A Positive Shift in Power: New Moon Astrology Apr 2016
• Article Window: Apr 7 to May 6
• The New Moon is Apr 7, 2016 4:24am PDT
• Sun is 19° Aries, Moon is 19° Aries
• New Moon Theme (Apr 7 to May 6): A Shift in Power
• Next Full Moon is Apr 21, 2016
Current Lunar Cycle
The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar Cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.
Astrology Article: A Positive Shift in Power
The New Moon astrology for this month points to a major shift in the power structures in the circumstances around you. This shift refers to a release of pent-up energy capable of transforming personal power, social power, and even perhaps the political powers of the world.
This dramatic triggering and release of energies has far-reaching implications. There is potentially much at stake. I will attempt to explain this energy shift and outline a practical strategy that will enable you to take advantage of changes that you may experience in your life as a result of this release.
The first thing to consider is that there is no need to feel overwhelmed or anxious about potential changes coming to you, or even possibly to the world. Power structures exist everywhere. If power structures are healthy they are constantly adapting, growing and evolving with the new potentials and possibilities that the Universe provides. This New Moon energy offers you the personal opportunity for a positive shift in the structures that support your life. You have the opportunity to begin anew, with an abundance of energy for positive change, even to the very core structures of your life.
In the world sense, political power structures are continuously offered the opportunity for positive change, however they are often concerned with maintaining status quo rather than positive change. It is this lack of response to the opportunity for significant change that creates a log jam of energies. When change does occur, it can be explosive, such as the bursting of a log jam. This large scale change also creates a trickle down drama that affects our personal lives.
Although there may be drama, the overall energies of this chart hold a theme of very positive transformation, with the possibility for very positive outcome, including within your personal opportunities. The New Moon is supporting a type of personal transformation that can provide inspired growth and a new level of momentum to improve your life and make the world a better place for all.
In short, the good news is that there is positive creative support in these New Moon energies. The transformation they are triggering in the world is overdue. At the same time, they are also offering personal opportunities in the form of a new skill set you can use to transform your life by releasing obstacles and preventing your own patterns of stagnation from slowing down your growth and opportunities for success.
A View from Above
Life and circumstances appear quite different when you can rise above the fray and strife. From above the view changes, circumstances look different, and your imagination becomes activated in ways that can only be explained by this shift in perspective.
The creative imagination and creative mind have this ability to rise above circumstances to gain a greater perspective. Imagine that you had the tool of a magic carpet to rise above your life and see the bigger picture.
A shift in life’s perspective is precisely what is occurring at the New Moon. The New Moon is providing a shift in consciousness that allows you to see the world from an unattached point of view. Imagine surveying the countryside from a small plane, with a much larger context than you have standing on the ground. It is this ability to transcend the strife of everyday reality that the New Moon is offering you.
Regardless of what type of social transformations are beginning to take place, or even significant political changes in power that appear to be happening, you can use your creative imagination and your creative mind to rise above the fray with a perspective that says, “everything is going to be alright.”
Imagine yourself viewing your life from above, floating on your magic carpet, engaged but without any stress and strife. Imagine your creative mind actively looking at your circumstances from a larger vantage point. This is a perfect view from above with an entirely new perspective capable of seeing a fuller picture and holding a positive outcome.
The New Moon offers you this technique of an expanded and larger perspective that enables you to cope with personal changes as well as any social and political transformations which will be triggered in the weeks to come.
Astrology Pattern
Our New Moon occurs at 19°Aries just 2° before Uranus. This is quite significant considering Pluto’s position at 17° Capricorn and the conjunction of Saturn and Mars also activating Uranus.
With the New Moon occurring in front of Uranus (balsamic phase), the long-term outcome is quite positive, provided we take advantage of the new technique being introduced at 19° Aries.
An extremely positive indicator is revealed in the Sabian archetype of 19° Aries.
THEME: A Strife-Transcending and Unattached Outlook Upon Everyday Reality
ARCHETYPE: The Use of Creative Imagination to Change Perspective
The overall astrology pattern is packed with the element of fire. This brings to the forefront the volatility of Uranus. Fortunately, Aries holds an inherent optimism and momentum that begins the new growth cycle launched at Spring Equinox. Although we may very likely see some major changes, both personally and in the larger world scene, in the larger perspective the changes will be good, for oftentimes Uranus clears out the old dysfunction of past generations to make way for new possibilities to arrive.
In Summary
To take advantage of the opportunities pay attention to what is being activated. Some of you will notice triggers in external circumstances, and for some the release of stagnation will trigger inner processes. The emphasis depends on your personal astrology chart. Just pay attention to the ways in which you experience change being “forced” upon you. Ask yourself: “What is stagnant and what is being released to make room for the new?”