About Seattle Astrology


Astrology in Seattle really began to take hold in the University district around the year 1979. Notables, like Margaret Nalbandian began to attract up and coming world class astrologers like Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Shroyer into a new era of astrology. The spirit of astrology was kept alive in Seattle by Jeffery Green’s evolutionary astrology work. Since the mid-90’s, the spirit of Seattle astrology began to evolve under the direction of Steven Shroyer’s once he completing his medical degree. Dr. Shroyer is now a retired physician and is no longer working in the field of medical astrology. What has emerged over the following few years is a cutting-edge approach to astrology called “Pure Principle Astrology” keeping the spirit of Seattle astrology alive and vibrant.

Pure Principle Astrology

According to Dr. Shroyer, the fundamentals of Pure Principle Astrology connects the student to astrological archetypes, numerology, geometry and the psychic energies of the zodiac. By many astrologers, the rediscover of these ancient and universal principles is considered to be an Aquarian Age break-through. 

The result is a cutting-edge approach geared toward mastering astrology and understanding it’s connection to the evolution of consciousness.


Seattle Astrology is connected to multiple businesses and individuals. It’s the Aquarian Age way. Like-minded individuals are paving the way toward the future.

The Lunar Journal

The official Lunar Journal is a publication of Seattle Astrology that began in the year 2010. Steven Shroyer is the creator and the author of the Lunar Journal and is published each New Moon and Full Moon.


We are a nonprofit organization. We are looking for astrologers with professional web engineering experience. We are always looking for volunteer copy editors who also have a high level of astrologic understanding.

Seattle Astrology Education

The Seattle Astrology Education System is a modern approach to learning astrology created by Seattle Astrology and Steven Shroyer. The focus is on learning and astrology education through the use of Pure Principle Astrology.

Seattle Astrology University

The latest project of Seattle Astrology is the online astrology school, Seattle Astrology University.

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