- Full Moon was Sunday, Nov 17 at 7:16 am PST
- Sun is 26° Scorpio, Moon is 26° Taurus
- Nov 3 New Moon Theme (New Moon to New Moon): Connecting More Authentically
- Next New Moon is Monday, Dec 2 at 4:22 pm PST
- Winter Solstice is Dec 21
Current Lunar Cycle
The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. This week look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.
Astrology Article: New Territory
Imagine yourself in a new world full of opportunity with the potential to make a real difference. As new situations develop in your life, this Full Moon will inspire you with a personal vision of how to adjust. These are positive changes, providing you the hold feeling that the recent ups and downs in life have opened up new territories which are now allowing you to expand.
This week, whenever you find yourself in a new environment or new situation, adjustments will need to be made. It’s important to realize that personal success will depends on realizing that you have control over how quickly you embrace the new situation.
The Full Moon always has some level of new illumination associated with it. As you experience a shift in awareness and realize that things are changing, be prepared to go a little deeper. There is an opportunity this week to experience an additional level of illumination. This deeper insight centers on the realization that there are energies available for making very quick adjustments when new developments or situations occur.
Your ability to make these timely and quick adjustments is related to the authenticity theme of this month’s Lunar cycle. Use each new situation or change in your environment as an opportunity to practice reacting in the most authentic way you can. Quick adjustments can easily become an authentic reaction, when you realize that your resistance to change is directly related to old patterns which are in the process of dissolving.
Astrology Patterns: Sextile Magic
There is a magnificent partial grand sextile available for you this week. The partial grand sextile can be quite powerful if you understand how to best to take advantage of its energies. A complete grand sextile has 6 points, 60° apart, forming a pattern like the Star of David. The partial grand sextile has only 5 of the 6 points.
Besides the partial grand sextile, two things stand out when I look at this chart: The stellium, composed of Sun, Saturn, North Node, and Mercury, in Scorpio; and the T-square involving the Sun, Moon, and Neptune.
The position of Neptune (early degree Pisces) indicates that extra attention is needed concerning how you go about adapting to the new territory through which you find yourself navigating. There will be a tendency to think that everything will continue to flow together with a certain ease, but what Neptune is trying to dissolve is your resistance to change and inaction. The ease comes from Neptune dissolving your resistance and trusting in this release. Yes there is definite easy flow of energy, but only if you are able see the deeper pattern’s resistance which no long serves you (Sun conjunct Saturn in Scorpio square Neptune).
With a such a strong grouping in Scorpio energy, it’s important in look for the deeper opportunities. It’s these deeper aspects of personal authenticity you’ll need in order to establish a secure foundation for moving forward in life. Authenticity is key to the “behind the scenes” magic of letting go and allowing energy to flow. When you release resistance, you can allow yourself to move into a new territory of experience, being your truest self in new situations.
In Closing
It is our deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you. Thank you again for your participation.
Have a wonderful week,
Steven Shroyer