Aquarian Age Journal Archive and Library
The Journal is an Aquarian project that’s dedicated to the unfolding of Golden Age of Enlightenment, or more commonly the Aquarian Age. Each issue of the Journal expands our insight utilizing in-depth astrology information. Sign up for for weekly updates.
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Astrology Research
You can now do your own astrology research right on the Seattle Astrology website. The most accurate way to study astrology is to read a chart then watch that chart play out in real time, in the moment. This approach is a true art form and can’t in a traditional educational system. Astrology has a pattern its this pattern is knowable. Over decades we can see exactly what these energies are, how they work and interact, and what qualities they have.

The Transformational Journey into the Golden Aquarian Age
New Aquarius Energies
The Aquarian Age is now fully active, and we are collectively in the process of ushering

Knowing What, How and Whom to Trust
New Capricorn Energies
Our solar activation in Capricorn can offer significant support for anyone who has experienced the challenges

A Golden-haired Goddess of Opportunity
Sagittarius New Moon
With Pluto in Aquarius, favorable energies are aligning and highlighting an opportunity for a great worldwide
Aquarian Updates on the Massive Frequency Shift Occurring
“Cosmic geometry points the way to Consciousness and Spirit.”
The ‘Journal’ has been in continuous publication since 2011. Steven’s ongoing research over the past years has been following a massive cosmic shift that is now in full effect. We are currently in an important transition period between the ‘old empire’ and the new golden age. The energies during this period have revealed to be an incredible pattern for freedom, and active force against freedom.
Don’t miss a single issue. Published periodical, often on the new and full moon.
(This publication has gone through multiple name changes over the years.)
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Aquarian Age Update
This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.