- The New Moon is Monday, Dec 2 at 4:22 pm PST
- Sun is 10° Sagittarius, Moon is 10° Sagittarius
- New Moon Theme (thru the Jan 1 New Moon): Recognizing Opportunity
- Next Full Moon is Sunday, Dec 16
- Winter Solstice is Dec 21
Current Lunar Cycle
The New Moon releases a wave of new potential and sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow the energy of this New Moon theme to guide you and help you adjust to changing circumstances. Each week of this month’s Lunar Cycle will offer new tools and momentum for energizing your life purpose.
Astrology Article: Recognizing Opportunity
This month’s wave of New Moon potential brings new opportunities. Opportunity comes in variety of forms. The key to success this month is recognizing that all opportunities aren’t equal. It is important this month to check with your inner guidance before you act. In this way you will check to see if an opportunity is supporting your highest good.
One way to understand this New Moon wave of Sagittarius energy is to recognize the help you received during the last Lunar cycle involving the theme of authenticity and integrity. The last weeks were about connecting with your Higher Self. You can use this connection now to make decisions, by “feeling” when circumstances are in alignment with your highest good.
Recognizing whether or not an opportunity has integrity (supporting your larger life picture) will be the key to your success. In other words, connect with your guidance before making decisions or jumping on board your next adventure.
Rest assured that ultimately all opportunities are good, because every circumstance has a purpose. However, all opportunities do not support you in the same way. The question the New Moon raises is your ability to choose from your own guidance. Sagittarius energy is fantastic for recognizing and expanding through opportunity, but Sagittarius also needs guidance from inner principles which recognize the hidden benefits of the bigger picture.
The key concept to remember this month is that each opportunity you encounter will have its own energy and momentum. Look for indicators and clues as to whether what is being offered fits into your larger scheme of things. Connect with your inner guidance to stay in the flow and avoid detours.
The New Moon Astrology Chart
Jupiter (expansion and opportunity) is providing a lot of momentum forward, while Uranus retrograde (shaking loose the hidden value) is raising the question of whether or not your next move serves your highest interest or that of someone else.
There is a triangle of success (a trine and two sextiles) involving Mars, Venus, and Mercury. You’ll be aware of multiple opportunities and choices. The important thing to realize is that they may not all be “yours.”
Pay attention to your inner guidance, even if on the surface everything looks solid. This is your Higher-self, with the help of Uranus, assisting you. During a New Moon your intuition is highly active. Use it to trust your feeling nature. Ask if you are aligned with the greater good, or if greed or ambition (yours or someone else’s) https://seattleastrology.org/wp-admin/post-new.php’s) are part of your impulse to act.
This month your inner guidance is supporting your highest good. Trust it. Move forward.
New Moon Tarot Video
[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/aOpTh9LO9Xs” rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″ showinfo=”0″]
In Closing
It is our deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you. Thank you again for your participation.
Have a wonderful week,
Steven and Elizabeth