Opening New Channels of Communication: Full Moon Astrology May 2015
• Article Window: May 3 to May 17
• The Full Moon is Sunday, May 3, 8:42 PM PDT
• Sun is 14° Taurus, Moon is 14° Scorpio
• Current New Moon Theme (thru May 16): Attunement
• Next New Moon May 17
Current Lunar Cycle
The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.
Astrology Article: Opening New Channels of Communication
This Full Moon will bring a greater togetherness between you and your friends. For the next two weeks you’ll notice an increasing urge to share more with those you’re closest to.
We have all experienced the extra momentum during the last two months. For some this momentum has been overwhelming. For others it has propelled them into new territories — of career, personal success, relationship, or perhaps even a new sense of purpose. In the midst of all this growth and change, this Full Moon reminds us of the simpler joys of life, including a deeper appreciation of our friends and family.
Better Communication through Appreciation
Along with this spring’s momentum the last New Moon added an extra feeling of alignment and inner guidance. It’s now necessary to focus on establishing new avenues or channels for communication. Feeling appreciation and then sharing it a great way to start.
There’s something revitalizing about giving and receiving appreciation. That “something” represents one of the simplest pleasures of life and reminds us that we aren’t alone. Appreciation nurtures and is able to communicate more than just the words spoken.
The deeper issue that this Full Moon brings into focus is the importance of togetherness, along with the experience you enjoy when you share your feelings and ideas. This type of appreciation is composed of authentic feelings and ideas that in turn foster better connections.
If communication is lacking then the Full Moon will bring that into focus. Your inner feelings and insights about life need to be the focused and then shared in order to satisfy your inner need for group connection. The group, in this sense, is quite general and can mean any interpersonal relationship where togetherness is valued.
One of the simpler and most significant joys in life is in spending time and connecting with those we care about, and finding strength and revitalization as a result of the relationship.
Astrology Pattern
One of the most interesting aspects of this astrology chart is what the planet Mars is contributing to the overall pattern. For the next several weeks Mars will be conjunct the Sun and therefore also closely aligning its energies with the next two New Moons (which will be also conjuncting the Sun). This relationship between Sun, Mars, and New Moon is providing extra (EXTRA!) momentum that will carry us deep into the summer months.
Mars energizes, pursues, initiates. Mars helps to start every new activity you do. It provides a transformative energy, capable of supporting positive growth forward.
In the current Full Moon pattern, Mars is capable of initiating appreciation, and seeks out new channels of communication. Mars also seeks relationships that satisfy the emotional desires of Venus. In this case, Mars provides initiative, the energy to be assertive rather passive during the next couple of months. The effort and actions of Mars will fuel the appreciation and good communication that are required now to help you actively move forward in life.
Because of the Sun conjunction, this support will continue. In the coming weeks, Mars will provide you a chance to jump start the positive of whatever life has in store for you.
Article Summary
The Full Moon energies are available to help you experience joy within simple gestures like appreciation and the sharing of authentic feelings with others you’re close to. It’s through these types of exchanges that you revitalize yourself and your relationships. Your friends and loved ones will feel a sense of togetherness and new channels of communication will open up. Life moves forward with the feeling of togetherness and joy.