Keeping Your Focus on What’s Important

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Keeping Your Focus on What’s Important

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.

Aquarian Age Update

Pluto is continuing its retrograde movement and has moved back another degree to 29° Capricorn. This New Moon is allowing for Leo’s sense of dramatic flare to offer a new opportunity to refocus on what 29° Capricorn represents.

The archetype for 29° Capricorn speaks to our ability to see the energetic signature of what’s taking place all around us as events continue to unfold.

ARCHETYPE: The ability to see the hidden signatures of meaning held within every moment of true significance.
COMMENTARY: The holistic ability to see through the facts and discover a more basic realm of relationship that is hidden by the outer shell of perceived reality. Hidden within every moment is the larger picture and pattern of inner connectedness opening to its larger archetype of wholeness. With practice, each of us has this clairvoyant ability to see these underlying signatures or patterns that are hidden within everything.

This New Moon represents a moment in time when you can refocus on the bigger picture of life. This is an expanded view that unfolds the moment into the larger reality of wholeness. All of us are making the adjustments necessary in order to see what’s really important. This is made possible with our New Moon’s ability to see and focus with more clarity.

Each of us are witnessing firsthand these necessary changes taking place, including greater disclosures, the larger view of worldwide developments, and the dismantling that must happen in our world as we enter our next major transition period.

Between now and Jan 24, 2024, when Pluto re-enters 1° Aquarius, we can expect to see institutional structures continue to crumble, especially if they don’t realign with our new Aquarian energies. The writing is on the wall, so to speak, as all of the signs and signatures are pointing to the major transition period that’s on the horizon.

Currently, we are being collectively programmed to see the world from a strictly corporatized point of view (shadow Capricorn systems). However, our current levels of propaganda exposure is starting to shift very rapidly. Many of us are tracking world events and closely watching these shifts as they continue to unfold.

The writing is definitely on the wall. We are reading the tea leaves and we’re understanding that all of the current systems will be replaced by something that we the people actually want. This is a time keep your eyes on the prize, which we are calling the Aquarian Age.

Keeping your focus on the bigger picture of what’s naturally unfolding around you and all over the world has never been more important. When we focus on what we want from a frequency of inspiration we are able to adjust our energies toward the positive momentum of change.

As we watch the process of the Aquarian Age unfolding, our current New Moon offers an amazing Kite Pattern which is directly helping us to keep our focus on what’s truly important. Together we are engaged in a complex process of transformation.

Leo New Moon: Spiritual Focus

Our Leo New Moon is focusing our energies on engaging our spirit in ways that reflect a greater appreciation for our momentum into the Aquarian Age.

Our understanding of spiritual focus has shifted over the last several years. Spiritual focus has been often misunderstood to mean the effort necessary to control or enforce a rigid set of spiritual precepts or dogmas. This older idea of spirituality has now shifted to a more heart centered approach.

What we are learning about the Aquarian Age is that spirituality and consciousness flow like water, without the intellectual rules and limitations that have been handed down through the ages. The Leo New Moon is energizing these qualities of spiritual focus.

Some of the wonderful Leo qualities that are activated with this New Moon include courage, creativity, and an authentic love of life. With the Leo Moon we also have an incredible kite pattern that features Neptune in the prominent crown position of the kite. (Read below to learn why this is significant, and how a kite naturally holds a quality of Neptunian energy.)

Leo Sun: The Power of Positive Focus

Leo brings a tremendous amount of creative power to our awareness. Leo’s energy supports an individual approach to our spirituality, pure creative expression, and the ability to fearlessly move forward in life on our own terms.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. This helps us understand why Leo’s energies are larger than life. Leo’s connection to the Sun also helps us understand why Leo has such a large shadow.

Leo’s shadow is based on deep seated fear that can manifest in a variety of ways. Because Leo is naturally assertive (Sun), one common shadow of Leo is to hide one’s fear though over compensation. Examples of Leo’s over compensation include superiority, pride, exaggerated extroversion, and various forms of drama leading to distraction and lack of focus.

Leo’s passion inspires us to create. Hurt feelings and disappointment are examples of Leo’s shadow expression of drama which often results when a personal projection of outcome fails to materialize as expected.

Leo loves to focus on all the experiences of living life to its fullest. It’s within this energy of creative living, which Leo expresses so effortlessly, that each of our spirits appreciate and cherish a love of life. This Leo energy describes how we are able to bring our spirit fully into our bodies and into life itself.

Our Sabian archetype beautifully illustrates the importance of learning to direct our focus in order to bring our spirit fully into our body. In contrast, a misdirected focus can interfere with our direct experience of spirit and Source Energy, and our ability to fully embody.

ARCHETYPE: The focused awareness on life force energy as the volume of light is increased within one’s body.
COMMENTARY: The skillful use of discipline can be used for the control of the physical body as well as an inward tool for awareness. When mental activity and thoughts become quiet, peace energy is achieved. There is no right or wrong way to be in peace energy; one is simply in the peace energy of their heart. Meditation, discipline, hardship, and austerities are not required for spirituality and can become a hindrance on the spiritual path. Once the individual is stabilized within their Light center, the need for forced focus is naturally replaced with the peace energy of Source. Spirit is multidimensional and supports conscious living, creative inspiration, and the daily activities experienced from one’s heart.

