Perspective Without the Distortion of Shadow

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Perspective Without the Distortion of Shadow

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the next major phase of our transition into our new era. This journal will continue to keep you updated on the Aquarian Age through the energies of each New and Full Moon.

Aquarian Age Update

One of the recent developments taking place within our consciousness and throughout the entire world is the emergence of a greater perspective. As our frequency increases we have access to new multidimensional abilities that enable us to observe our circumstances and make choices from an expanded awareness.

Much has been written about the topic of expanded perceptions over the years. With the recent influx of new energies from the transcendent planets, we’re acquiring new capabilities. We can now access deeper understandings of how an expanded perspective can play an increasingly significant role in our life. As we move deeper into the Aquarian Age, access to expanded perspectives can be used to support personal breakthroughs in our increasing consciousness.

With an increase of our perceptions we are all experiencing a deeper awareness of our connection to Source energy. We are ALL feeling this shift in consciousness, including an outright aversion to what we don’t prefer. No longer are we willing to compromise our personal freedom. And no longer are we willingly to tolerate a world in which our highest inspirations are put on the back burner. Nurturing our ability to make decisions based on what we are most excited about is quickly becoming the new normal.

As the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is supporting our shifts in perception. Uranus has just shifted to a new degree in Taurus which is increasing our awareness of subtle energies. The significance of this shift is bringing to our awareness the spiritual forces of consciousness which have been working behind the scenes in the past and are now being quietly seen.

The Sabian for Uranus at 20° Taurus gives us some additional information.


ARCHETYPE: Awareness of spiritual forces at work.
COMMENTARY: After a new evolutionary step is taken, one becomes aware of the signature of spiritual forces working and operating within the more subtle realms of consciousness. These subtle types of energy signatures are multidimensional signs that can reassure, confirm, and support us when moving forward.

At our current point in time, the spiritual forces of Source energy are becoming more tangible and visible, albeit, in their more subtle forms. As consciousness continues to rise in frequency worldwide, we can expect to see a greater shift in the ways in which both the dark and the light are operating more out in the open in our world.

Taurus New Moon

Theme: Perspective Without Limitation

Our Taurus New Moon is helping us see the Aquarian Age shift more clearly, and with new understandings based on maintaining perspective without distortion.

As an earth sign, Taurus brings a practical energy that is focused on what is real, what is good, and what has the ability to sustain us over time. Taurus is filled with appreciation. It recognizes the beauty of the natural world. Its love for nature allows us to understand the deeper mysteries of life itself.

The practical nature of Taurus appreciates what is real. It doesn’t like distortion. One of the exciting new elements of the Aquarian Age are our new perspectives and understandings of how the shadow has worked to distort our perceptions and undermine what can clearly be seen once we have sufficient light.

A great example of this principle of expanded perspective is outlined in the Sabian archetype for our New Moon at 29° Taurus.


ARCHETYPE: The two-fold character of using one’s intrinsic understanding of life.
COMMENTARY: The process of creation emerges through the understanding and appreciation of a two-fold perspective. Perspective is a tool that involves the reconciliation of more than one viewpoint into a final form. The shadow elements of one’s character disappear with al least two opposing sources of light. Perspective without shadow removes doubt and becomes a solid foundation upon which a new approach to life may be built.

The archetype of a cobbler represents a person who works hard to create a means of physical support with the ability to move freely in the world. This art involves skill, physical labor, and the intrinsic understanding of how the material world operates. Taurus, as an archetype, likes the practicality of footwear, but it also loves fine quality and beauty, and holds a warm appreciation for the end result.

Having two skilled cobblers creating together is a powerful image of the dynamic perspective of polarity through craftsmanship and creation at its finest. Creatively working with multiple perspectives is a masterful way to use this archetype in your everyday life.

When we consider this archetype as it is activated through the Sun and Moon conjunction, we can understand that we are entering a process that involves the skillful use of new perceptions that can bring light to the shadows of what was previously not perceived.

In this way, expanded perspective becomes a key for choosing what’s best for each of us.

