Aquarian Age Update
To celebrate Pluto’s historic entrance into the zodiac sign of Aquarius on Mar 23rd, 2023, we would like to introduce our new publication, the Aquarian Age Journal.
The Lunar Journal, which has been published by Seattle Astrology since 2010, is being rebranded as the new Aquarian Age Journal in order to reflect the recent energetic shifts resulting from the massive influx of Source energy coming to our planet. Moving forward, you can look forward to the Aquarian Age Journal continuing to publish world-class astrology articles each New Moon and Full Moon.
The new Aquarian Age Journal will keep you updated on the current astrological energies of our new era, including Pluto’s historic transit through Aquarius. These Aquarian energies are much larger and more powerful than what the lunar cycle alone is able to represent. As a result, we have expanded the focus of the journal to reflect these new insights.
The Aquarian Age Journal will continue to provide astrological insights about our transition into the Aquarian Age. The journal will be a guiding light as we all making this historic transition into humanities future.
Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto’s movement into the zodiac sign of Aquarius is the second most significant astrological event of our lifetime, the first being winter solstice of 2012 which kicked off the Aquarian Age.
Pluto’s power activates everything with which it comes into contact. Pluto represents pure power operating at the transformative level of energy. As the outermost planet in our solar system, Pluto is the connector that bridges the Galactic field with our solar system.
This is both global and personal. When the Galactic field interacts with an individual’s personal energy field the resulting activation becomes transformational in a multi-dimensional way. This Pluto activation gives each individual direct access to Source energy without an intermediary.
Pluto’s movement into Aquarius has moved us beyond the threshold of global change, and fully into the Aquarian Age. Let’s briefly review Aquarius and the energies associated with it.
Aquarius rules freedom, individualization, social transformation, personal sovereignty, disclosure, quantum technology, and quantum finances. Aquarius also holds a powerful shadow. Because Pluto is so powerful, in addition to Aquarian light it will also be revealing the shadow of Aquarius during this time of transition.
Astrology, and especially the lunar cycle, helps to understand the shadow by exposing both the positive and shadow aspects of the new Aquarian energies. Moving forward, we will be exploring both the light and the shadow aspects of the New and Full Moons so that we can recognize the shadow aspects more easily as well as the light.
Aries New Moon
Theme: Recognizing the Galactic Field
Our New Moon and solar eclipse puts on full display the power of the moon’s shadow. Fortunately for us, the moon’s shadow is insignificant in its ability to obscure the galactic scope of our current energies. This means that the moon’s shadow during this eclipse will have only a minimal impact on those who are already feeling the new Aquarian momentum.
When the moon eclipses the Sun, then the moon’s shadow can readily be seen by all. This exposure of the shadow is one of the highlights of every solar eclipse. The shadow of this eclipse in particular will allow us to adjust our perspective to a larger field.
The Sun’s ability to energize our consciousness can never be underestimated. This New Moon marks a definite shift in how we see ourselves in the world. When we perceive ourselves as insignificant and small, there’s an underlying energy of powerlessness that stands out. When we experience the full scope of who we are, however, our sense of insignificance disappears.
To help us understand the astrological archetype of our New Moon and the larger galactic scope of this eclipse, let’s take a closer look at the New moon Sabian for 30° Aries.
ARCHETYPE: The realization of where natural boundaries begin and end.
COMMENTARY: When the harmonized galactic field is realized, it must then be focused into the individualized field for action and choice to occur. Great potency must mate with substance in order to become substantiated with effective power. Focusing the galactic field within one’s natural boundaries transcends the purpose of those same natural limitations by allowing one’s consciousness to take flight and explore. As consciousness returns to its greater knowing, limited choices will no longer satisfy the individual.
This archetype has an Aquarian Age theme of multidimensionality. It helps us visualize how we can access the larger galactic field and then focus that larger field into our current situation of awareness. This new quality of multidimensionality was outlined in my last Full Moon article, “The Multidimensional Shift Has Definitely Occurred.”
