The Golden Age of Astrology is Here

We have entered a new era of consciousness and Light.
Discover new applications of astrological insight as our Golden Age continues to unfold.


The Sabian Decoded


The Aquarian Age Library

Free access to more than 40 articles exploring the Aquarian Age and humanities transition into this remarkable golden era. These articles offer incredible insight into many of the astrological topics considered to be the cutting-edge of astrological wisdom. If you're interested in our shift into a dimensional reality unknown to humans until now, then you'll you are at the right place in your astrological journey into the new Earth energies.

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Aquarian Age Journal, Articles, Updates, Insight and Astrological Wisdom

The Aquarian Age Journal explorers the energetic shift of Pluto's entrance into Aquarius and brings both a practical and spiritual perspective to everyday living that has been missing from traditional astrology. Every seeker of wisdom will find valuable insights that will help them transition into the Golden Aquarian Age of high-frequency consciousness.

Astrology Library

The Seattle Astrology library and archives contains an extensive index of astrology articles beginning in 2011. The depth of insight within these articles presents an inspired look into the expansion consciousness.

Aquarian Age Journal

The journal is an astrological reference to help navigate the paradigm shift of Pluto's journey through Aquarius. It highlights the newly available cosmic energies and is published on the New and Full Moon.
Free publication

The Sabian Wisdom

Seattle Astrology is a pioneer in pure principle astrological wisdom. We have specialized in the field of Sabian Symbols and Archetypes. The Sabian is the most profound astrological tool available today. Update: coming soon

Home of the Aquarian Age Journal

The Aquarian Age Journal follows humanity's entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age.

Pluto's entrance into Aquarius is historic.

With Pluto’s first entry into Aquarius in March of 2023, we have entered the final stages of a major consciousness shift taking place on our planet. We will be updating the journal each New and Full Moon with creative suggestions for how to utilize the massive and potent energies that are currently flooding our planet.

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