Information Overload and the Evolution of Spirit

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

Information Overload and the Evolution of Spirit

Information Overload and the Evolution of Spirit

Aquarian Age Update

With the continued rollout of artificial intelligence and the ongoing onslaught of endless information, the sign of Gemini provides important alternatives to discovering what we know and how we know it.

Each time the Sun enters a new zodiac sign we experience a new shift in consciousness. The sign of Gemini supports our relationship to information. Our current shift in Gemini is directly affecting how we’re able to increase our internal knowledge center, so we can better participate in the evolution of Spirit and better understand our relationship to information in general.

Understanding and ascertaining the relevance, accuracy, and even the misdirection of information is becoming an increasingly important skill. This will become more significant as Pluto continues its retrograde movement through the early degrees of Aquarius. As Pluto retrogrades all the way back into Capricorn later this summer, information overload will begin to play an even more significant role. On the positive side, Pluto’s journey over the next many months will also increase awareness of disinformation and continue to energize a worldwide transformation that expands what we know to be true. We’ll see these trends rapidly accelerate once Pluto is completely out of the sign of Capricorn, beginning on Nov. 19th of this year.

Over the coming months, the potential degree of disruption is quite real. Rather than holding apprehension about what these Pluto transformational energies may or may not bring to our world, we can choose to focus on raising our frequency and evolving our inner connection to what we know to be true. In this way we will be acquiring the necessary Aquarian Age skills that will prove to be most useful as we move forward.

One of these necessary skills comes from Gemini. Gemini energy allows us to process information as frequency instead of words. This is an entirely new way of gathering knowledge that bypasses the mind and the traditional way we have been taught to acquire what we know. We are learning to use a more advanced process that involves feeling the frequency of what we know, as opposed to relying on the mental realm of thinking and committing to memory facts and data points.

In this issue of the journal, we’ll be exploring some practical ways our new Gemini energies can improve our relationship with information. Please keep your awareness on the ways in which our Aquarian Age energies are very, very rapidly shifting your consciousness. We are quickly moving away from information density, data, and memorization toward a more experiential knowingness that’s capable of accessing much greater knowledge than has ever been previously known.

The Gemini Evolution of Spirit

Gemini is a much more advanced zodiac sign than traditional astrology has recognized. The reason for this oversight comes from the tendency to define Gemini by mind energy that is devoid of Source. In higher frequencies, Gemini can help us directly recognize Source energy. In the past, when astrologers have spoken about Source energy we have visualized an energy coming to us from an outside realm of divine presence.

Through our shift in Aquarian energies, we have come to realize that the reliance on connecting to the divine as an energy outside of us is a complete misunderstanding of how Source works. From a practical standpoint, recognizing the qualities of Gemini helps us make this transition into processing information and knowledge in new ways and from new frequencies that we can access within.

The active qualities of Gemini help us learn how our Spirit functions through: Discovery, playfulness, curiosity, adaptability, creativity, and being focused in the present moment.

The shadow qualities of Gemini occur when we shift our focus away from Spirit and mentalize our experiences. This includes focusing on the past, being distracted and unfocused, living in the mental world, taking pride in memorization (information from the past), and being addicted to acquiring more and more information.

Our breakthroughs in new understandings of the connection between our spirits and Source energy have been easier to access since 2012 when we first entered the Aquarian Age. Since that time, our consciousness of light has continued to grow. Our ability to shift our awareness from mind to heart has reshaped our understanding of Spirit and knowledge itself. We have come to appreciate that our spirit is made of Source energy and that Source has direct access to all knowledge in the universe.

This shift in consciousness is very apparent within the archetype for 17° Gemini. Here the theme of the Sabian is centered on the evolution and new understanding of our spirit’s relationship with Source energy.

ARCHETYPE: The transformation of physical vitality into the power to feel information beyond intellectual concepts and mental constructs.
COMMENTARY: The transformational energy that enables us to move thought from the head directly into the heart center comes directly from Source. The heart center, which is different from the heart chakra, is the natural home of Source energy. When one’s thoughts are moved away from the head and mind-energy, Spirit can become an active participant with the individual in the eternal now. Shifting our awareness into the heart center to directly experience Source energy enables the evolution of our Spirit. A mature seeker of truth is an individual who understands that true wisdom only occurs in the eternal now moment where all truth and knowledge reside.

One of the hidden powers of Gemini is its ability to connect to Source energy, not through the mind, but through the superior mechanism of the heart. The evolution of Spirit as seen through this Sabian archetype is described as this shift from mind energy to the energy of the heart.

It’s very clear from this Gemini Sabian that there’s more than one way to obtain knowledge. One way is from mind-energy and the other is from our heart energy. Our current educational system (Gemini) highlights the mind energy approach to knowledge. Traditional schools push kids away from their heart centers into their minds. Playfulness is severely limited. Memorization and facts take precedence over curiosity, exploration and discovering what truly inspires each child.

I believe that the deeper we travel into the Aquarian Age the more we will shift away from this old paradigm of traditional education. Acquiring knowledge from our heart centers uses all of the positive qualities of Gemini. Once we learn to bypass our minds, each of us has the ability to access all of the information in the universe directly through our hearts.

When we are able to directly focus on our own Source energy we quickly realize that Source is within us and never was an external power, presence, or outside authority. To my knowledge, this information about Source energy being the fabric of our Spirit has been highly guarded, hidden, and obscured throughout the ages. It’s almost as if there was an information war taking place, involving both misinformation and misdirection in order to hide this amazing principle of truth.

Our Aquarian Age shift in frequency allows us to begin feeling information instead of thinking about it. This is only possible when our consciousness resides in our heart center. This new focus on feeling the frequency of information is what gives us our knowingness. We can feel the familiarity or truth of what we know. With this ability of knowingness we can feel the frequency of whether something is true, false, or distorted. We are all learning this ongoing process. We can now simply drop our thoughts from our head to our heart and start feeling our way into a new world of knowledge.


Our Gemini energies reveal a great truth about our ability to access information with our heart center instead of mind energy. We are now beginning to recognize the connection between our spirits and Source energy As our consciousness increases, the information war that has obscured and misdirected our ability to directly access our knowingness may be coming to a close.

We now have a choice in how we access information. With the use of our heart center, access to our inner knowledge centers will continue to increase to the point where propaganda, misinformation, and untruths will never again confuse or distort our reality.

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