Metamorphosis: Double Aquarian New Moon Astrology Feb 2015

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Metamorphosis: Double Aquarian New Moon Astrology Feb 2015

Metamorphosis: Double Aquarian New Moon Astrology Feb 2015

Article Window: Feb 18 to Mar 20
• The New Moon is Wednesday, Feb 18, 3:47 PM PST
• The Full Moon is Thursday, Mar 5
• Sun is 30° Aquarius, Moon is 30° Aquarius
• Current New Moon Theme (thru Mar 20): Metamorphosis

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow this energy to guide you while adjusting to changing circumstances. This month’s Lunar Cycle will offer a new tool set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose.


Astrology Article: Metamorphosis

Our New Moon is the second New Moon in Aquarius this month. This is a special “Second Aquarius New Moon” that holds a special significance. In fact, consider this to be a once in a lifetime Lunar month. Events occurring between Feb 18th and Mar 20th will have the potential to access energy that can create “pure success”. This is the perfect time to use this energy to take your life to the next level.

The 2015 Aquarius Double New Moon

It is a rare phenomenon to have two New Moons back-to-back in a single zodiac sign, however it is even more rare to have two New Moons in Aquarius on consecutive New Moons. It is so rare, that this will most likely be the only time in your life that this usual occurrence will occur. You can read more about this in the article titled; “The Age of Aquarius: Has the Quickening Begun?

The power behind this unique opportunity centers on how the energy of an entire zodiac sign can be condensed and then expressed as a growth cycle. However, this isn’t any ordinary growth cycle because it has the potential to launch into a personal metamorphosis.

I’m using the term “metamorphosis” because this New Moon also promises a transformation when used correctly. The biggest challenge you will face with the upcoming second Aquarian New Moon, is how to take full advantage of the opportunities presented. This is not the time to make adjustments, but a time to make changes so that a metamorphosis can take place.

How the Hidden Principle of Cultivation Works

The Moon has a special relationship with what I like to refer to as “organic growth.” Hence, the Moon is associated with farming, nurturing, development cycles and patterns, and how our consciousness adapts to changing environments.

The principle that’s operating along with the Moon is often obscured, however it is how this “organic growth” can be nurtured and cultivated. What’s available for cultivation is not just an aspect of a sign, Rather, the entire zodiac sign, from 1° Aquarius to 30° Aquarius is available, and this precisely what is so rare. Harvesting a complete Lunar cycle with condensed Aquarius energy is a powerful tool in creating the momentum needed for metamorphosis. This is the change that can create transformation.

This once in a lifetime event started with last month’s New Moon theme of “Embodying Vitality for Success”. Vitality was needed to creatively cultivate, store, and embody the success needed to maximize the potential of this New Moon. It is now clear why vitality was such an important ingredient. It is this vitality that uses your own life-force that is needed in order for a meaningful change and transformation to occur.

The Quickening of a 30°Aquarius New Moon

Double Aquarian New Moon Chart for Feb 18, 2015Our New Moon is currently at 30° Aquarius and starts a new Lunar cycle that then immediately moves into the sign of Pisces. It is important to note that the New Moon is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. With Neptune, Chiron, Venus, and Mars all in Pisces, this energy is magnifying all Piscean energies, providing a new level and pattern that we can harness.

Pay attention to the first week after the New Moon. Depending on the nature of your birth chart and the astrological house where the New Moon sits in your chart, there may be additional tools to cultivate.

Another thing to note is Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius. This relationship means that Aquarius is easily activated by Uranus and the familiar themes of Uranus include success through freedom, sharp intuition, the intellect, inspiration, energized ideals, and creative change. These are additional tools to pull from to access the catalysts for change and transformation.

Most importantly, what you can expect is a positive change, growth, abundance, All forms of change to create the type of success you have dreamed of. Remember to use the tools available to you to work hard and actualize your own potential. It is truly the change of a lifetime.


As discussed, we are entering a New Moon period where activating and actualizing your potential for success will be easiest if you recognize the tools available to you that take advantage of the available opportunities. This is a time to use Aquarian energy and think outside of the box. It is freedom and brilliance combined. Accepting practical advice won’t be easy to come by this month, because Piscean energy paints with broad strokes and dissolves what isn’t working. It is a time to follow new urges, and to create new patterns around you that inspire. The new you has the ability to operate as someone who has experienced a metamorphosis and is now re-designed for successful living.

Elizabeth Schermer’s: New Moon Tarot Video for Feb 18 – Mar 20, 2015

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Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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