by Steven Shroyer
The age of Aquarius will last approximately 2160 years. What is yet to be known is when this period will actually begins and the idea that perhaps it already has. This article explores the energies that drive Aquarius so that we can better understand what humankind can expect during the imminent Aquarian age.
The Aquarius Quickening: The Meaning of a Double Aquarian New Moon
Double New Moon Period
January 20, 2015 to February 18, 2015
The Double Aquarian New Moon is a rare astrological event. Astrological records don’t go back far enough to find the last double Aquarian New Moon with a second New Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.
The significance of the second New Moon conjunction is enhanced by Neptune’s relationship to Pisces. Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius is transitioning from the Age of Pisces. Also significant, is the precession of equinox, which occurs opposite the direction of the Sun. The Sun is moving from Aquarius to Pisces to Aries while the precession of equinox is moving from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius. While the precession of equinox is an interesting phenomenon, this article will only focus on the Aquarian energies that are being expressed.
A Double New Moon encompasses the entire Lunar cycle occurring in a single zodiac sign which condenses the power of a single sign into a Lunar cycle creating organic growth. The development of our brains and consciousness is intimately tied the Lunar cycle through this same organic process.
The significance of this organic process lies in the understanding that each zodiac sign has 30 degrees. Each degree is its own chapter and tells an entire story that functions as an important archetype to explain the flow of energy.
The 1° of Aquarius starts an important new energy process. It begins with a new principle emerging with the need to unfold and develop, next it expresses what’s been learned, followed by a period where these new principles are incorporated into strategies for success, and then new ways to cooperate with others before maturation of the initial process is completed which ends at 30°. In Sabian Astrology this referred to as the six-fold realm of maturity. It is closely linked to the cyclic numerology of six. These cyclic principles of unfolding can be broken down into the following.
1. Emerge
2. Develop
3. Express
4. Incorporate
5. Cooperate
6. Mature
The completion of this six-fold process, is the equivalent of the Lunar cycle consuming, or using, the energy of a complete zodiac sign and can be one of the most powerful periods of time during an one’s entire lifetime.
The key to using this information lies in understanding the quickening process of Aquarius. It is very likely that the zodiac month of Aquarius is in fact the quickening event to initiate the Age of Aquarius. We are not exactly sure when this event will take place, however it is an unprecedented event that will help usher in the Age of Aquarius.
The Energy Signature of Aquarius
To better understand the energy signature of Aquarius and the opportunity it offers, we can turn to its traditional symbol, the water bearer. Even though Aquarius is an air sign, it is associated with the flow of water that represents the downward flow of spiritual energy. The energy flows as light from the cosmos into our consciousness.
Another important aspect to understanding Aquarian energy is the significance of Uranus which is the ruler of Aquarius. Uranus is involved in the receiving of non-linear information which is often referred to as a download. This “download” is the water symbol depicted as the flowing water archetype of Aquarius. The “air” in Aquarius represents the quickening of consciousness and therefore the need to discipline the mind in order maximize the Aquarian ability to organize and contribute through skill and management.
The story of Aquarius begins with “pure energy” flowing from above. It’s power is vitalizing and expresses itself through the planetary ruler for Aquarius which is Uranus. Uranus functions through the principle of “creative change” and therefore quickens whatever it touches by transforming it into the individual in order to create something unique.
The Aquarian Story
Through Aquarian energy, the individual is “vitalized” by universal values. These are the expansive archetypes of the cosmos which the individual allows to flow directly into their consciousness from the universe.
This flow is the process known by many names: innovation, brilliance, inspiration, inner guidance, and the higher-Self. Aquarian energy is so powerful that unless this quickening and vitalizing flow of energy has an adequate outlet for expression, then the shadow side emerges becoming erratic, volatile, and unstable.
Aquarian energy is meant to be experienced as the internal evolutionary urge that exists as one’s inspired contribution to Self and others. Coming to terms with the responsibility and the management required to make an evolutionary difference in the world requires discipline, even if it has to take the form of revolutionary action.
Once discipline is applied to this Aquarian energy, then organization and management begins to transform the individual and whatever the individual has chosen to manage. As a result, consciousness itself is then quickened to a higher evolutionary level of inspiration that can be experienced as a higher purpose in the world.
Success is the by-product of this quickening and transformative process. Success permeates one’s life through a new and natural reorientation based on the evolutionary changes taking place in one’s consciousness.
Discipline can then transform into mental efficiency and becomes a new type of illumination which is rooted in new meaning and significance. The final result of this vitalizing and quickening process prepares us for the possibility of a metamorphosis through creative change that operates at the transpersonal level.
Living life beyond the personal level (transpersonal) carries the responsibility of understanding that your personal involvement does make a difference, and has significance that is beyond your life span, or immediate results. The final result is a complete cycle of creative change, or metamorphosis, to higher level of planetary contribution. The ability to experience any level of significant creative change is a important cycle in the evolution of consciousness. This is the deeper meaning of the “Age of Aquarius.”
The Zodiac sign of Aquarius ends with the positive embodiment of “creative change” and the possibility for metamorphosis, but the actual process of metamorphosis is governed by Neptune, the ruler of Pisces.
Aquarian energy flows into Pisces with Neptune acting as the activator of Piscean energy. Aquarian energy paves the way by vitalizing energies that when disciplined by the mind becomes the quality of brilliance and inspiration that become easily expressed. The deeper challenge is learning to express this transpersonal energy with increased permanency. The mind, once trained and disciplined, is able to execute the strategy of management and organization that becomes a preferred avenue for expressing Aquarian energies.
Aquarius comes to final completion at 30° and is considered a metamorphosis because the organic nature of the Moon is capable of consuming an entire energy ray of a zodiac sign, which in our case starts at 1° Aquarius and finishes at 30° Aquarius. In other words, what was started at last months New Moon was completed in its entirety during one Lunar cycle. The Double New Moon in Aquarius is the quickening of a lifetime and benefits those that utilize the energy in the Age of Aquarius.