The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius: Eclipse Astrology Aug 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius: Eclipse Astrology Aug 2017

The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius: Eclipse Astrology Aug 2017

Astrology Report
Aug 7 to Aug 21

• Full Moon is Monday, Aug 7, 11:11 AM PDT
• Lunar Eclipse Event & Portal
• Sun is 16° Leo, Moon is 16° Aquarius
• Next New Moon: Total Solar Eclipse, Aug 21
• Current New Moon Theme (July 23 – Aug 21): Responding to New Territory

Current Lunar Cycle

Each Lunar Eclipse opens a brief cosmic doorway resulting in a new awareness, ability, or insight to be used for inspired action. This beneficial pattern is delivered through an energetic portal that opens in the zodiac at the exact moment of the eclipse.

The Eclipse portal remains open and active until the Moon returns to this location in the zodiac during its next lunar cycle. In the coming days, while the portal is open, look for new ways to express yourself while taking inspired action, especially through whatever you have embraced or experienced during our current Lunar cycle. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of this natural time of expansion.


Eclipse Astrology Article — The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius

Written by Steven Shroyer
Co-author, Elizabeth Schermer

The upcoming Aquarius Lunar Eclipse holds a spectacular signature that has attracted a lot of astrological attention. My personal excitement around the event is centered on a new ability that the eclipse is introducing to everyone on the planet.

At the precise moment of each Lunar Eclipse, when the Moon briefly loses contact with the Sun, a cosmic doorway opens in the zodiac. Through this portal we receive a new awareness, ability, and insight to be used for inspired action. This new ability transcends the normal experiences of space/time reality and enables us to take quantum leaps forward, both personally and as a cultural collective.  The current eclipse portal will remain open and active for the coming 27 days, until September 3 when the Moon returns to this location in the zodiac during the next lunar cycle.

As we dive into the details of what we can expect to experience in the coming days, let’s first look at the signature of the eclipse portal itself and then put that signature into the larger context of the overall astrology pattern.

The Signature of the Aquarian Portal

The specific Aquarian signature of this Lunar Eclipse is introducing an improved management ability. This new ability will lead to insights that enable each of us to consciously work with the new level of momentum we are experiencing as we enter new territory in our lives. This new territory of experience is part of the overall pattern of expansion that’s been unfolding for the past several months. This new territory can be the result of new perspectives within existing circumstances or entirely new experiences of reality. (See recent New Moon article for a more thorough description.)

The management signature of this Aquarian portal is associated with acquiring a more sophisticated approach to working with the energies of life itself.  In very real ways in the coming days you will be exploring and learning how to engage and respond to the new territory into which you have stepped.

The overall pattern of this eclipse, within the larger New Moon theme of “Responding to New Territory,” points to the very real potential for positive change in your life. There are several signatures indicating this positive shift, including the Aquarian Moon itself, as well as the ways that both Jupiter and Mars are supporting personal expansion and playing a significant role in helping all of us integrate the eclipse effect into our personal situations.

Managing Aquarian Energies and Moving into the Aquarian Age

Within the overall pattern of the astrology chart, this Aquarius eclipse brings the meaning of the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” into clear focus. The importance of this big picture Aquarian signature is paramount in understanding exactly what needs to be managed through the portal activation and how to successfully meet whatever challenges you will face in the coming days.

Each astrological age lasts over 2000 years and introduces a new theme into the development of consciousness. We are currently leaving the age of Pisces and moving into the age of Aquarius, which centers around our expansion into a golden age of consciousness and cooperation between the individual and the larger cultural collective.

This Aquarian expansion can only happen when the creative brilliance of all individuality is honored and supported by society. From this perspective, breakdowns in society will occur when those who are in charge use their authority to limit freedom, control resources and promote fear. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is forcing us to examine the necessary breakdowns within society in which the individual has been reduced to a secondary position of service to larger systems of corrupt control.

Moving back to the energies of the current eclipse, the Moon in Aquarius represents the creation of larger social systems that ensure individual freedoms and creative cooperation. The Sun in Leo is opposite to Aquarius, and represents the needs of the individual, especially the need to fully express one’s personal creativity and power.

Uranus, as the ruler of Aquarius, is also indirectly contributing to these Aquarian energies of creation and breakdown. Uranus has a duel role. It functions as an expansive creative force that we can access through our intuition, and also functions to break apart that which needs to crumble so the new can begin to build.

For many people Uranus functions largely at the unconscious level of breakdown. When harnessed consciously, however, Uranian intuition pierces the veil of current reality, enabling you to see beyond the 3-D world. Uranus taps you directly into the bigger picture of the new Aquarian age we are now entering.

