Astrology Breakthrough

You are on the precipice of the most cutting-edge astrology information in the world

Cosmic History Unveiled

A greater understanding of astrology is achieved when our history is better understood.

History of Consciousness

At the root of astrology is consciousness. Your expanding relationship with consciousness is at the forefront of the Aquarian Age. Expand your perception of reality every day.


History of Our Planet

The Aquarian Age has arrived. This achievement heralds a new era and with it, new information about our forgotten planetary history.


History of the Alien Agenda

Is astrology connected to a hidden alien agenda? Was there a cover up? Explore this controversial topic and prepare to be amazed.

Steven Shroyer Professional Astrologer

Aquarian Age Deprogramming and the Reverse-Engineering of Astrology

"Cosmic Geometry Points the Way to Consciousness"

Personal Readings

Everyone has a hidden set of capabilities and potential that is easily unlocked.
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