Discovering Your Place in the World — New Moon Astrology Report July 2021

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Discovering Your Place in the World — New Moon Astrology Report July 2021

Discovering Your Place in the World — New Moon Astrology Report July 2021

New Moon Astrology Report July 9, 2021

July 9 to Aug 8

  • 19° Cancer New Moon is Friday, July 9, 6:17 PM PDT
  • New Moon Theme: July 9 – Aug 8: Discovering Your Place in the World
  • The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire Lunar cycle that follows. This creative momentum is for energizing your life’s purpose and personal growth, especially while adjusting to evolving circumstances.

Astrology Article — Discovering Your Place in the World

Our New Moon in Cancer is focusing our attention on how we go about finding our place in the world.
In Cancer, there’s an underlying need to establish one’s identity as an independent and empathic individual. For this reason, our New Moon energies are ideal for expanding your sense of individuality and how that relates to your place in the world.

The Deeper Role of Identity

The concept of identity has multiple meanings. This article is focusing on the astrological meaning of identity through the lens of Cancer. 
What the universe is bringing into focus during this Lunar cycle is an upgrade to our consciousness that directly impacts our connection to the actual foundation from where our identity originates. This deeper understanding of where identity originates is a deeper teaching of Cancer.
Within the Cancer archetype of our New Moon there is also the desire to discover your larger place in the world. This is a quality of identity into which we’re all continuously expanding.
Cancer is traditionally presented as nurturing energy that’s focused on one’s home and family. This is the first developmental step of the individual’s discovery of their larger role in the world. Traditional astrology has often stopped here. The more modern and holistic approach to Cancer involves a larger global understanding of how personal identity is nurtured and developed.
Cancer looks inward to discover what connects the individual to something larger. This “something larger” isn’t meant to stop at the family boundary line, but instead extends outward into one’s world, and even globally and beyond. This makes Cancer’s energy much more than a social construct of home and family.
This quality of connection and association with others, as I’ll explain, isn’t meant to be the same as one’s personal sense of identity.
Within much of our current world’s culture, identity is defined as an association with something external to the person. This form of identity can include one’s race, family, achievements, group membership, and ideology. Once again, from our perspective these forms of association aren’t the same as true identity.

Heightened Awareness of True Identity

True identity lies within. Using a more progressive and holistic outlook, one’s personal identity rises from a deep internal source of spiritual energy.   This inner essence of ‘what’ you are is experienced through an inner quality of awareness. In astrological terms this quality of inner essence is described through your Ascendant, or AC.  In one’s natal chart the astrological ascendant is associated with the soul’s essence which indicates “what” you are.
This quality of inner essence, “what” you are, is entirely different than the outer social identity of “who” you are.  In astrological terms, ‘who’ you are in the world is found through your astrological descendent,  or DC. Your DC involves the aspects of your personality that directly engages in the world. It also involves the labels or designations that others place upon you.
Once your identity is anchored within, through your spiritual sense of self and your inner essence, your personal identification in the world can never be controlled by what others think about you or project upon you.
Our New Moon is bringing new awareness and a new quality of connection to your inner essence, your divine spark of cosmic energy, your unique expression of the infinite creator. One’s ability to feel connected to something larger or deeper is one of Cancer’s holistic qualities. This describes how we can establish our identity at the soul or spirit level.
As you develop your identity in relation to “what” you are (your inner essence) instead of only “who” you are (external labels as defined by your culture), you develop the ability to connect to your world energetically as a global being.
Through this process you also establish your personal connection to the larger cosmic cycles, including the consciousness of the Aquarian Age which is ruled by the planet Uranus and prominently positioned in our New Moon chart.

Astrology Pattern

Our astrology bowl pattern is a concentrating type of energy that’s focused on the planet Uranus through a T-square. Our pattern also features our New Moon opposed by Pluto which is a very powerful factor within the overall chart.
Uranus T-Square
A T-square represents a potential conflict (opposition) with an easy solution (square) that resolves the conflicting energies. In our New Moon chart it’s Uranus that resolves the opposition between Venus/Mars (conjunct) opposed by Saturn.
The overall energy of this aspect is focused on Uranus at 15° Taurus, which is the first of the four great power points of the zodiac. With Uranus on this degree, the individual’s worth is built on internal character. This provides an infusion of spiritual energy that’s full of courage and able to meet any crisis.
In this aspect with Uranus, the Venus/Mars conjunction is able to integrate natural polarities, with the potential of creating a higher consciousness (Saturn at 12° Aquarius).
Within the overall New Moon chart, this T-square is the key to using Pluto’s raw power for a positive type of expanded personal identity.
Pluto Opposed the New Moon
The Pluto opposition to the New Moon is a very powerful aspect and it’s well worth exploring its deeper meaning.
Pluto is the most powerful and also the slowest moving planet in the solar system. Because Pluto moves so slowly over each degree of the zodiac, there is additional time to develop powerful transformational qualities of each archetype that Pluto touches.
When Pluto opposes a New Moon there is a transforming positive influence available, especially to those individuals who are attuned to the bigger picture of life. However, with all this power for transformation comes a shadow energy that can play out through the collective and on the world stage in an unconscious manner.
On the positive side of the Pluto/New Moon opposition this aspect represents a downward flow of cosmic energies to which you have access. The spiritual energies of this cosmic flow are specifically focusing our attention on our character. These energies also bring our awareness to that which anchors us to something deeper or larger, beyond our physical bodies and lower nature.
On the shadow side of the Pluto opposition there is a social push to identify solely with our physical concrete experience, or with some type of external group or ideology. This is an extremely dangerous form of identification as it potentially allows for radical solutions and ideologies to develop worldwide. The shadow of Pluto involves radical social solutions that don’t have a spiritual foundation or humanity’s best interest at heart. At the worst extreme this form of identity results in social control mechanisms that determine people’s identity based on what group they are told they are in.
The divergent paths of this Pluto influence at our Cancer New Moon highlight the opportunity and significance of this astrological cycle. The evolution of consciousness under the energy of Pluto has a total transformational quality associated with it.
The Pluto New Moon opposition represents a significant potential for evolution. In Pluto, what doesn’t evolve is completely destroyed. For example, nuclear energy can sustain a city’s power grid or it can destroy the entire city by atomic force. This form of destruction is, in fact, simply another type of total transformation.
As Pluto transits the final degrees of Capricorn we are challenged to completely transform. As we continue to move further into the Aquarian Age, expect challenges at every level, including new ideas and new realizations of what your true individual identity is based upon.


Our New Moon is focused on your personal identity and how you can expand your thinking about how your soul’s essence can anchor your personal identity through ‘what’ you are, your true essence, rather than ‘who’ you are, your outer identity in the world.
As part of the movement into the Aquarian Age, concepts of identity are beginning to shift toward a new internalized perspective. This is a radical departure from the current cultural thinking. Developing a new foundation of personal identity is the first step to discovering your larger place in the world.
Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer

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