A New Pathway in a New World: Full Moon Astrology July 2017
• Article Window: July 8 to July 23
• The Full Moon is Saturday, July 8, 9:07 PM PDT
• Sun is 18° Cancer, Moon is 18° Capricorn
• Next New Moon: July 23
• Current New Moon Theme (June 23 – July 23): Leadership in New Territory
Current Lunar Cycle
The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.
Astrology Article: A New Pathway in a New World
Our Full Moon Astrology brings all of us to a crossroads of realization regarding the nature of our reality. These realizations include the awareness that our true power lies within in the choices we make. This is a time when our choices have the power to set the direction and chart a new path into our future.
Even the most ordinary of choices can and will have far-reaching impacts. In retrospect we may well look back to this time as being a pivotal turning point in our path. The choices we make now, no matter how ordinary they seem, can and will have far-reaching impacts in our personal lives and also for the larger scope of humanity.
The astrology of this Full Moon clearly shows a crossroads through the assertion of leadership. This is leadership at every level of life, leading to the opportunity for individuals to establish new trajectories through personal choice and the allegiance to personal authority in alignment with the greater good.
Our Full Moon astrology speaks to the fact that the world is currently in the process of charting and consolidating power, both through existing institutions as well as new models for change. Each individual has the opportunity to choose their alignment and then participate. Your highest opportunity now exists in this present moment. You are not at all limited or dictated by what the collective decides, or by decisions you have made in the past.
We have entered new territory. To fully understand and experience the benefits of this Full Moon and the last half of this cycle, it will be beneficial for you in the coming days to take extra time to connect within before making important decisions. Before you act, reflect on what has led you to this point and then align within to your heart-felt purpose.
Action versus Reaction
Action now is required, however a momentary slowdown is necessary before acting. Although this Full Moon brings the urge to action, it’s important first to be clear about the “what” and the “why” of your actions so as not to simply respond unconsciously to whatever is uncomfortable.
Our Full Moon astrology suggests that the world as a whole is currently in a reactionary pattern. The personal opportunity now is one of self-determination. This is a time to question the trajectory of the world, including all aspects of your personal circumstances, and determine if your path forward will be the same or different. The entry into new territory gives you the chance to step out of one path and choose another.
The Universe never presents something huge without adequate preparation. The past four lunar cycles have provided each of us with the growth and preparation required to capitalize on this current opportunity. As the stage is set for this specific Full Moon, I am moved to express my own sense of awe at how the Universe has gradually over time released a pattern of growth that offers ongoing support for our expanding consciousness. In other words, we ARE ready for this!
Overview of Recent Lunar Patterns
Each Full Moon is absolutely unique, with some having more impact on our individual lives than others. The crossroads of choice at this Full Moon is one of those times of greatest impact. It expresses a culmination of an ongoing pattern of preparation for leadership, including the creation of new futures that transcend past patterns of limitation.
To fully leverage the power of this Full Moon it is helpful to review the recent lunar patterns that have unfolded over the past few months. Each New Moon has set in motion a new potential infused with specific energies for growth. At each Full Moon the new energies have been fully activated, providing concrete insight and understanding to enable you to adapt those energies into your current life circumstances.
The themes of the recent lunar cycles illustrate an ongoing progression:
○ March New Moon in Aries: Intuitive Sensitivity
○ Libra Full Moon: Facing the Consequences
○ April New Moon in Taurus: A New Quality of Being
○ Scorpio Full Moon: The Freedom to Resist
○ May New Moon in Gemini: To Reach Farther & Beyond
○ Sagittarius Full Moon: Preparing for a Better Future
○ June New Moon in Cancer: Leadership in New Territory
○ Capricorn Full Moon: Choosing Your Path
To summarize, the Aries New Moon in March introduced a boost to your Intuitive Sensitivity. This led to your ability to engage in your life with a New Quality of Being (Taurus), more closely aligned with your inner authority. New inner alignment introduced a capacity to Reach Farther & Beyond (Gemini), accessing possibilities greater than you have known before. These new capacities enabled you to more fully Prepare for a Better Future. The current New Moon cycle In Cancer is helping us develop higher levels of personal leadership in order to navigate the new and uncharted territory we are creating.
Now at the Capricorn Full Moon we are integrating what we have learned from the past in order to choose our personal path as we enter the uncharted territory of new worlds.
It is truly astonishing to contemplate the degree of helpful support the Universe is providing as we expand and extend our own consciousness through the unfolding intelligent cycles of growth.
The Astrology Pattern – Claiming New Territory and Facing the Shadow
This Full Moon occurs at an exact conjunction with Pluto. (The Moon is less than 1° balsamic to Pluto.) This conjunction is in opposition to Mars which is conjunct the Sun. The Pluto/Mars opposition is always significant and happens every two+ years, releasing a general signature that allows us to transcend and transform personal actions in order to align with universal will. The fact that this event happens while Pluto is directly conjunct the Full Moon is extremely rare.
