With our Pisces New Moon comes a powerful initiation into a new level of self-protection through a new decision-making process. Our Sun/Moon conjunction is triggering a new level of creative discontent that will no longer tolerate the attempts of others to make life-changing decisions for us.
The way in which each of us makes decisions is directly being challenged with our Pisces lunar cycle. In Pisces, personal integrity is directly related to the ability to make decisions that are truly our own. This is in contrast to the awareness of decisions we have made that aren’t in alignment with our own best interest, or worse yet, decisions that are made by other people.
Many of us have recently witnessed more aggressive social and economic elements that appear to be designed to undermine our individual integrity and our ability to make our own decisions.
Our Pisces New Moon offers a solution to this latest trend of control over our decision making processes. Our New Moon gives us direct insight on how to protect our integrity so that we can operate successfully within our current 3D world.
This quality of self-determination is a strong theme of Pisces. This is a state of being in which each individual chooses what’s best for them. This quality of independence is now completely in your grasp using our potent New Moon energies.
The New Art of Spiritual Self-Protection
As we collectively begin moving deeper into the Aquarian Age, we begin to rely more on Source energy rather than the current systems of the world. This shift to inner reliance directly changes how we make decisions.
When each individual embarks on their spiritual path, they begin to understand how the light operates within their being. As each person begins to expand and hold more light, the darkness of the world often makes an attempt to lower their frequency. This attempt to manipulate our frequency is a direct assault against our individual sovereignty, and much more common than we have been led to believe.
When our frequency is manipulated, our perceptions and choices become limited to lower frequency options. We don’t have access to what’s in our personal best interest.
The shift in consciousness that is currently taking place is creating even greater contrast and awareness between the light and the dark. As a result, the more you expand in the light and raise your frequency, the more you’ll experience times when protection is necessary in order to keep your personal integrity intact.
To understand how this process of protection works we can turn to our current Piscean energies. Pisces energies are vast, yet subtle. What’s noteworthy about Pisces’ subtly is an astonishing mechanism for self-protection. This protection mechanism in Pisces isn’t readily visible because it operates within the spiritual realm of higher frequency.
Looking at the spiritual realms through the Pisces lens of high frequency makes self-protection quite easy to understand. Protecting your sovereign integrity can be as easy as making your decisions from a different location in your body. We usually associate decision-making with our head, however we can learn to make decisions from our heart.
Your frequency is increased every single time you make a choice from your primary light center, also known as your heart-center. With even the slightest increase in frequency we each begin to protect ourselves against others attempting to make decisions for us.
Pisces and the Development of Personal Integrity
Because of its expansive and complex energies, Pisces is very difficult to describe in a concise way. Pisces energies are vast, yet subtle. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces covers a large range of frequencies from low frequency illusion and distortion to high frequency spiritual consciousness. In the higher frequencies, Pisces enables us to access a big picture view of reality, including 5D consciousness and compassion view-point.
Pisces follows Aquarius. It takes the personal integrity generated within Aquarius to the next level. Think of this next level of integrity as a Piscean type of expanded integration of the identity of the true Self (water element). In this way, the Aquarian qualities of individuation and integrity are made accessible throughout every area of your life including your expanded sense of purpose.
Key qualities for our Pisces New Moon include: self-determination, the power of protection through personal integrity, higher-frequency states of being, and the pure joy of heart-centered living. This higher frequency integration of Pisces qualities offers a new mechanism for self determination by upleveling the Piscean qualities of consciousness to which we have access.
The shadow elements of Pisces are all related to low frequencies, including cultural systems of belief that diminish access to inner guidance and heart center, and all types of low-frequency living. Basically, the Pisces shadow is found in anything that distracts us from our highest excitement and inspiration.
The Pisces New Moon
Our Sabian archetype for the New Moon at 2° Pisces reminds us how important it is to fully complete the individuation process that we are all going through. This archetype reiterates the importance of recognizing that protection of individuality is the backbone of a healthy culture, and thus a necessary component for moving forward in the Aquarian Age.
ARCHETYPE: The need of the individual to ensure their necessary safety while protecting themselves from the more aggressive social, political, and economic elements of society.
COMMENTARY: The process of individuation and self-determination goes against the grain of a repressive society in which systems of social and economic control have become overtly aggressive. The squirrel represents the individual’s need for freedom to provide for themselves, without the interference of cultural aggression and unhealthy trends, which is represented by the hunters. The need for caution and protection reminds us that the process of individuation needs to be supported by a societal framework. In this way, a society can fully function and expand through the understanding that individuals are the backbone of a healthy culture.
Our transition into the Aquarian Age is one-hundred percent about freedom, personal sovereignty, and a creative collaboration with others toward a 5D world. The greater need for self-protection expressed through this Sabian is directly related to our particular point of time in human history. It’s becoming quite clear how the aggressive elements in our world are actively working against the Aquarian Age shift in consciousness.
