Inspired Reaction for Success: Full Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Inspired Reaction for Success: Full Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Inspired Reaction for Success: Full Moon Astrology Oct 2017

Inspired Reaction for Success

Full Moon Astrology Oct 2017

  • Article Window:  Oct 5 to Oct 19
  • The Full Moon is Thursday, Oct 5, 11:40 AM PDT
  • Sun is 14° Libra, Moon is 14° Aries
  • Next New Moon: Oct 19
  • Current New Moon Theme (Sept 19 – Oct 19): The Eye of the Storm

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.


Astrology Article: Inspired Reaction for Success

Our Aries Full Moon Astrology centers around taking inspired action that’s aligned to what you hold within as dear and true.

It’s been two weeks since our Virgo New Moon energies provided the momentum that has carried us through the Fall Eclipse to the point of the Full Moon. The “Eye of the Storm” energy (our New Moon theme) is still providing a sense of internal calm, provided we are able to move attention away from external distraction and access the inward connection to our guidance.

Our Full Moon chart holds a great deal of contrasting energies. One of the qualities of contrast during this second half of the Lunar cycle is specifically related to experiences of transition. The chart directly points to  your personal ability to experience transition and change in a positive way. On a practical level your ability to transition into new situations and new experiences is directly reflected in the spirit in which you are able to embrace larger cycles of change in the world, including what is unfamiliar or even the shocking.

The type of inspired action to take during the next two weeks needs to transcend patterns of isolation and be centered and grounded in a mature outlook that recognizes that we are all in this together. Isolation, in this case, is a fear-based response to change.  This is not the time to go it alone. Isolation severely limits your ability to exercise your will power and limits your ability to engage in constructive activities for positive change inspired by purpose and effort.

These next two weeks, up to the Oct 19th Libra New Moon, can be a great time to work on new levels of clarity and perspective regarding who you really are and what matters most. This requires you to be willing to release habits and personas of whom you appear to be to others, including patterns of conforming to outside expectations of who you are and what you’ll do.

Inspired action during these last two weeks of our Lunar cycle must be anchored through inner calm (The Eye of the Storm) and tempered by a sense of spiritual identity that connects you to others and the world without sacrificing your uniqueness or individuality.

Astrology Pattern

Astrology Chart Oct 2017Our astrology chart has two contrasting concentrations of planets. Clustered with the Moon are Neptune and Uranus. On the other side of the chart, with the Sun, are Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. Saturn and Pluto provide the clue as to how to integrate this contrast.

With the Moon in Aries, and Neptune and Uranus in close proximity, we are being prompted toward a reactionary response against a status quo that appears to be becoming more and more dysfunctional. The impulse for action stems from our own spiritual identity and our need for greater freedom and intuitive awareness.

With the Sun in Libra, and Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus in close proximity, we have our purpose and efforts working together, however here, too, they’re working in contrast to what the status quo dictates as the only normal response to life’s challenges.

This Full Moon activation of contrast creates a deep sense of rebellion, including a natural sense of protest to the existing status quo.

Saturn and Pluto are working together to provide a positive avenue for dealing with contrast. One through the way we embrace transition (Saturn) and the other through our ability to see contrasting elements as bridges (Pluto), especially through inspired thinking and reacting to these contrasting energies. Saturn provides the maturity to face every changing circumstance as an opportunity ready for inspired action. Pluto holds the energy signature to release whatever has been repressed, both the good and the bad, and to experience the contrast at a new level of awareness.

The Significance of the Venus/Mars conjunction. It’s rare for Venus and Mars to be conjunct to the exact degree at the time of Full Moon. The significance of this particular conjunction lies in the blending of energies that must take place for harmony to emerge. It’s also significant to point out that the ruler of the Aries Moon is Mars, and the ruler of the Libra Sun is Venus.

The natural alignment of this conjunction with the Aries Moon further indicates that the overall contrast of the chart is only describing the need for transition and not further conflict. When Venus and Mars work in harmony, there is a marriage between desire and experience. This is also implied in the Full Moon where your inspired activities are in alignment with how you imagine the world  can live in peace and harmony.

At the highest level, Venus and Mars literally represent a marriage of the Heart with the Will, and this signature shows your ability to use your willpower this month to act in alignment with your higher purpose.

Extra Notation

For the advanced astrology students who follow global events, pay particular attention to the Pluto Sabian T-square with Moon flanked by Neptune and Uranus. This overall planetary configuration also holds two hidden signatures. One signature represents a false flag event, while the other holds a disclosure event. Having said this, it’s important to remember here that an astrology chart doesn’t ever predict exactly what will happen. Rather than a literal prediction, the chart holds a potentiality of energy that may manifest in a variety of ways.


The New Moon theme of maintaining your center and finding the inner calm within “The Eye of the Storm” speaks directly to all forms of potential unrest and chaos in your life and the world at large.  Inspired action during these last two weeks of our Lunar cycle must be anchored through this quality of inner calm and tempered by a sense of spiritual identity that connects you to others and the world without sacrificing your uniqueness or individuality.

With the Sun in Libra, you have access to powers of imagination and new ideas of how your purpose and desire can work together. With the Moon in Aries you have access to the willpower needed to reject all the apparent conflicts in favor of contribution to a more harmonious transition as we watch the tides of change occur.

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Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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