Preparing for a Better Future: Full Moon Astrology June 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Preparing for a Better Future: Full Moon Astrology June 2017


June 6, 2017

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Preparing for a Better Future: Full Moon Astrology June 2017

Preparing for a Better Future: Full Moon Astrology June 2017

Article Window: Jun 9 to Jun 23
• The Full Moon is Friday, Jun 9, 6:10 AM PST
• Sun is 19° Gemini, Moon is 19° Sagittarius
• Next New Moon: Jun 23
• Current New Moon Theme (May 25 – Jun 23): TO REACH FARTHER & BEYOND

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon Tranquility Beach 2014 Moonrise_

Astrology Article: Preparing for a Better Future

Our Sagittarius Full Moon astrology is giving each of us insight into how best to prepare for a better future. For the coming two weeks your focus on preparation for your future is the best tool you have in your journey to reach farther and beyond your current circumstances (our New Moon theme). This article illustrates the key forms of preparation that are available to you now.

The New Moon theme of reaching farther and beyond, requires a certain kind of letting go, especially in regards to what we believe, what we think is true, and our understanding of reality. To reach farther than our current understanding, we need the practice of letting go while still holding to our personal truth. This entire lunar month is about the activation of a seed idea, or seed wisdom if you prefer, that enables us to transcend and go farther than we ever thought possible, and to do this without sacrificing the essential truth of who we are.

The Full Moon energies are setting the stage for a better future by illuminating all forms of contrast in your life. Your awareness, your maturity, and your willingness to let go are all keys for success during the final two weeks of our current lunar cycle. To fully activate your “better future,” simply get clear of what’s not working, and your attention will be steadily drawn toward what you need to do to prepare.

Everyone has certain areas of life in which things currently aren’t working or are in some way out of balance. The seed that can be planted now in your consciousness lies in simply focusing with awareness on what’s not working. This focus will lead to a new understanding of your connection to the future that you want.

The future is bright and full of hope. It’s time to prepare and take action with the belief that what lies ahead is a necessary part of your expansion.

The Difference Between Sacrifice and Letting Go

The Full Moon requires a paradigm shift between beliefs about the hardship of sacrifice versus an empowered attitude of letting go. Cultural attitudes of sacrifice and martyrdom are embedded in our belief systems about what needs to happen in order to move forward in life. The empowered opportunity available to you now  is the intentional choice of letting go of what no longer serves you.

This Full Moon is introducing the possibility of moving forward without the need for unnecessary sacrifice, especially in situations where your personal truth and personal freedom are concerned. The “letting go” required now is an intentional release of what’s not working in order to expand and move beyond and farther in your personal growth.

This Full Moon is the time to focus on clearly seeing what’s not working for you and your circumstances. It’s not about surrendering something prized and desirable. Rather, it’s all about understanding how limited ideas have held you back from your own expansion. The action required now is you deciding on the type of future that you want and letting go of anything that stands in the way.

Letting go will empower your decisions and choices in order to support something bigger and better. Personal growth and success right now depend on you using your maturity in order to recognize actions you can take, moving you beyond what’s not working in the present.

Astrology Pattern & Summary

One of the more interesting aspects of this month’s Full  Moon chart is the fact that the Full Moon occurs shortly before the Moon passes by Saturn, giving it a balsamic designation. A balsamic relationship always has to do with maturity and letting go, and this is amplified with the presence of Saturn. The significances of this is further amplified by Mars situated close to the Sun and opposite Saturn. In this case Mars supports your ability to choose a better future.

This basic pattern suggests the need to let go of the past through a mature outlook. Indeed, success now requires you to use personal maturity. Maturity in this chart represents an understanding of the bigger picture and seeing yourself confidently and successfully moving forward into the future with more grace and ease.

This Full Moon gives you the opportunity for an important paradigm shift. Sacrifice, in the context of our Sagittarius Moon, is not necessary, for that would imply giving up on something desirable and good. The important key is to remember that you can take actions, now, that will prepare you for something better. In letting go of what’s not working you will expand into a better future.

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