Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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A Graceful Inner Strength

New Moon Jan 11

New Moon lunar phaseSun 22 Capricorn
Moon 22 Capricorn
New Moon, Friday, Jan 11th, 11:44a PST


A Graceful Inner Strength

New Moons are really quite special in the bigger picture of life. This week’s New Moon introduces a new capacity for inner strength which is needed to move gracefully into your future. Before we look at the specifics of this month’s chart, it feels appropriate at this first Moon of the New Year to review the transformative potential that each New Moon offers us.

The Importance of Each Month’s New Moon

January New Moon 2013Each New Moon involves a powerful activation (note to astrology students below). In the Big Picture it’s becoming clear to me that if self-aware individuals fully understood the raw power of the New Moon, our entire culture could make a dramatic shift toward manifesting a beautiful future.

The Joining together of the Sun and Moon is a type of fecundation or impregnation of pure potential. This is when the magic happens. When the Moon’s orbit comes between the Sun and Earth, the Moon’s light is hidden. Past traditions have referred to this Sun-Moon conjunction as “The Dark Moon.” as if there were an absence, But the Moon’s dark period is when the activation occurs.

During the New Moon, at the moment of conjunction, the Sun fertilizes the Moon and a new purpose is born. This birth of purpose represents the opportunity to begin again with a new idea, or a new opportunity. If the previous lunation cycle was successful, then the new opportunity also builds on the previous cycle.

This idea of building each month from the previous cycle holds a special type of cosmic gracefulness. Not only is each positive step forward rewarded, but there is also an ease in moving forward in life. With growth comes integration. With integration there is the possibility for new skills or mastery. With mastery, transformation is possible.

The magic of each New Moon is that the activation holds a future possibility of self-transformation. Creativity is regarded as one of the highest attributes of Spiritual activity, and during each New Moon creativity take a new form as potential is born into the physical world.

The Jupiter Factor with This Month’s New Moon

If you have followed the previous lunation cycle, which began on December 13th and includes the Winter Solstice, there has been a powerful release of cosmic light. This light is here not only inspire you, but provides the opportunity to begin using this light in your everyday life. This month’s New Moon continues the expansion of light in your conscious being by reinforcing a new level of inner strength within you.

Jupiter SymbolJupiter occupies a significant spot in this month’s New Moon chart as a benefactor of hope and expansion. The new year, as it begins to unfold after our spectacular Winter Solstice, brings a sense of hope to all of us. The planet Jupiter carries a powerful desire for an expansion of life. Its position in the chart is driving this current lunation cycle by giving you an increased capacity for inner integrity and inner strength.

Jupiter, in its alignment at the New Moon, indicates that your search for new knowledge will lead you to a fundamental level of faith in the sustaining power of life. The life of our planet is constantly supporting and sustaining us. It is this sustaining power of life that you have a new capacity to nurture within yourself. You have a increased capacity to trust in, and cooperation with, life itself. By life, I mean the experience of feeling the energies of life coursing through your body. Energy and Chi penetrate every level of life. This is an awareness of life “as a process” in which you are integrally engaged.

This idea of life as a process is an important concept to consider. Faith is a natural by-product of life itself. Our planet is alive and individual life everywhere is sustained and nurtured by this aliveness of Earth. We all live in a larger container of planetary life which, by its very nature, is cyclic. Your capacity to rely on this ongoing cyclic process of life forms the basis for your inner strength. It directly correlates to your inner faith. In this way, faith is not reduced to a set of mental ideas or beliefs on which one projects outwardly. Faith becomes a fundamental trust in an ongoing process. It becomes a point of integration and strength, because it is no longer an outward projection, but an inward reliance.

The hope which Jupiter brings to your consciousness stems from a new level of inner strength. This strength flows from the integration of Cosmic light which you are beginning to experience (since the previous New Moon Dec 13th). This Jupiter Factor is supporting your inner realms and inner faith. The New Moon brings a new capacity to move forward in life through the gracefulness of your inner strength. Let this inner strength continue to build in you throughout this lunar cycle.

New Moon Activities

The New Moon is at 11:44a on Friday the 11th. Here is a meditative activity you can do, ideally before the conjunction of Sun and Moon, either Thursday evening or Friday morning.

[fancy_list variation=”teal” style=”circle_arrow”]

  • Sit quietly with eyes closed for 10 minutes and feel the inner sensations of being alive. The inner sensations of “Life” moving through you.
  • Contemplate how alive Earth feels. Reflect on the ways in which everything related to life is part of a cycle and a process.
  • As you sit, realize how your life is part of the Earth’s life, how you are intimately connected though your cooperation, trust, and faith in the processes of life.
  • Sense your own significance and how your life is not random. Nurture the feeling that you are as significant as the Sun and Moon. See and feel yourself as a presence in the solar system as powerful as the Sun and Moon.
  • Feel your inner strength begin to build as you feel life moving you forward with purpose and meaning.
  • Set your intentions to increase your capacity for inner strength in the coming days, as you consciously integrate your access to Cosmic light.[/fancy_list]

Note to Astrology Students

Each month there are two important cosmic activations. The first is when the Moon conjuncts the Sun. The second is when the Moon conjuncts Uranus. Both of these activations are important and represent new energies which are available for use. The understanding of why they occur and how use them in chart interpretation would be typically will be covered in my upcoming astrology classes Esoteric Astrology Level I, and Your Lunation Birthday I.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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