Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

Lunacy, Eclipse Madness and Love


April 6, 2024

Published on

New Aries Moon

Event Highlight



Elizabeth Schermer

Lunacy, Eclipse Madness and Love

Aquarian Age Update - The Solar Eclipse

Our Sun is magnificent. Its love and life-giving frequencies are the sole reason we are alive. Keeping our focus on the Sun is a good way to work with the energies that are occurring with the Aries New Moon and solar eclipse.

The eclipse that’s occurring with our Aries New Moon is generating a great deal of new awareness, both light energies as well as shadow. When the Moon temporarily blocks the Sun during a solar eclipse, our etheric bodies can feel it and we are energetically aware that this is taking place. Rooted in our ancestry and the codes in our DNA are ancient traumas and fear patterns around this experience.

These ancestral fears can be re-activated by the current event of an eclipse. However, you can rest assured that the eclipse itself is just a momentary event. There is no reason it needs to generate fear or hold extra significance. In fact, eclipses don’t activate fear for those who have cleared their DNA triggers.

The potential for danger with an eclipse event lies in the way fear can be used to manipulate collective uncertainty. The reasons we’re so susceptible to fear are complex, but in a nut-shell it’s because of programming that’s occurred generation after generation. Superstition is far more powerful and needs greater respect than what it’s been given. Eclipse fear is directly related to the cellular beliefs that we carry within our DNA. It’s these unconscious beliefs that are being activated during an eclipse, and these fears are now being intentionally activated to our detriment.

It doesn’t take much for these subtle eclipse triggers to be activated. National news is emphasizing a great deal of fear and fanfare around this particular solar eclipse. For example, schools are being closed, the National Guard has been called to active duty in some areas, and the local news in many areas is encouraging people to fill up their gas tanks and buy extra groceries. At least one governor has already declared a state of emergence well in advance of the eclipse itself. Why, you may ask? The general purpose is to activate fear through our genetic programming. To what end is uncertain.

To prove this current manipulation for yourself, you can remember back to the August 2017 solar eclipse. People traveled, viewed, and celebrated that eclipse. It wasn’t a big deal and fear wasn’t being pushed in the way it is now. Remembering back to previous eclipses is one way we can know there is manipulation and an agenda behind this event.

The powerful antidote to the lunacy of this eclipse fear lies in our ability to focus internally on the presence of our Spirit and our ability to care. These qualities are directly related to the Aries 20° archetype that is being activated by our Sun.

This is a great time to remember that our Sun is much more powerful than the moon. Although the moon will temporarily block the Sun, this effect lasts only a few minutes. The Sun’s energy is constant and never fails. By keeping our focus on the higher frequencies that are activated by our Sun we can transcend attempts to generate fear. This is a powerful way to neutralize all previous programming that may be hidden just below the surface of our consciousness.

Aries Qualities

Qualities of Aries that are Currently Active
Aries energy has many fantastic qualities that support our ability to be true individuals. These energies of independence can easily become manipulated by the shadow element within culture and society. With our shadow eclipse energies currently being activated, it will be helpful to pay close attention to the difference between the positive and shadow qualities of Aries as they appear.

Positive qualities of Aries currently being activated include: Assertive awareness, passion, fearlessness, individuality, intuitive perception, heart-centered knowingness, being centered in spirit, endless energy, a creative drive, and a pioneering spirit.

Shadow qualities of Aries include: Being paralyzed by fear, mistaking mind energy for creativity, inflated self-importance, demanding special attention, winning at the expense of others, being unmoved by the suffering of others, and dominating resources.

The fear held within each eclipse shadow is more likely to be triggered within those people who are unaware of the negative influence of the Moon, especially through mind energy and external control. It’s important to remember that the Sun is our true ally. The Moon is problematic in the sense that its primary impact promotes the imbalance of mind-energy. This may be difficult information for some. I recommend that you test this for yourself, observe and draw your own understanding.

Transmuting Love into Life

The Sabian archetype that is being activated by the Sun is a powerful antidote against the unconscious shadow that’s being exposed by our eclipse. The symbol for 20° Aries reminds us of the goodness and purity of an authentic expression of love.


ARCHETYPE: Overcoming crises through knowing the next step.
COMMENTARY: Nature’s rhythms oscillating between extremes give us the experience of diversity through contrast. This oscillation adds potency to how we use our creative imagination. When the potency of love is energized by compassion and heart-energy we rise above the cold harsh reality of survival, difficulty and challenge. We can begin interacting with the energies of life through gestures of assistance and grace. This implies an ability to transcend each momentary circumstance, as a bird in flight, so we can recognize where help is needed, how it will be received, and the knowing of what our next step will be.

I love how this Sabian archetype highlights the power of our imagination to transcend momentary challenges through compassion and heart energy. When this archetype is fully activated within our consciousness we’re not easily manipulated by fear or lack.

To grasp the deep layer of love inherent in nature, it’s crucial to recognize how nature’s contrast and diversity enhances our versatility and our capacity to enjoy life. Nature gives us the ability to heal, it provides our resources, and it inspires our creativity. It’s through this richness of nature that we witness the active and potent principle of love.

This quality of love is alive within our spirit as a divine flame that burns brightly and is reflected all around us in the light of nature. This vision of wholeness and love encourages each of us to connect with the purity and innocence of a heart-centered life, symbolized by the young girl. When we do so we can rise above our circumstances to gain a more transcendent perspective, symbolized by the birds.

The most important quality to focus on during the eclipse event itself is the unconditional love that the Sun freely offers. This is the love of Source energy, free from superiority, moral judgment, politics, or social class (all shadows of Aries). It is through this quality of love that we find the antidote to the madness and lunacy we observe in the world around us.

We are entering a period of contrast, with the possibility of distraction, disruption, and imbalance. The more we are able to transmute our experiences with love into life, the easier it will be to transcend our day-to-day challenges. The potency of love, fueled by compassion and heart energy, helps us rise above the shadow of crisis, recognizing that each crisis is only a temporary experience.


During a solar eclipse, the temporary shadow cast by the moon can stir unconscious fears, traumas, and ancient superstitions within us, and activate old programming to our detriment. However, this momentary event has little impact on our internal world, and the fears it triggers are more a product of ingrained beliefs than the eclipse itself.

The key to counteracting the shadow of fear associated with an eclipse lies in embracing the positive qualities of love, compassion, and heart-centered awareness. These qualities serve as a powerful antidote to fear, helping us to rise above each temporary circumstance and maintain our focus on the higher frequencies of love and life that we receive from the Sun.

Eyes Open, No Fear,
Steven Shroyer

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