Last Quarter Moon Astrology Oct 26 to Nov 3

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Last Quarter Moon Astrology Oct 26 to Nov 3

Last Quarter Moon Astrology Oct 26 to Nov 3

  • The Last Quarter Moon was Saturday, Oct 26 at 4:40 pm PDT
  • Sun is 4° Scorpio, Moon is 4° Leo
  • Previous New Moon was Oct 4 – This month’s theme is “Discovering Your Own Truth”
  • Next New Moon is Friday, Nov 3

Current Lunar Cycle

The Last Quarter Moon supports integration as well as letting go, especially in terms of the gifts and lessons you have received in the last three weeks. What new awareness will you carry forward? What old beliefs and habits will you release? Your decisions and actions this week will help you prepare for the manifesting wave that arrives with next week’s New Moon.

Sunset- Moon Reveals Truth

Current Astrology Pattern: Holding Your Own Success

Each Last Quarter Moon represents an opportunity for letting go in areas in your live that may be preventing you from moving into a new pattern of growth. Because of this months powerful theme dealing with areas related to the discover of your own truth, this week’s focus is in anchoring what your moving into the future.

One of the deeper truths of our being can be related to how we identify with things out side ourselves. Most of us find it easy to identify with our own emotions or feelings, but how often do we take the time to consider how our own identity is linked else where.

As the week before the New Moon unfolds, the astrological patterns are supporting how you can let go ways you identify with things that you have out grown. Allow me to use an example from my own life. I’m an amateur tournament golfer who has been recovering from a potential golf ending shoulder injury for the last 6 months. This has been such a long and painful process that I had found myself identifying with the group of golfer who feel they can’t win a golf tournament. I made the conscious effort to abandon my identification with that group and focused on identifying myself as a tournament winner. I held the feeling of this new identification for the entire tournament, and I won the tournament.

Astrology Patterns of Support

Oct-Last-Qtr-Moon-2013You’ll be able to use this week’s astrology to let go of patterns symbolizing areas you would like to move past in your life. The easiest way to anchor this type of identity shift is through the conscious use of the “Leo” aspect of the Last Quarter Moon.

Our Leo Moon provides an ability to “show off” your intentions to the world. It doesn’t need to be as dramatic as winning a tournament, but it does suggest that showing the world our own symbols of achievement is the easiest way to anchor a clear identity shift.

Any way in which you decide to dramatize your our identity shift is appropriate. This can be as simple as going out for coffee in celebration of a new focus, or dramatic as filing legal papers indicating the start of a new course of action.

There are 4 key planets supporting this process. The Sun, North Node, Saturn, and Mercury are lined up in a tight row in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. What’s important in this 4 planet line up is there specific order. Mercury, in it’s position, is accelerating growth, but only once you are able to link together how you have been identifying (Mercury/Saturn conjunction) with obsolete symbols (N. Node/Sun, balsamic to Saturn) in your life.

The Sun only makes one conjunct Saturn each year. This year has special significance because of a trine to Neptune (allowing you to dissolve what’s obsolete). This is the time to anchor your new identity (Sun/Saturn in Scorpio) for moving forward. It represents the conscious truth of your being taking a step forward. You can let go of the identity you no longer want to be associated with and live the deeper truth of who you have discovered yourself to be.

In Closing

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.

Have a wonderful week,
Steven Shroyer

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