This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.
Aquarian Age Update
Our next step into our great Aquarian Age is benefited by another spectacular Kite pattern, making it our third kite in a row. With this kite, we can all rest assured that big and positive things are happening just below the surface of public awareness. With our Sun and Moon conjunct in our current kite tail position, it gives us a clear indicator that success and fulfillment have a tremendous amount of momentum to push us into a new era.
As we discuss our new energy pattern, please keep in mind that I am introducing a new perspective on an old concept of nobility and what this means for each of us moving forward.
Virgo New Moon: A New Perspective of Nobility
Things have definitely made another shift in a positive direction. Our understanding of how to work with the past and present is merging into a singular point of reference in a spectacular fashion. We’re learning how to operate in the moment. This new perspective of living in the present will help us to create a shift in how we’re able to perceive and contribute to our world.
We all hold the intention of making the world a better place. This is a fundamental quality of Virgo. Even though improving the world is a positive thing, our efforts don’t necessarily support our creativity unless we are operating in the present moment. We have been taught to respond and react to what isn’t working. This reactionary approach to what we don’t want doesn’t allow us to fully access our creative spirit in the moment. The highest form of creativity isn’t reactionary, it enables us to proactively create the world we desire.
With our Virgo energies now fully activated, we can begin living life from the creative perspective of an artist, actively shaping and crafting the world that we want. We’re no longer reacting to what we see is wrong. We are actively creating, based on what we prefer.
Active Qualities of Virgo
Our Virgo energies bring the character traits of courage and authentic purpose to every activity in which we engage. Virgo also has a hidden quality of creativity that manifests whenever our spirit is unencumbered by habit or the distraction of unimportant details.
Other Virgo qualities that are easy to access now include: refinement, excellence, and strength of character. The nobility associated with Virgo’s strength of character includes honesty, kindness, and magnificence. Virgo helps us refine our sense of inspiration so we can create our own masterpiece through living our highest potential.
Virgo’s Shadow manifests whenever there is an over-emphasis on mental prowess and analysis. Because of Virgo’s strong mental capabilities and capacity, Virgo has the ability to mentalize anything and everything. When this occurs, and mental processes dominate, our purely creative processes are hindered, or worse, lie dormant.
When Virgo’s energy is combined with spirit then these creative energies can be use in the most brilliant ways imaginable, without the shadow of getting struck in the details.
The Sabian Perspective of Greatness
The Sabin archetype that’s activated by the New Moon at 22° Virgo is sparking the magnificence and brilliance within each of us.
ARCHETYPE: The acknowledgment that occurs when the nobility of one’s spirit is recognized for its excellence.
COMMENTARY: Rising to the occasion and going beyond the required call of duty is a sign of noble activity. When the individual understands the past from the wisdom of the present moment, they become noble in spirit. Fighting to dissolve the bondage of the past frees us to pursue greatness in the moment. Spiritual warfare is not fought with flesh and blood, but with the magnificence and brilliance of spirit, freeing ourselves and all who are enslaved and ensnared.
This is a powerful archetype that represents how each of us are now able to access the character qualities necessary to bring forth the world for which we have all been patiently waiting. The idea of nobility in our current context has nothing to do with the shadow elements of ancient nobility associated with elitism and its associated heredity, including royal families and royal courts.
What is currently active in our consciousness is the ability to connect with the true nobility of our spirits. This gives us access to our inherent capacity to rise to the occasion whenever the need arises.
A New Capacity for Creative Perspective
Mercury plays an important role in understanding perspective. Mercury rules Virgo and it also happens to be the only other planet located in Virgo in our chart. Mercury allows us to observe contrast so we can more easily choose the type of experience we prefer. Mercury is enhancing our Virgo qualities by helping us access an artist’s perspective.
Our Sabian archetype at 9° Virgo beautifully emphasizes Virgo’s artistic nature, especially once the mind is freed from the never-ending thought process of endless mysteries, details and unending things to know and memorize.
ARCHETYPE: The urge to express an authentic and individualized sense of value, regardless of tradition or social designation.
COMMENTARY: The refusal to let the pressures of society interpret one’s individual value, or the creative expression of their spirit. This type of refusal results in a pure form of freedom, in which emotional expression is completely free, giving access to one’s own creative spirit, anyplace and in any moment. Pure freedom of expression creates an outlet that resolves any inner conflict between the outer expression of original work and the inner process of being a creator.
This beautiful Sabian describes the experience of unfettered originality and creative expression. For this New Moon you can imagine your own artistic perspective emerging. Imagine yourself expressing yourself freely, allowing your unique perspectives to emerge. In this way your creativity is operating outside the box, in the present moment, unfettered by any traditional perspectives.
Our two Virgo archetypes of “nobility of spirit” and “unfettered originality” are working together in perfect harmony. A noble spirit is completely free. It’s free to express, free to be a creator, and free to be magnificent and brilliant. When each person’s unique nobility of purpose is free to rise to the occasion, then the new era we are all creating will be extraordinarily magnificent.
Kite Pattern: A New Outlook Emerges as the Old Fades Away
A Kite pattern holds an extraordinary level of transformation, even to the point of personal metamorphosis. This is especially true when there is a New Moon and Neptune involved in the Kite pattern. Our current Kite has this exact combination, with the New Moon and Neptune as the backbone of the Kite, making it even more powerful. (For more details see the Kite pattern description from the last article, The Poetry of Life is in Constant Motion.)
A Kite pattern that involves an elevation, or up-leveling, of our spiritual perceptions is truly a big deal, and that’s exactly the energy of this Kite. In fact, this is a new pattern that we haven’t experienced until now. Neptune’s spirituality is dissolving the past and at the same time creating huge momentum forward. With the three transcendent planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) forming the crown of the Kite, the resulting shift in personal consciousness and all of the world’s societies cannot be stopped.
Over the past six months we have observed a tremendous evolution in the quantity and intensity of the positive shifts that are occurring. This New Moon marks another great shift in our overall energies of the year.
This is the time for each of us to rise to the occasion with magnificent character and embrace the creativity of the hidden artist within. Perspectives come, perspectives go, but this is the moment to have a new unfettered outlook, and live from the noble spirit that resides within.
We are all remarkable beings of light who are now beginning to realize just how powerful we really are becoming. I have described this process as being noble in spirit. Being noble in spirit frees our creativity. Our spirit is naturally creative and this is where the artist within each of us resides.
Old patterns are dissolving and new perspectives are emerging. As each new major shift occurs, each of us regains some of the extraordinary capabilities that have been lost with the amnesia of each lifetime. We have definitely entered new territory with this New Moon. May we all embrace the nobility of our spirit and allow the artist’s creative perspective to emerge.
May your days be filled with endless creativity.
Steven Shroyer