This opposition of Pluto and Mars in combination with the Full Moon signifies the very real possibility for you to step out of long-running patterns that are dictated by external or subconscious agendas, and instead choose a very specific and unique life trajectory aligned with your own highest purpose and potential.
There’s a lot of information condensed into that last sentence, so let’s unpack these patterns and explore what this might mean for you.
With Mars conjunct the Sun, your actions (Mars) need to be in alignment with your purpose and the energies of the Self (Sun). With Pluto conjunct the Moon, you have to integrate (Moon) your access and connection to the power of transformation (Pluto). For those who connect intentionally with this opportunity it will be possible to harness the power of transformation (Pluto/Mars) into action that enables you to adjust (Moon) to your circumstances in order to support your higher purpose (Sun).
This is a complicated signature that will surely activate shadow aspects in all levels of our world. With the Mars/Sun conjunction in opposition to the Full Moon/Pluto conjunction, actions that are out of alignment with purpose can be purely reactionary, including the unconscious need to grab power and control at “any cost.” It is precisely this shadow aspect of power and control at any cost that, once institutionalized, can severely limit your freedom, your path of purpose, and what’s right for you.
To further emphasize the significance of the overall pattern of contrasting forms of leadership, let’s look at the Sabian archetype for the Full Moon positioned at 18° Capricorn:
ARCHETYPE: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.
COMMENTARY: Institutionalized power can be used to control groups or individuals, especially when required to maintain a specific outcome of social order or social relationships. This ultimate expression of power needs to be tempered and balanced by justice and compassion, rather than an elitism justifying its authority through abuses of power.
This Full Moon Sabian archetype, when combined with Pluto and opposite Mars (a lower octave of Pluto), makes clear the quality of a crossroads of realization. Whether leadership is occurring at the level of the individual, the community, state, nation, or world, there will be two forces at play. The powerful leadership desire for justice and compassion will be opposed to an overwhelming shadow urge to limit freedom and set the agenda at the expense of others, including the potential for a power grab at every level of leadership.
Because Mars expands through action, without proper management Mars will have a tendency to seek “more.” When Mars is operating unconsciously within our current pattern, the drive for “more” will result in the desire for more power and control, reflecting the shadow aspect of Pluto in Capricorn.
Within this context of Mars/Pluto energy, don’t be surprised if you experience an overwhelming desire to take some form of action. The challenge and opportunity moving forward is to realize that the deeper urge to act comes from the desire to choose your own trajectory. This is not about taking unnecessary action or simply reacting because it feels good or provides relief. The key is to first to connect within, step into alignment with your own trajectory and life purpose, and then choose your actions from this vantage point.
Choosing Your Own Course
The Full Moon is activating a cosmic shift that will enable you to step directly into the new trajectories of the future you are creating. This is regardless of existing circumstances or the choices of the world at large.
Your power lies in controlling your own trajectory in life through the force of inner choice. This is true at every level from the personal to the global. At all levels of life you are no longer required to follow others because of their unconscious urge to hold power, or worse, attempt to control you because they think they know what is best.
Your opportunity now stems from inner qualities of self-leadership (current New Moon theme) and through taking action that supports your own purpose. Make no mistake, this is a pivotal point. Pluto conjunct the Full Moon may in fact be one of the most powerful symbols of “pure power” in the entire world of astrology. The emphasis is simply this: You have the power now to step out of long-running patterns and choose your own path. Those who don’t take charge of their life’s trajectory, are susceptible to others who will.
These powerful Full Moon energies will operate at both the conscious and unconscious levels of awareness. The drive to action means that unconscious individuals will automatically assume their agenda is right and correct for everyone. Patterns of aggression will likely intensify within all levels of leadership. Problems may further escalate when leaders compete to assert different agendas.
This is a time to stand tall and secure. The forces of leadership grounded in compassion are infinitely more powerful than all forces of greed and self-interest combined. Know that this same urge for action is being universally experienced. This is the time to align within, set your own agenda, chart your own course, raise your own flag, and become your own authority.
This Full Moon gives you to right to experience your own power and to declare your allegiance to your own unique purpose in life. Each individual who takes such a stance, with the intention to be of service to the greater good, contributes to the momentum of positive change.
Our lunar cycles have been unfolding with amazing synchronicity over the last several months and have brought us to this Full Moon, which is further activated by an extremely powerful astrological pattern. There is a personal opportunity now to realize the extent of your own power. You now have the capacity to set your own agenda and assert a life trajectory that supports your highest purpose in alignment with the greater good.