Discovering What Holds You Back: New Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Discovering What Holds You Back: New Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Discovering What Holds You Back: New Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Discovering What Holds You Back

New Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Article Window: Oct 19 to Nov 19
• New Moon is Thursday Oct 19, 12:12 PM PDT
• Sun is 27° Libra, Moon is 27° Libra
• Next Full Moon: Nov 3
• Current New Moon Theme (Oct 19 – Nov 19): A Greater Capacity to Participate

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to life’s changing circumstances.

Astrology Article: Discovering What Holds You Back

Written by Steven Shroyer
Co-authored by Elizabeth Schermer

Our Libra New Moon astrology is introducing a new capacity to make a difference in the world. This new capacity includes your ability to deal with the stresses and social pressures of life. It also enables you to access opportunities for new growth through the discovery of what’s previously been holding you back.

There’s a major shift in the energy signatures we’ve experienced through the previous several lunar cycles. We are integrating now the intense activations and learning processes that have taken place over the past several months. The New Moon is coalescing these previous activations into new capacities so that we’re able to utilize what we’ve experienced and learned.

Participation through Group Activity

The Libra energy signature of this New Moon is helping us to take what we’ve learned and apply it to a larger context. Specifically, this month we’ll be applying what we’ve learned through all forms of group participation.

Participation is a key aspect of the Libra theme. It’s the transition from Virgo to Libra that enables us to move from the personal to the group perspective.  This movement from Virgo to Libra also strengthens our ability to maintain balance between our personal growth (Virgo) and  all forms of larger contribution (Libra).

The shift this month will enable you to participate in life at a different level. What’s unique about this particular Libra Moon is that the signature of new participation happens directly through activity rather than through new types of thinking or new perspectives, which are the typical aspects of Libra participation.

The Importance of Happiness

You will recognize the specific activities that this Moon is evoking through your personal connection to the energy signatures of joy and happiness. This alignment with inner joy and happiness is not necessarily about the specific physical outcome of your actions, but rather the spirit of your attitude and the quality of inner awareness that you bring to the activity. Ultimately, this inner awareness connected to happiness is about shifting your perspective regarding the meaning of success, and your relationship to all forms of status quo within the world.

Group participation guided by your alignment with happiness will help you expand into new levels experiences of personal success. This new success moves beyond the ways in which you have experienced success in the past. Old ideas of success are being challenged now in order to break down and shatter outdated status quo perspectives and break through whatever is holding you back from your potential.

Status quo experiences of success refer to limiting personal beliefs as well as traditional cultural definitions of what it means to be successful in the world.  As our awareness of shifts, we’re able to participate in new and more expanded forms of success.

This ability to let go of external measures of success is a key aspect of co-creation, which requires us to release attachment to the way things have been in the past.

We’re integrating now all of the learning from recent cycles. The more you are able rise above your immediate circumstances to embrace a greater reality, then the more you’ll be able experience success throughout this Lunar cycle, and the more opportunities you’ll find for stepping into opportunities for creative activity through new levels of group participation.

As this new Lunar cycle develops over the coming month, observe your connection to inner happiness and your ability to act from these inner feelings. Pay close attention to how you access and integrate a new-found faith in yourself. Through these experiences you’ll have the opportunity to re-think and re-define what success and “successful living” means to you.

Astrology Pattern

Oct New Moon ChartOur New Moon astrology pattern centers around a group of planets (stellium) that are all working together. It’s this stellium energy that is enabling the integration and coalescence of the intense activity of the previous lunar cycles.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter are combining their energies to enable us to participate in the world in new ways. The Sun/Moon conjunction is providing a new capacity to access expanded awareness and participate (Libra) in something greater. Mercury is allowing us to re-think exactly how we are interacting and cooperating with the status quo, which is represented by Jupiter. In this chart, Jupiter is also contributing to new forms of participation by working with Mercury to expand your intuitive awareness of harmonious interactions.

Uranus and Saturn also have important roles to play in contributing to the New Moon pattern.

Uranus, in opposition to our stellium, and gives us an intuitive capacity to think beyond the existing physical and social realms of the world.  With this new intuitive capacity, Uranus is supporting your desire to break free from whatever is holding you back, so that you can expand into something greater.  Within this specific chart, Uranus is directly supporting you to shatter old ideas of success so that new forms of success (and the understanding of what success means) can take hold. This ability is what’s enabling your expansion into new forms of participation.

Saturn, on the other hand, is supporting the here and now. Specifically, Saturn is contributing to your ability to experience joy, happiness, and clarity within your present circumstances. This is possible once you are able to reevaluate what success means to you (the expanded capacity of Uranus).


Our New Moon is introducing a new capacity enabling you to expand your ability to participate in the world. You’re being called now to break through barriers and participate in activities that allow you to experience new forms of success.

The specifics of what you experience this month will vary. What’s important is your willingness to rethink your relationships to the world and what successful living means to you on a personal level. As you connect to the feeling of happiness within, your faith in yourself will operate at an increased level. Your experience of happiness can be used as an internal indicator in order to choose activity that’s geared toward new ideas of success. As you discover what’s been holding you back in your previous relationship to the world, you’ll experience greater and more transcendent awareness of what is possible in your life.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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