Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

Creating the Blueprint for a New World

Creating the Blueprint for a New World

Aquarian Age Update

We have been talking in these articles for some time now about the new Aquarian era. We have focused a lot on the new qualities of freedom and prosperity, and the way that these qualities are becoming the new cultural backbone that shapes our new era.

This new world is being created by us, through our inspiration. The template, or blueprint, of what we’re creating isn’t found in a written manual, nor is it a cult fantasy. We’re creating the template together. What is most important is not what the blueprint will look like, but how we access it through the conscious gateway of our heart center. By following our inspiration and what excites us the most, we are creating the blueprint of this new era through the principles of freedom, prosperity, and our pure creativity.

There is currently an energy of great hope and a very bright reality on our horizon. This energy allows us to more easily access the inner knowledge of our heart center, enabling us to experience a conscious shift away from a lower frequency reality to the higher frequency of a new dimension.

To better understand how our creative passion helps us expand into these new dimensions, we can gain some insight from our current Full Moon polarity. This polarity between Aries and Libra provides a very practical way to help us access the inner knowledge we need to shift our dimensional reality.

Accessing Higher Dimensions: The Aries-Libra Polarity

With our Sun in the early degrees of Aries, we have access to an extremely high charge of inspiration that’s building creative passion within us.

Aries energy helps us move beyond all types of limitation so we can step into the joy of exploration. When Aries energies build, it’s important for these energies to have an outlet, preferably something exciting or passionate. Fortunately, the Libra Full Moon is opening the perfect outlet to allow us to experience the expression of these Aries energies.

Libra offers an ideal complement to the creative passion of Aries. Libra gives the gift of an expanded perspective that enables us to be fully authentic. It also illuminates the Libra shadow when we’re not authentic, including superficial aspects of social influence that encourage a person to trade their integrity for popularity and respect.

This Libra higher frequency of ‘big picture perspective’ is made even stronger when it can draw directly from Aries at the Full Moon. The Aries strength of purpose and intent sees right through superficial social interactions that the Libra shadow obscures, and exposes the superficiality of accepting the group’s consensus to simply “fit” in.

This example can show us how the highest potential of each Full Moon resides, not in the isolated location of the moon, but in the 180° connection to its polar opposite in the Sun. When this geometric activation occurs, a direct line of energy is activated within the zodiac that energizes and creates a harmonic of combined, integrated energies of a higher order.

Active Qualities of Aries and Libra

There are many significant qualities currently being activated by the Aries – Libra polarity. Libra holds an expanding energy that helps us put into perspective (Libra) our own creative drive (Aries) to experience a more fulfilling reality. Aries helps us keep in touch with our own inspiration (Aries), and the strength to not trade it for the approval, or acceptance of others (Libra shadow).

Aries qualities include: Passion for something greater, rebirth, fearlessness, spiritual intuition, an energized capacity for individuality, inspiration of a higher order or dimension, a new quality of being, and complete independence from the social controlling order.

Aries’ shadow includes: Fear of being isolated, fear of failure, fear of being forgotten, fear of being a true individual, the inability to follow one’s inspiration, the inability to set one’s own path in the world, and a lack of connection to one’s own spirit.

Libra qualities include: Optimism, a higher capacity to imagine what’s possible, accessing an expanded awareness, developing an independent and objective perspective, seeing the bigger picture of any situation, and giving and receiving information through the frequencies of direct transmission.

Libra’s shadow includes: Fear of not fitting in, being inauthentic, a lack of self worth, adherence to group thinking, compromising independence by adopting the perspective of others, fear of being a social outcast, using popularity to support feelings of superiority, and an inability to see the bigger picture.

Libra: The Balancing Dance of a New Dimension

The idea of balance is often associated with the energies of Libra. Libra’s natural gift of balance helps us come into relationship with the larger picture of life, through the inspiration to participate and be authentic.

Libra is at its highest potential when transmitting and communicating its authentic self. When Libra energy is working properly it acts more as a balancing dance than it does a quality of balance. Libra’s inherent understanding of interactions easily avoids becoming unbalanced by the shadow aspects of information, social status, and the low frequency of group thinking.

