Discovering New-Found Freedom in Self Expression — New Moon Astrology Aug 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Discovering New-Found Freedom in Self Expression — New Moon Astrology Aug 2016

Discovering New-Found Freedom in Self Expression — New Moon Astrology Aug 2016

Article Window: Aug 2 to Sept 1
• The New Moon is Aug 2, 2016  1:44pm PDT
• Sun is 11° Leo, Moon is 11° Leo
• New Moon Theme (Aug 2 to Sept 1):  Self-expression through Spontaneity
• Next Full Moon is Aug 18, 2016 (Lunar Eclipse)

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar Cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.


Astrology Article: Discovering New-Found Freedom in Self Expression

The New Moon astrology for this month brings a new quality of energy that thrives on self-expression and the experience of spontaneous freedom to engage in new types of creative activities.

The particular type of spontaneous activity that’s being supported this month isn’t necessarily carefree, nor is it free from the consequences of poor judgement. Rather it arises from a new sense of mental clarity. This is the spontaneity of a balanced mind capable of thinking clearly, able to make good decisions, readily able to express itself, and energized by feelings of freedom and self-expression.

The hard work and character building that the Lunar cycles have established over the past several months (see last month’s New Moon article) is now being harnessed for this new level of creativity and freedom.

This Lunar month you can look forward to reaping rewards from those challenging times when it felt difficult to rise to the occasion. It’s time to celebrate the rewards for your perseverance, maturity, and your commitment to personal growth.

Spontaneous Activity

Spontaneous activity isn’t the same thing as random, or even unstructured, activity. Spontaneity in this New Moon context rises from a mind free from past conditioning and the cultural controls taking place around you. There are many pressures and responsibilities we all must face, but what’s important during this lunar phase of growth is the freshness of life that is flowing through you in the present moment.

This creative freshness is everywhere. The spontaneous new energies are rising from the Earth below and simultaneously pouring down from the Universe above. To take full advantage of the opportunities this Lunar month, it will be important to feel the freedom and clarity that is flowing everywhere around you and through you.

During the next two weeks, focus on reaping the rewards of your past efforts. Freely express yourself as you feel the creativity flowing through you. Your new-found sense of freedom and mental clarity will be most easily experienced through your own self-expression.

Astrology Pattern

New Moon Astrology Chart for Aug 2016Along with all the creative energy readily available during this New Moon, there is also a Mars/Saturn conjunction that occupies a prominent position in our New Moon chart. On a personal level, this is an extremely beneficial configuration.

The configuration represents your ability to take action (Mars) and reap the reward (Mars balsamic to Saturn) of past efforts and struggles (Saturn). It also emphasizes the positive pathways and structuring of clear thinking and the freedom that comes with it (Mars/Saturn T-square Mercury/Neptune).

On a collective level this conjunction can potentially be problematic, as the energies can be leveraged to stir up trouble at an institutional, corporate, and governmental level. With the current pattern, the collective energies of Saturn can be harnessed in negative ways, however because of the balsamic phase of the configuration, it’s likely that the collective problems that emerge at least at this first part of the cycle, will be related to the past and to patterns that are outdated and being released.

All in all, this is a very positive astrology pattern and a positive New Moon. Your opportunity for expansion comes directly from personally expressing the creative energies that are building in Leo and through this expression experiencing a new sense of freedom and spontaneity in your life.

Happy New Moon

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