Accessing Uranian intuition requires that we live with a higher level of personal freedom and individuality, in order to transcend the cultural limitations we experience while living in a strictly material world. We can’t move into the new age with a power structure that doesn’t honor individual freedom, creativity and independence. Uranus helps us step into personal freedom by seeing beyond the veil.

In the Aquarian Age, the role of the collective is to fully support the individual, and not the other way around. Moving forward into new territory, what we create needs to work for the individual as well as the collective. Our new Age of Aquarius must be rooted in personal freedom in order for collective brilliance to fully emerge.

The energy signature within this eclipse directly relates to the significance of the Age of Aquarius and the world we are entering. The portal’s theme of “Management” is a necessary step in our expansion, for in order for expansion to succeed it must be successfully managed. When personal freedom and individual expression are repressed, as they are in many ways in our world, the drive for creativity revolts against those who oppose.

Astrology Pattern

This overall eclipse pattern is transmitting an increased ability to manage all of the changes needed for co-creating a positive and beneficial world for everyone.  As we move into the Aquarian Age, these new capacities for creation include processes of breakdown and the ability to let go of what no longer works.

To be clear, this eclipse portal is NOT about creating chaos and revolution. Rather, the signature of management is about understanding the forces of change. When we understand how to manage the necessary changes, we can also access new level of personal freedom. Each individual who connects with these larger energies helps our transition. Together as a collective we will make the necessary changes to create a society that fully supports the individual, without the need for suppression and corruption that’s associated with some of our current structures.

Mars and Jupiter are working together In harmony with the Full Moon to play an important role in the overall astrology pattern, supporting expansion as well as integration of the eclipse energies.

Jupiter is in a last-quarter sextile position with the Sun/Mars conjunction, signifying that it’s time to change our perspective about what expansion will mean and what it will look like. Jupiter’s specific location is also highly significant. It’s incredible that Jupiter was also at 18° Libra on Apr 10th of this year, conjunct the Libra Full Moon. This Full Moon brought into focus the real possibility of creating a new level of abundance and cooperation in the world, on a personal level as well as collectively and in the culture-at-large.

Jupiter’s return to this location signals an anchoring of those signatures within the larger portal activation. With our current eclipse, the prior focus of possibility has now progressed into an actual skill to be explored and used. At the earlier Libra Moon, creating a new level of abundance was only a possibility. Now, with the eclipse, the energies can be accessed as a skill to be managed, enjoyed, and even celebrated.

Jupiter is all about expansion, however this is an expansion that is managed and organized through organic (organized) growth. This signature of management is furthered emphasized by the fact that Jupiter is highly aspected throughout the chart, connected with nearly all of the remaining planets. The management signature includes Jupiter’s trine to the Moon which supports the bigger picture, representing the individual moving into the Age of Aquarius.

Mars is conjunct the Sun in a new-phase relationship, meaning the Sun has already passed over Mars and is beginning to pull away. This new-phase position is providing a tremendous amount of momentum within the eclipse pattern.

Understanding the relationship of Mars with the Sun is a key to success with this eclipse signature. The Mars contribution of enjoyment and momentum is an important part of this eclipse energy. Feeling the portal effect — catching the wave of new potential — can be accelerated by recharging your own internal processes. The best way to harness the Mars energy of the eclipse is by channeling its momentum through relaxation, enjoyment, and celebrating the positive momentum in your own life.  The specific actions you choose will be an individualized expression. For some the activity might be hosting a party, for others it will be inspired and creative work. Although there is potential intensity associated with this eclipse, the overall signature of momentum is quite positive.

Ultimately, success now is about managing your own energies. The way you do this is entirely dependent on individual circumstances. For some people success in the coming weeks will be expressed as a type of revolution. This can happen on many levels. For example, the revolution could simply be your own response to your personal patterns of stress. Ultimately, the energy of expansion is leading each of us to celebrate our new momentum and revolt against any aspects within the cultural collective that don’t support the individual, especially individual freedom and creativity.


The Lunar eclipse brings with it an enhanced ability to manage new Aquarian-type energies that support both the personal and the big picture dawning of the Aquarian Age.  As humanity has shifted into this new territory of expanded awareness, the energy of transition itself needs to be managed at a higher level.

The signature of the Age of Aquarius is precisely this transition of consciousness, including the transformation of the culture, whether through personal or collective revolt. What’s unique about this Aquarian revolt is that this is a sophisticated rebellion. In keeping with the Aquarian Age, there’s nothing haphazard or chaotic with our Lunar Eclipse. It’s a managed transition into new territory focused on the benefit of all.

The Lunar eclipse portal will be active for the next 27 days. During this time you can use your new skills of energy management to recharge. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of this natural time of expansion. Use new momentum to imagine ways to manage the shift in energies for yourself as well as the larger picture involving the cultural collective.

We each have a part to play.  It is our opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the collective shift and help move humanity gracefully into the golden Age of Aquarius.

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