A New Dimension of Reality

The Sabian archetype for our Sun at 5° Aries indicates your capacity to experience a higher frequency. This is very relevant to our expansion into the Aquarian Age and the new dimensions of reality that we are beginning to experience.

ARCHETYPE: The capacity to ascend to a new dimension.
COMMENTARY: The concept of flying or elevating beyond traditional points of reference is symbolized by the wings, representing one’s capacity to reach for, and attain, a higher dimension of consciousness or reality. This is a state in which everyone has the capacity to go beyond their perceived limits in consciousness. When the desire to ascend is fulfilled, it allows the individual to become more than what was previously thought possible. Each new dimension of consciousness that emerges leads to awareness of a new reality, a new era, or a new world of possibility.

This Sabian captures our imagination, by describing how our new capabilities are beginning to emerge. It introduces concepts that help us to expand and adjust to dimensions we are only beginning to experience. What’s described is our experience of moving past limits in consciousness. This dimensional shift in consciousness is an important aspect of our new Aquarian era, in which old ways of thinking are fading away and a new world of possibility is waiting for us. We can’t help but feel excited when we imagine these potentials.

The Sabian for 5° Libra completes our Full Moon polarity by describing a hidden process that reveals just how our new world of possibility can be built.

ARCHETYPE: The experience of illumination observed by those who seek the fullness of understanding and inner knowledge.
COMMENTARY: What is experienced in the transmission of knowledge is the Being-ness and elevated-frequency of creation, and not just the information. The student experiences inner knowledge through the illumination of what’s observed as it moves through the teacher. What’s observed is the higher frequency within the message, for it’s not the teacher which is emphasized, but what flows through the teacher as illumination and inner knowledge. In this way, the teacher is seen as a silent vehicle of truth and not aggrandized or put upon a pedestal.

This Sabian provides the secret to receiving, expressing and experiencing an authentic transmission of wisdom. Communication becomes authentic when the frequency of what’s being passed or transmitted is recognized. We are expanding our ability to transmit beyond information or mere words. What can be shared or received is the higher frequency contained within the message. This is what is meant by the ‘experience of illumination’ when speaking of spiritual insight or inner knowledge.

‘Sitting quietly’ refers to the peace energy of the heart, which is felt and heard by one’s intuitive faculties. This Sabian makes the clear distinction between a true frequency-based transmission and the mind energy of words and information. This distinction is important to this discussion because our ability to feel, hear, and experience higher frequency isn’t possible in our mind; it can only occur within our heart-energy.

The concept of frequency is essential to understanding our cosmic shift. This is why we have been speaking about frequency a lot in recent articles. One simple way to understand our shift is through the understanding that all physical matter is frequency at its fundamental core. All creativity and spiritual insight are also frequencies that function at a higher level of consciousness.

It is through this insight of working intentionally with higher frequencies that we, together, are accessing the inner knowledge and blueprint of the new world we are creating. Remember, this blueprint resides within the heart-energy of each individual. It’s not a fated outcome that is preordained or written in a book. It’s creative, flexible, and accessed through our inner knowledge.

A New Dimension and a New World

Building a new creative world of hope and prosperity is the dynamic dance we experience as our consciousness rises in frequency. The process of developing the template of our new world is occurring within us worldwide, whether or not we are fully conscious of the shift.

This process is rapidly accelerated when we reverse our decision-making process from our minds to our heart energy. This isn’t an emotional process. It’s a frequency shift in consciousness that will become commonplace as we move more and more into our heart’s conscious gateway, which is always able to access inner knowledge and the higher dimensions of light.


When we embrace the higher frequency of our heart energy we open the door to a new dimension of reality, paving the way for a world built on collaboration through profound insights and authentic connections.

As we harness this higher-frequency energy, the blueprint for a new world becomes clearer, driven by our ability to access and implement our inner wisdom. This pivotal shift marks the dawn of a new era in which creating a world of hope and prosperity is not just a vision, but a tangible reality shaped by inner guidance and our highest excitement.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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