This archetype describes a new quality of spiritual focus. We are learning to manage our life force energy in new, more advanced ways than many of us have been previously taught. When applied incorrectly, spiritual focus can leave a person completely in their heads and out of touch with their heart. Connecting with spirit is easy — we don’t need to deny reality or force ourselves by controlling our minds. This is simply a misunderstanding of spirituality.

All to often we have been trained to focus on what isn’t working. Cultural narratives encourage us to live in fear. Fear takes on many forms, including the fear of not being accepted or loved, fear of disease, and fear of lack of resources. We also experience fear of losing our mental abilities, fear of safety and fear of our environment.

Leo is well known for establishing courage in the face of fear. The New Moon archetype reminds us to focus from our heart which knows no fear. From the power of our hearts we can develop the spiritual focus we need to participate in creation through our passion and excitement.

My observation of our current cultural trends, however, is that many people are unable to focus on the positive changes that are occurring. They are focused externally and worrying about things that aren’t that important within the bigger picture of life. What is important, for example, is keeping our focus on our spirit, our own creative inspiration and our expansion into the new era for humanity.

The kite pattern in our New Moon chart is also supporting this new quality of focus that we’ll need for moving forward during our transition period to a new era.

The Kite Pattern: Living Life Through Your Spirit

A kite pattern is not only unusual, it’s also very powerful. It combines three separate astrology aspects into a magnificent pattern of wholeness. A Kite is comprised of an opposition, a grand trine, and a double sextile, all working together. When these aspects are combined into the kite, the overall archetype holds a signature of metamorphosis. The kite’s quality of transformation is energized by a Neptunian type of energy.

Students of astrology may find my article on the astrology of the kite pattern interesting, especially as it outlines the hidden connection of Neptune to the astrology of the kite. (See article: The Unique and Special Nature of the Astrology Kite Pattern.)

Our current kite pattern is supporting our Leo New Moon by enabling us to focus on contrast so we can see the bigger picture of life. A closer look at the specifics of our amazing kite pattern will help bring light to the confusion many of us are currently experiencing, and help to shift our awareness and keep our focus on what is positive.

In our New Moon chart Neptune is located in the crown position, as the primary focus of the kite. Neptune is bringing an increased focus of abundance we can directly experience within our spirit. The Mars/Mercury conjunction in the Kite’s tail position creates the contrast with Neptune. Mars and Mercury give us the ability to train or discipline our consciousness in order to keep the necessary focus that we need in order to improve our connection to Source Energy.

We have Uranus and Jupiter occupying the left wing of the Kite, and Pluto at the right. The wings (trine and sextile) represent a quality of cooperation. With all three transcendent planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in the upper Kite area, we have a tremendous amount transformational energy available to us.

This transformational process, energized by the raw power of Pluto, is changing our focus away from the material world to an inward and more spiritual awareness. The shadow of this pattern results in a lack of focus, or focusing on things that aren’t important in the bigger picture of one’s circumstances.

Seeing the Bigger Picture of Life

Neptune supports our ability to see the bigger picture of life. Neptune, however, is frequency based. Like a coin with two opposite sides, Neptune contains both a positive side and a negative. A positive quality of Neptune is working through one’s own spirit to illuminate the bigger picture. In contrast, a negative quality of Neptune includes losing one’s focus of the bigger picture and/or being distracted by what’s truly not important.

The New Moon kite with Neptune’s prominent influence represents a new ability to use our focus to transcend past patterns, including limiting habits and beliefs. We are collectively being programmed (the shadow of Neptune) to see and hear only what is fed to the public for daily consumption by those who currently hold media power (shadow of Capricorn systems).

With our New Moon Kite Pattern we are receiving the unprecedented opportunity to use our spirits to make everyday decisions from our heart-centers, rather than our minds. This is a drastic shift away from how we were raised and taught to function in the world.

When we make decisions from our hearts we can live from our passion, our creativity and our highest excitement. In this way we begin the process of living life through our spirit. This allows us to refocus our energy on what’s most important and restores our connection to Source.


With this New Moon we are entering a period in which we have the opportunity to turn our focus inward toward our spirits and toward our personal creativity and passion.

What’s truly important is held within the present moment (not the past). It’s within this eternal moment that our Spirit can fully operate and increase our spiritual focus. The Leo New Moon reminds each of us that the easiest way to increase our spiritual focus is through curiosity, playfulness, creativity, living our passion, and experiencing our highest excitement.

This increased access to spiritual focus is allowing each of us to experience what is really most important in life.

Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

2 thoughts on “Keeping Your Focus on What’s Important”

  1. Pingback: The Power of Positive Focus – Leo New Moon – The Dendera Institute

  2. Pingback: The Poetry of Life is in Constant Motion — Virgo Aug 30, 2023 – Seattle Astrology

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