, we have the courage to change our course in life. Pluto is the second most powerful planet

The Rising of a New Aquarian Continent of Consciousness
Taurus New Moon
Imagine how shocking it would be if a new continent suddenly rose out of the ocean. This unexpected event would undoubtedly change our worldview. In the

The Illusion of Time & Space, and the Eternal Now
Scorpio Full Moon
Imagine a world where your experiences and actions didn’t require any thoughts. Instead of thinking, imagine a high-frequency state of being in which you simply know

Lunacy, Eclipse Madness and Love
Aries New Moon Eclipse
Our Sun is magnificent. Its love and life-giving frequencies are the sole reason we are alive. Keeping our focus on the Sun is a good

Creating the Blueprint for a New World
Libra Full Moon
This new world is being created by us, through our inspiration. The template, or blueprint, of what we’re creating isn’t found in a written manual, nor

The New Aquarian Era of Hope
Pisces New Moon
Humanity has never before encountered the pervasive and high-frequency energies now coming to the forefront of our awareness. These traits are closely associated with Piscean qualities
Astrology Library
The Seattle Astrology library and archives contains an extensive index of astrology articles beginning in 2011. The depth of insight within these articles presents an inspired look into the expansion consciousness.
Aquarian Age Journal
The journal is an astrological reference to help navigate the paradigm shift of Pluto's journey through Aquarius. It highlights the newly available cosmic energies and is published on the New and Full Moon.
Free publication
The Sabian Wisdom
Seattle Astrology is a pioneer in pure principle astrological wisdom. We have specialized in the field of Sabian Symbols and Archetypes. The Sabian is the most profound astrological tool available today. Update: coming soon
Home of the Aquarian Age Journal
The Aquarian Age Journal follows humanity's entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age.
Pluto's entrance into Aquarius is historic.
Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time on March 23, 2023.
Pluto re-entered Aquarius for the second time on January 20, 2024.
Pluto enters Aquarius for the third and final time on November 19, 2024.
With Pluto’s first entry into Aquarius in March of 2023, we have entered the final stages of a major consciousness shift taking place on our planet. We will be updating the journal each New and Full Moon with creative suggestions for how to utilize the massive and potent energies that are currently flooding our planet.