Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

Challenging Times are Faced with Courage

Challenging Times are Faced with Courage

Aquarian Age Update

In our current cycle, Aquarius is activating a high frequency quality of courage that is energizing our shift into our rapidly developing 5D world. This high-frequency era, which has been on the horizon for decades, is now here and in full swing.

Now that it has been activated by Pluto, Aquarius has become the most powerful sign in the zodiac. With our current New Moon, not only is Aquarius being highly energized by Pluto, but we’re also experiencing a stellium of planets in Aquarius as well. This combination of events is exactly what we need to bring more awareness to the changes that are occurring in our personal lives as well as in the world. This is especially true now that we are collectively taking our next evolutionary steps forward into the higher frequencies of new realities.

The challenge many of us are currently facing is the unknown of how this new reality will function in everyday terms. Will it simply unfold with minimal effort and awareness, or will it require intentional individual participation? There are practical answers to these questions and practical things that each of us can do to put to use what we’re discovering.

As we move forward, to the best of our ability we’ll use this journal to address answers to these questions from an astrological perspective. With this in mind, let’s expand on how our current Aquarius activation is increasing our frequencies in ways that are benefiting each of us.

Higher frequency living is the key to making a natural and spontaneous shift into the next era we’re calling the Aquarian Age. To better understand this shift from an astrological perspective, we’ll need to use our awareness to better understand the mechanics of our great shift. This includes a willingness to observe some of the distortions that are preventing our spirits from quickly adopting high frequency qualities like courage and resilience.

There are many forms of distortion that affect our awareness and ability to expand. Some of these distortions come directly from astrology which hasn’t always done a good job of describing such concepts as spirituality, consciousness, dimensions and soul. Moving forward we will do our best to minimize distortion and confusion when it comes to such important concepts.

As we make this monumental shift, the rate of change, in combination with the challenge of distortion, makes it easy for people to feel discouraged and disillusioned. In the effort to offer encouragement it’s common for us to hear platitudes and reassurances that aren’t particularly useful or practical in helping people understand how to face real challenges and disappointments.

With the new Aquarian frequencies we are learning to see reality from a higher vantage point. With our shift from 3D to 5D perception, it’s important that we recognize what’s actually taking place (5D) when all that we see on the surface (3D) indicates that things are falling apart.

Along these lines, I feel quite inspired to share what I’ve been learning from my own personal shifts in consciousness. This includes a huge shift in my understanding of astrology. The more I work with our new paradigm, the more I am aware of how our cosmic energies are supporting us. As our frequencies increase, the living energies of the planets and the zodiac are helping us even more than they have in the past.

Our Solar energies at the New Moon provide a refreshing glimpse into tangible ways our planet is helping us make this energetic shift, while providing practical solutions for experiencing the higher frequencies of new Aquarian energies.

Aquarius Energies are Fully Activated

Our Aquarius New Moon brings into clear focus the Solar power of our Sun in Aquarius. With Aquarius now the most powerful sign in the zodiac, these energies are off-the-chart powerful. With the New Moon in Aquarius we have a special opportunity to connect more deeply with the Aquarian energies of the new age. This opportunity also coincides with the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon.

One practical way to connect with Aquarian energies is to focus your attention on the high frequency qualities that are being activated. Some of these qualities include courage of spirit, love of freedom, your ability to directly communicate with your spirit, and a clear vision on where humanity is heading (into higher dimensions).

Other interesting qualities that we now have access to include discernment, and a greater ability to know and feel what is true and when we are being lied to. This also comes with increased resilience and flexibility in how we think things ‘should’ be. With these shifts it’s becoming quite easy to see the true intentions behind those who want to limit and restrict us. It’s becoming easy to see through deceptions.

We can no longer live from the assumption that our leaders know what’s best for us. We’re now taking responsibility for defining exactly what authentic leadership is, what a community is, and what forms of benevolent governance we will create to better serve us.

Aquarius New Moon

The Aquarius New Moon falls on 21° Aquarius. At the 21st degree of Aquarius there’s a special focus on clearing the emotional past in preparation for going in a new direction.

The Sabian archetype for 21° Aquarius shows us how to access the courage necessary to activate our connection to our spirit. This in turn provides each of us the resilience we need whenever life takes an unexpected or challenging turn.

ARCHETYPE: A new approach that utilizes the present moment, through the integrity of our spirit, to clear the past and release the emotional baggage of past events.
COMMENTARY: A dispassionate and neutral relationship with past trauma, disappointment, and disillusionment is transformative and freeing to one’s spirit. When the emotional body is cleared of emotions that were not allowed to flow through the body naturally, a newfound freedom and clarity emerge, untainted by past experience. It requires courage to recognize that the mind does not need to cling to those past traumas, events and emotions that prevent living fully in the present moment.

The woman in this amazing Sabian archetype represents the intuitive aspect of ourselves. By connecting to Spirit, this intuitive aspect of self is able to access higher frequencies of courage in order to release emotional baggage and move forward in life.

This Sabian is even more intriguing when we explore where high-frequency courage comes from. Courage, as described in this archetype, is not simply bravery or the absence of fear. Courage in this context is a quality that flows directly from an individual’s spirit. When we remember that we can only fully access our spirit from our heart center in the present moment, we realize that this quality of courage is a natural function of our spiritual nature and always exists at a high frequency.

Allowing for the Natural Flow of Emotions

None of us are completely immune from past trauma, disappointment, and disillusionment. However, when you and your spirit come into an integrous relationship, then the emotions that have been trapped can be released. Moving forward, when emotions become activated and we are able to observe them, we can allow them to effortlessly flow through all of our physical and etheric bodies without getting stuck.

This ability to observe is what is meant in the Sabian by being dispassionate, which leads to the ability to experience emotions without the damaging side effects of hanging on to the past trauma.

The process of allowing emotions to flow naturally through the body takes a quality of courage that can only come from one’s spirit. Through the practical use of the courage that we access from our spirit, each of us are able to live in a way that minimizes the side-effects of trauma which, when trapped, continuously loop over and over again whenever triggered.

This spiritual process of clearing the emotional body is both challenging and extremely exhilarating. Utilizing our Aquarian energies to live from our spirits, we are now able to be more present in the moment, free from the taint of past experiences that limit our happiness and ability to move forward in new directions.


Our Aquarian energies suggest that true courage is an intuitive high-frequency quality that emanates from our spirit, allowing us to move forward in life with freedom and inspiration. This form of courage exists in the present moment, untainted by past fears or traumas, and is a reflection of our spiritual nature.

To live dispassionately and free from the effects of past trauma, we must maintain an integrous relationship with our spirit, allowing our emotions to flow through without getting stuck. In this way we are able to harness the courage to be fully present and then experience the freedom to move forward in any direction we desire.

With Integrity of Spirit,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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