Owning Your Essence: New Moon Astrology May 2015
• Article Window: May 17 to June 15
• The New Moon is Sunday, May 17, 9:13 PM PST
• Sun is 27° Taurus, Moon is 27° Taurus
• New Moon Theme (May 17 thru June 15): Owning Your Essence
• The next Full Moon is Tuesday, June 2
Current Lunar Cycle
The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar Cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.
Astrology Article: Owning Your Essence
Each of us is born with a spark of creative fire which stirs inside. This spark guides your development and provides that unique quality referred to as your “essence.” This New Moon will provide some extra help in making specific adjustments designed to bring you into full alignment with your inner spark, your essence.
Tapping into the Energy of Taurus
The New Moon is in the sign of Taurus. A closer look at this powerful sign may provide some useful ideas for tapping into your inner essence in the coming days.
The first of the three earth signs in the zodiac, Taurus concentrates the power that was generated in Aries (last month’s New Moon). Once fully concentrated, Gemini (next month’s New Moon) will distribute this concentrated energy for the purpose of discovering new ways to cooperate with others as we mature into new perspectives.
This concentrating power of Taurus is infused with the energies of the New Moon. Much like a very potent seed, intentions set at the time of this New Moon have the potential to grow into something magnificent. What is created with this new momentum can be aligned with who you really are, capable of supporting your own essence.
At the beginning of this article I mentioned that there is extra help this coming month in making adjustments. Specifically, these are adjustments that support your alignment with your inner essence. These are your inherent potentials, what you were born with. Whether or not you have fully developed these potentials, they are still available and this is a month when you can expand into more of who you really are.
Accessing Your Essence through Inner Support
One way to learn about your essence during the coming New Moon cycle is by exploring your experience of inner support and where it flows from
The experience of inner support is important this month. Taurus needs validation in order to feel safe and productive. It needs to be a part of something that has substance. This need to feel substance is an expression of the earth element of Taurus. It wants to feel that something is real, supportive, and somehow worthy of identifying with. (This is how the idea of ownership became associated with Taurus. If you experience something as real and supportive, it is worthy of calling it “yours.” When it’s yours, you own it.)
When it comes to the support experienced in Taurus, this can mean many different things. “Inner Support” in the context of this discussion is simply whatever sustains you at your core. It can be physical, emotional, or mental, or spiritual.
Ultimately you can think of the experience of what supports you as an expression of your inner essence. It is a way that you can experience your connection to the creative spark of the universe. Tap into your experience of support and think about it in terms of owning it.
There’s help available this month to make the necessary adjustments in order to identify with what supports you and experience it as if it’s “real.” This “real feeling” is at the heart of this Taurus New Moon. Feel your inner connection to support. If, as a result, you feel confirmed, validated, and ratified, then Taurus has made the necessary adjustments to support your inner essence.
Locating Taurus in Your Birth Chart
We each have all twelve zodiac signs operating within. They are expressed in specific patterns, largely determined at birth. Depending on their location in your birth chart, each zodiac sign offers unique gifts and abilities. If you are familiar with your own natal astrology chart, look to the house that Taurus occupies for a deeper understanding of how to access the tools of Taurus that are mentioned above.
Article Summary
The Taurus New Moon introduces the theme of “Owning Your Essence” to help you harness the energy of the tremendous momentum which has been available for the last two New Moons. Taurus has certain qualities useful in tapping into your truest inner essence. You can think of your essence as what supports and sustains you. This New Moon is all about feeling what’s real, useful, and supportive, and then owning it. These Taurus energies will support you in making the necessary adjustments to maximize your connection to your truest Self and what sustains you.
It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful Full Moon,