Remember that Aquarian consciousness is frequency based. Protecting yourself against aggressive elements in the world can be as easy as focusing on what inspires you, and then making decisions from that feeling. Each and every feeling of excitement can stir your creative mind and your inspired heart. Every time you make a decision from your heart centered light-filled spaces you raise your frequency and protection is granted. Problem solved.
We can all do this. With just a very small increase in frequency we bypass the reaction phase of 3D living. Qualities of higher frequency include clarity, peace, joy, inspiration and calm neutrality. Neutrality is a high level frequency and an important sign that you are moving out of 3D living. Last month’s Aquarius New Moon was focused on this specific Aquarian quality of neutrality (An Unexpected Challenge to Individuality). Through the use of neutrality our reaction triggers are completely bypassed and we are able to make choices from creativity and not from our reactions to a past that’s already gone.
Creativity always exists in the eternal moment. When we make decisions from our creative heart center we become totally free from the attempts of others to program our reactions and control our choices. This is a key concept in understanding how freedom and individuality are interlocked. True individuality, reclaiming our sovereign power of choice, is based on living in a higher frequency. This is how we move toward what we are calling a 5D consciousness.
An Aquarian Age Update - The Pisces-Aquarius Connection
Our current Aquarian energies are influencing every other zodiac sign in an unusual way. With our current New Moon, there are three significant Aquarian influencers.
First, the Sun has just left Aquarius. This means that the New Moon in early Pisces is strongly influenced by the Sun’s recent Aquarian transit. As the Sun moves into Pisces it begins to integrate all of the energies of the previous two signs.
Second, Pluto is now in the final degree of Capricorn, about ready to make a grand entrance into Aquarius. Finally, Saturn is currently in the final degrees of Aquarius. There is important astrological significance to each of these prominent astrological movements, and together these influences are playing a big role in understanding our New Moon.
Pluto at 30° Capricorn. We are about to witness a significant historical event on March 23rd when Pluto reaches 1° Aquarius. With Pluto currently at the final degree of Capricorn, we can collectively see the final shadows of control and manipulation playing out before our very eyes.
When Pluto enters Aquarius two major things will occur. First, an activation of the Aquarian potential for the power of the light to awaken humanity’s consciousness worldwide. Second, the Aquarian shadow of artificial intelligence will attempt to dominate, in order to suppress the Aquarian rise in consciousness. Our Sabian archetype for 30° Capricorn is spot on.
ARCHETYPE: The power of a small group of people taking control over crucial decisions affecting larger populations.
COMMENTARY: Planetary, spiritual, and evolutionary guidance is the natural right of each individual and not that of a select or secret group of elites making decisions for individuals. The spiritual energies that reside within each of us provide all the inner guidance needed to live a fulfilled life. This innate power to assume self-responsibility for our own lives cannot be assumed by others. Without the inner guidance of spirit, all types of leadership deteriorate into self-interest and darkness.
This New Moon gives us new options for taking back the decision-making process. We can see through the shadow expression of this Sabian how aggressive elements have the intent to take control over crucial decision-making processes. Instead of relying on world leaders to take on the role of deciding for us, we can begin to decide for ourselves. Self-protection of our integrity is as simple as adjusting to a new heart centered decision-making process.
Saturn at 29° Aquarius. Saturn in Aquarius is a powerful combination that supports fundamental structural change at an energetic level. Saturn first moved into Aquarius in March of 2020. Over the past three years, we have witnessed the structural shifts that are taking place worldwide. We have seen the progressive collapse of cultural norms. At the same time we have also seen evidence of the transformation of consciousness through a steady increase in 5D frequencies.
ARCHETYPE: The capacity to utterly transform the frequency of one’s consciousness by radically altering the energetic patterns of everyday living and how decisions are made.
COMMENTARY: This represents the radical fundamental change that is necessary to participate at a higher frequency of life, or 5D consciousness. Metamorphosis into a higher frequency is the foundational premise of the Aquarian Age. Spiritually, this represents the initiation of a heart centered decision-making process. This level of transformation is as radical as changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
With the potential for metamorphosis taking place within our consciousness, we have a fundamental alteration, or metamorphosis, occurring. As we transform our consciousness, we are able to make decisions from a different location in our body, from our hearts instead of our heads. This is extremely exciting and something that we can expect to continue occurring as we move deeper into the Aquarian Age.
We are on the verge of another shift in consciousness worldwide. With this Pisces New Moon we now have the option to make decisions that protect our individuality and self-integrity. In practical terms, this means making decisions from what excites you the most, and not from guilt, fear, or a false idea of responsibility.
We are entering a new Age with new rules for life that operate at a higher frequency. As a collective of light beings, we are no longer satisfied with others making our decisions for us. We have turned a corner. We are seeing, maybe for the first time, how we have all been programmed in the past to make decisions that haven’t come from the higher frequency of our light centers, or hearts. This situation is rapidly changing, and as individuals we are taking back our power of choice.
Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer
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