Limited Perspective and the Illusion of Choice

The ability to make an intentional choice is a direct act of cosmic creation, more powerful than any of us have truly understood. Once we begin to see how our perspective is related to choice, then we have a formula and a skill we can use to craft our future.

What the astrology suggests with the archetype of the two cobblers is that our ability to choose what best serves and supports us is highly dependent on the additional factor of perspective. Our ability to perceive multiple viewpoints directly influences our understanding of what’s possible. In other words, without an expanded perspective we may only have the illusion of choice.

Here’s a simple example. You’re on a beach at night and you step out of your boat to look for something with which to secure your boat to the shore. You walk down the closest path in search, but you’re stopped immediately by a large snake blocking your path. It’s dark, and you do your best to determine whether or not the serpent is poisonous. You make a choice of self preservation, deciding to retreat. You take a different path.

With more light and a greater perspective, you would have become aware that what you encountered was actually a valuable piece of rope lying on the path. It only resembled a snake in the shadows. It would have been perfect to secure your boat, which was an immediate need. Without the proper perspective, your choice was limited by illusion

This example illustrates the nature of shadow and how we often lack the perspective to know what is possible, thus limiting our available choices.

This New Moon brings a greater perspective to everything you do, shedding new light on your circumstances and allowing you to make different choices with greater awareness. An increase in perspective takes you beyond the illusion of only having a few limited choices, when in fact the subtle realms of reality provide many more choices based on higher frequencies of what’s possible.

Subtle Awareness Made Real

We can intellectually discuss the subtle realms of perception all day long, but without some tangible reference point, in the end it’s just abstract thinking. This lunar cycle, with its triple sextile pattern, and strong grouping of planets in Taurus, is giving us that tangible reference point.

The expanded perspective with the triple sextile activation is especially significant because it involves all three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) along with Mars.

This New Moon represents an operational and tangible shift, bringing the subtle realms to our conscious awareness. In other words, this shift isn’t a spiritual abstraction; it’s a real, concrete shift in how we perceive reality. The subtle is becoming tangible, even if only appearing as “a wispiness in the sky of our reality” (Uranus at 20° Taurus).

The energies of Uranus are subtle, but often spectacular in outcome. Earlier in the article we highlighted the new energies of Uranus’ movement in Taurus. What I would like now to bring to your attention is that the 20th degree of each sign represents a quality of transformation. This means that Uranus can now personally transform our perceptions of reality.

The Aquarian Age is gradually shifting our awareness, through our perceptions as well as the very fabric of reality at a frequency level. With these shifts we are learning how to access the quantum field of consciousness in practical (Taurus) ways.

A couple of concrete examples will illustrate the ways in which our awareness is expanding in tangible ways. First, new healing technologies, such as the Quantum Healing System, are now being released for the public to see and experience. Frequency medicine is the medicine of the future. Hospitals, vaccines, and drugs will quickly become obsolete within a few years.

Another example of the subtle becoming more tangible lies with our ability to perceive the ways in which our language has been used to distort our perceptions of reality. Have you noticed the way that the word “misinformation” is now used in the mainstream to discount anything controversial or challenging to the status quo? Because language creates reality, labeling something misinformation creates distortion and itself becomes a form of censorship.

As the frequency of perception increases, we can now clearly see through these attempts at distortion and 3D power-grabbing. The more light our individualized frequencies can hold, the harder it will be to lie to us.

As consciousness continues to shift we will experience more internal integration, including connections between the right and left sides of our brains. This will lead to new abilities to perceive the quantum (5D) field of consciousness. This is something humanity as a whole has not experienced in the past. All in all, our shift into 5D and the Aquarian Age is moving from the subtle to the real. This is a very exciting time, indeed.


We are living in an extraordinary time of change. This isn’t simply change for the sake of change. The changes are in fact an integral part of our Aquarian Age shift in consciousness. With Uranus in the earth sign of Taurus, we recognize that both humanity and our physical planet are making this shift together in real and tangible ways.

As we move forward, you can expect to witness for yourself steady changes in the world, through medicine, energy technology, world financial systems, and governments, as well as our collective vision of the paradise in which we will choose to live.

Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

2 thoughts on “Perspective Without the Distortion of Shadow”

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