Every time you make a choice, that decision exists within multiple frequencies and multiple dimensions. A practical example can help you visualize the multidimensional process of expansion that we are currently experiencing.
Let’s say you come to the realization that your job is no longer inspiring you. The new awareness has a ripple effect. If your realization is not acted upon, you may become unhappy and then your frequency is lowered. Or you may act on this realization through the inspiration to quit your job. This decision made from inspiration would have a ripple effect, not only in your world, it would also effect everyone you had been working with and beyond.
Within the galactic field of frequency, that decision from inspiration ripples through our entire planetary field of consciousness, informing all consciousness that something new and creative is happening. Coincidence and synchronicity will then have the opportunity to spring into action by supporting whatever new thing has inspired you.
Too many times we don’t appreciate how our consciousness and creativity, which are galactic in nature, can become focused and come to life within our own day-to-day circumstances.
These new capacities are also supported by the power of Pluto which helps bring the galactic energies into our personal field of experience.
Jupiter in Aries
Our New Moon occurs conjunct Jupiter, which supports the expansion and management of energies. Jupiter’s Sabian archetype also indicates additional support for a direct connection to a larger field of experience.
ARCHETYPE: The state of being a fertile field.
COMMENTARY: One way the divine masculine and divine feminine principles of creation are integrated is through the gestating child. The child represents the inner fruit of a dynamic and larger field of activity. The principle of three is represented as a three-fold sequence of integration that brings forth the expansion of life working internally to move one forward with both inner fulfillment and the expansion of humanity. This expansion connects the personal field to the larger field of creation through receptivity and integration.
This particular Sabian brings to light the theme of inner fulfillment, which is common in many Sabian archetypes. The current theme of inner fulfillment emphasizes the spiritual process of creation through going within.
This Sabian is yet another indicator that the cosmic energies of the Aquarian Age are helping us personally to focus these larger fields, both creative and galactic, so we can integrate them internally.
A New Era for Humanity
We have definitely entered an entirely new era. As our consciousness becomes more multidimensional, the transcendent planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will play an increasingly important role in our lives.
Pluto is playing a more important role in the Aquarian Age than what we have previously experienced. It’s no coincidence that Pluto is so significantly highlighted in our New Moon chart, since it represents the planetary bridge from the galactic field to our solar system.
The Sabian archetype for Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius reflects this new beginning for humanity.
ARCHETYPE: The power inherent in all great human pursuits to endure beyond the outdated creations of a culture.
COMMENTARY: At the end of an era, whether it’s an end of a project, a person’s life span, or an outdated status quo, there’s also the birth of a new cycle and the beginning of a new era. The seeming permanence of institutions or ideologies must, over time, come to an end. Each ending becomes an opportunity for a new vision of the future to take hold and become a reality.
This archetype highlights the way in which each ending creates a new opportunity. The excitement I personally feel during this exciting transitional period cannot be expressed in words.
Now that Pluto has entered Aquarius the veil has been broken. There is no going back. This is the equivalent to the expression “you can’t put the Genie back in the bottle.”
Over the coming nineteen months, Pluto will transit back and forth between the final degrees of Capricorn and the first degrees of Aquarius. This process will continue until Nov 20th, 2024 when Pluto will stay in Aquarius until 2044.
Over this coming period, we can all expect an increase in our ability to receive more of our light. We will also continue to see more of what’s been hidden and the shadow elements of the old age whose time is over and it begins to crumble.
Buckle up! Our Aquarian Age, along with the power of the transcendent planets, will continue to expand our consciousness while it also reveals what’s not sustainable moving into humanity’s future.
We are living through the most exciting period of history that our planet and humanity has ever experienced. The new Aquarian Age is developing before our very eyes. Pluto’s recent moment into Aquarius is forcing our awareness to experience new heights of consciousness.
Be patient as things unfold. Keep your frequency high and make decisions from your highest excitement.
Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer
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