A Positive Turning Point in History: Full Moon Astrology May 2018

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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A Positive Turning Point in History: Full Moon Astrology May 2018

A Positive Turning Point in History: Full Moon Astrology May 2018

Article Window: May 29 – June 13
• The Full Moon is Tuesday, May 29, 7:19 AM PDT
• Sun is 9° Aries, Moon is 9°
• Next New Moon: June 13
• Current New Moon Theme (May 15 – Jun 13): True Wealth

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Astrology Article:
A Positive Turning Point in History

By Steven Shroyer

Our Sagittarius Full Moon astrology brings an awareness to the true value of humanity’s struggle for a positive future. The current Sagittarius energies are inspiring all of us to reevaluate the importance of all forms of relationship from a stand point of group success. This article explores what it means for each of us if we can see beyond our outer circumstance and embrace the opportunity for a positive turning point in history.

A Brighter Future

Each Full Moon is always an extension of the previous New Moon energies and provides a new awareness that we can work with for greater success in life. Two weeks ago, the New Moon released a very positive pattern we have termed “true wealth.”

This month’s New Moon theme of “true wealth” is centered on the integration of collective value and the benefit of shared resources. In the recent New Moon article we discussed how our concepts of wealth can currently shift into a more transcendent understanding, with realizations and experiences of value that go beyond the traditional definitions of individual wealth.

This resulting shift is necessary for our future and the future wellbeing of our planet. The shifting understanding of wealth represents a turning point in how we view the resources of Nature as well as our personal resources, including health and relationships. Through this new understanding of wealth all positive experiences become the measure of one’s true wealth in life.

As this new experience of positive energy is expanded into our Sagittarius Full Moon, we will see a natural expansion of how to move forward in our relationship to life with a greater understanding of the true meaning and experience of “true wealth” as a social resource and legacy that benefits all.

Key to this new understanding is the way that the Sagittarius Moon connects us to new realizations of true wealth through the values and principles of collective wisdom and the inspiration to contribute to something larger than ourselves.

In this way Sagittarius connects us to the past and the future through our relationship with our previous generation and at the same time the generation to come. This shift in consciousness in which we own the value of the legacy we will leave is ensuring a brighter future for all. This principle of legacy is one of the key attributes of social wealth that’s being emphasized at this Full Moon.

Social Stewardship

The concept of stewardship is a key aspect of true wealth. As discussed in the recent New Moon article stewardship is about extending our values of resources to the collective, including to the future generations.

Social stewardship is born of the understanding that every generation MUST contribute to the wellbeing of all, and at the same time set the foundation for the generation that follows, in order that they are able to meet all the new challenges that will be unique to them.

At this Full Moon it’s important to extend the concept of stewardship to the necessity of preparing for the future. We must commit now to helping each other face our current challenges. We must also show up for the generations to come in order that they can develop the necessary tools to address the challenges they will face.

A Turning Point in History

There’s a natural polarization occurring in the world as the outdated forms of greed-based authority are dismantled. Our Gemini Sun is currently emphasizing our ability to see these polarities through a healthy type of duality awareness. This awareness of duality is clearly experienced by those who are beginning to see through, or pierce, the outer layer of socially accepted reality, including fear based values and artificial social divisions between people.

Our Gemini Sun is promoting the discovery of new information to help the whole of humanity pierce beyond the outer chaos in the world around us in order to connect with higher forms of wholeness and unity. The disruption and dismantling in the world is real. I believe we are currently witnessing a myriad of worldwide scandals and propaganda so that we as a collective whole can see and pierce-through this outer charade of politics, including the manufacturing of wars and the control of resources.

We are witnessing this so that we can become aware of what is really going on. This will enable us to move past the disruption so that we as a collective can create a more positive future. Once we are able to begin seeing this shift in perspective, our Full Moon awareness allows us to entertain the very real possibility that we are at a positive turning point in history. This turning point begins with our willingness to see things as they are. Our ability to show up in this way will enable us to assume a new level of ownership for our destiny.

For some, this turning point in history is not yet clearly seen. For those of us who are willing to pierce the veil of what’s presented as reality through the mainstream media and collective world view, we can see another possibility and realize that the world is going through the necessary growing pains that will ensure a bright future and group success for all of humanity.

Astrology Pattern

Astrology ChartThe overall pattern of our Full Moon chart is very positive, however its positive outlook comes with a stern warning to recognize that we are at a turning point in history. This turning point is reinforced in a powerful Kite pattern in our chart. The general signature of a Kite indicates how harmonious energies are able to work for a positive change. A Kite can also signify the quality of transformation that is possible, based on the energy of the key opposition within the spine of the Kite.

In our Kite, the signature of transformation is found through the opposition between Venus and Pluto, which suggests a reshaping of what we think as real and unreal. The turning point discussed earlier centers on our connection to our inner values (Venus as the tail of the kite) that enables us to become aware of what’s going on in the world that might be hidden from view (Venus trine Neptune and sextile Pluto).

The other key aspect of the current Kite pattern is the grand trine portion with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune. These three planets operate and function within a common frequency that expands what we love and believe in order to see beyond what we have known or believed in the past. This Neptunian “seeing beyond” indicates the possibility for a turning point and opens up a new world of transformation and opportunity beyond what we once thought was possible.

Pluto’s position holds the final key signature for our Kite. It’s the influence of Pluto that brings about the possibility of long-term group success. It reinforces the positive theme of the Sun/Moon opposition that is emphasizing the piercing of the veil. This especially indicates our ability to see beyond the outer world of conflict to what is happening beneath the surface.

The long term influence of Pluto helps us see that our true opportunity and wealth lies within how we release our perceptions of what ‘has been’ in order to show up for the collective and join together to as a group to move forward with success.


At certain points in human history we arrive at a cross-roads. All signs indicate that we are currently standing at one of these pivotal points of time.

We have a very positive Full Moon message of a bright future and group success, provided we are able to harness our current Full Moon opportunity. An opportunity of this magnitude itself becomes a type of wealth, especially when we understand the significance of our time and the part we each can play.

If we can pierce through the surface and see beyond the chaos of the world, it’s possible to understand that what we are witnessing is the opportunity for a positive a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Happy Full Moon

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