An Abundance of Inspiration: New Moon Astrology January 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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An Abundance of Inspiration: New Moon Astrology January 2014

An Abundance of Inspiration: New Moon Astrology January 2014

  • Article Window: Jan 30 to Feb 15
  • New Moon is Thursday, Jan 30 at 3:53 pm PST
  • Sun is 11° Aquarius, Moon is 11° Aquarius
  • Lunar Month Theme (New Moon to New Moon): Expressing Inspiration
  • Chinese New Year (Lunar), Year of the Wood Horse, Jan 31
  • Full Moon is Feb 15, 8:52 pm
  • Next New Moon is Friday, Feb 28, 2014
  • Spring Equinox (Sun enters Aries), Mar 20 at 9:57 am PST

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.

Full Moon in the heart of Winter

Astrology Article: An Abundance of Inspiration

Our Aquarian New Moon brings a high degree of inspiration along with an increased desire to fully express what inspires you. This article explores the best ways to access this inspiration and ideas for how to express your inspiration and take action in ways which support your personal growth.

Will Power and Momentum

This month’s astrology is offering you success in areas of your life where you may have struggled in the past.

Currently, Pluto is conjunct Venus, both are in opposition to Jupiter which is supporting the Moon’s energy for self-expression in new ways. In other words, there is a strong pull to transcend your current circumstances through new inspired activity.

This “pull” or “desire” to leave behind the old and embrace something new provides extra momentum you can tap into. The easiest way to tap into this extra momentum is through your own will power. There is an increased ease in accessing your own will power for positive changes during this Lunar month. In other words, you can definitely use your “extra will power” to propel you into inspired action.

Don’t just “think” about this – it’s necessary to take action. In order to access the type of success the Moon is offering, it’s necessary to do more than think about success, you must act on any desires you’re feeling.

Innovation and Creativity

What inspires you? The Aquarius New Moon has the potential of getting you in touch with what inspires you, but it’s particular degree (11°) in Aquarius also requires an openness on your part to receive it.

The archetype of Aquarius is often illustrated as a “Water Bearer.” In this depiction, the water is usually flowing out and downward from an urn.

This Aquarian symbolism has confused many into thinking that Aquarius is a water sign, emphasizing feelings, but Aquarius is in fact an air sign, emphasizing new ideas and innovation. This is innovation that helps you come to a new level of mastery in the world.

To support this process, Aquarian energy flows “downward” as inspiration and creative power. It also flows “upward” with an open mind and a desire for something better. Mental clarity and an openness to guidance from above is what allows for the genius and innovation typically associated with the energy of Aquarius.

New Moon Manifesting for the New Year

To access great inspiration this month, start with an open mind.

Ask your Higher-self for guidance, look around to see where there’s a need for something better. Hold the awareness that all of the humanity is reaching upward for guidance. It’s the same quality of energy that also pushes you toward wanting to experiencing higher levels of consciousness. Holding this awareness makes it easier to access the powerful Uranian energy within Aquarius.

Accessing the brilliance of the planet Uranus, which is the ruler of Aquarius, provides a extra connection to your guidance and your Higher-self. Uranus helps you to see beyond the confines of 3D reality.

Once you have accessed a little inspiration, use your mind to help you figure out how to express it. Think of new ways, or innovative ways, to chance your circumstance into something better. New inventions aren’t the only forms of inspiration, but innovation is as it taps into the brilliance and higher guidance available through Uranus.

New Moon Tarot Reading

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In Closing

Look for these Lunar post every New Moon and Full Moon.

It is our deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you. Thank you again for your participation.

Have a wonderful week,
Steven and Elizabeth

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