Lunar Eclipse Summary
A Lunar Eclipse opens a portal, or energetic doorway, that offers a unique activation. The portal acts with the Full Moon to release a special cosmic gift, offering a new ability you can use for inspired action in your life.
The Full Moon Eclipse is offering a cosmic gift of courage. This is courage full of eagerness and inspiration that moves you forward in your life. It also holds the confidence to move through barriers that in the past have held you back.
This eclipse portal offers a unique opportunity to take a leap forward. This cosmic doorway will be open for the coming month, until next month’s Full Moon. Celebrate the illumination of light this week, and in the coming days continue to express your new courage and eagerness to move forward,
Trust your inner guidance and a new sense of connection to your Higher Self. Speak of your new ideas, share them, live them, BE them. Feel your power expand from within.
Courage to Take the Next Big Step
Steven Shroyer’s weekly astrology reading offers unique insight into the specific potentials of Cosmic support available to us at this time.
The importance of this Full Moon Eclipse cannot be overstated. This is an incredibly exciting event, representing a powerful new opportunity to move forward in your life with positive momentum.
This Lunar Eclipse opens a cosmic portal directly to Earth and provides a new level of courage to help you move forward in your life. What’s unique about this Full Moon is that you have a special opportunity to move forward in a really big way. You can now take that next big step in your life with the confidence and courage necessary for success as new opportunities begin to unfold.
This doorway remains open for the coming month, until the next Full Moon on May 24. You have the opportunity this week to set the foundation for permanent and lasting changes in your life.
The Gift of Courage
This week’s astrology chart holds the Sabian symbol of a “Gold Rush” as a means of explaining the energetic potentials. A look at a related historical event offers some context and perspective. The California gold rush in 1849 offered new hopes and the prospects for unbelievable good fortune. This opportunity produced an eagerness that led some to risk it all and take a huge leap forward, regardless of the outcome. This step required courage. Some people risked everything for uncertain results.
This image of the intensity of the historical gold rush offers an important symbol to hold in your minds-eye, for it represents the type of eagerness and vision of unlimited possibility future that is possible at this point in your life. (See the end of this article for an expanded description of the California Gold Rush and the relationship of the two astrological charts.)
During this Full Moon, you’ll have the chance to experience a quality of eagerness, with the potential for life-changing expansion. This is an eagerness full of confidence, and provides the courage to risk it all for the potential for a greater life.
There is support during this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse to take advantage of these spectacular energies and commit to moving forward, release limiting patterns, or make a life decision you’ve lacked the courage to make in the past.
The Risk Involved
With great potential also comes great risk. Without inner guidance there’s the potential for using this new level of courage in a chaotic or even harmful way. Your actions in the coming days don’t need to be grandiose. What’s important is your own “inner leap” of courage and your intention to commit to the best for yourself and others.
Going back to the image of the Gold Rush, the point of the Eclipse energies is not to use the gift of courage to risk it all for a get-rich-quick scheme, but to use the potential to gain a new sense of personal adventure. Oral histories of the Alaska Gold Rush reveal that despite the hardships, for many it didn’t matter whether they found Gold. The success of the journey wasn’t marked by this external measure. They left the adventure a changed person and the experience became a marker in their life.
In the astrology chart, the exploration of spirit (Pluto) and a heightened sense of inventiveness (Saturn) are offering support during the week following the Full Moon. Pluto is offering a new ability to explore your relationship to your Higher Self, including new awareness of connections that you already have. Saturn is offering creativity and the ability to think outside of the box.
There are two important consideration in all of this expansion.
You may have the feeling that your actions need to be productive. The coming days are NOT about an external form of “productivity,” but rather about taking action to initiate something new. In other words, it’s not about acquiring more “stuff” or “doing more.” It’s not about meeting any kind of external standard of success. It’s about taking action from a new level of inspiration and eagerness, regardless if there is “success” in an external kind of measure. What’s important is success based on overcoming the obstacles and inertia that have kept you from moving forward.
You may also feel that you need to protect what you have. Avoid the tendency to feel that you need cling to physical security. What needs to be protected is your sense of expansion and creativity. You are being propelled by a cycle of growth and expansion, but only if you are able to move past the urge to horde security, or cling to the past, and retreat in fear.
The impulses for productivity and practicality are good, especially when they are connected to the good of your inner expanded guidance and not something that isolates you. All in all, this gift of courage is being offered to help you conquer obstacles which, in the past, you have been unable to surmount or move through.
End Note on the California Gold Rush
The Sabian Symbol for 6 degrees Scorpio includes the image of a gold rush, which is what led me to explore the possibility of a historical connection to this country’s largest gold rush, which peaked in the spring of 1849.
I consulted the astrological chart for exactly 164 years ago (1849) and found some surprising correlations with our Lunar Eclipse chart. In the 1849 chart, Mercury and Uranus were also in Aries, and Venus was also in Taurus. Pluto was in Taurus (an earth sign) and now Pluto is currently in Capricorn (also an earth sign). I believe this look into the past can be used to gain a glimpse of how powerful this Full Moon Eclipse portal can be.