Reaching Beyond What’s Already Been Established

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Reaching Beyond What’s Already Been Established

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. With Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in March of 2023, we have entered the final stages of a major shift taking place on our planet. We will be updating the journal each New and Full Moon with creative suggestions for how to utilize the massive and potent energies that are currently flooding our consciousness.

Aquarian Age Update

Our Aquarian energies are now coming into great focus, especially as we anticipate Pluto re-entering Aquarius on January 20th. As these new energies continue to build we are creating a new direction with new choices that move us away from what has already been established and accepted.

This new direction is both personal and global. It is people-centric, meaning that it serves the people by providing an inspirational pathway to a better life. What we are currently experiencing is a shift in our collective desire away from serving those who don’t have our best interests at heart, toward a paradigm shift of greater prosperity and personal sovereignty for all.

One of the major changes that we are beginning to experience with these new energies is in the way we make our decisions. In the past, each of us has been conditioned to react to existing circumstances. Instead of a reaction-based life, consider the alternative of creating new action that’s completely independent of the past and rooted in the inspiration of the moment. Think of this new decision-making process as the new normal.

The Conundrum of Action through Non-action

The new astrological energies building within our planet reflect a quality of wisdom that enhances our creative decision making process. This process can be challenging to fully understand. Our current Sagittarius-Gemini polarity aids us in applying wisdom to daily life in practical ways.

Sagittarius is traditionally associated with wisdom. Sagittarian wisdom enhances our innate ability to look beyond mere external facts, using abstractions that transcend the established forms of the material world, and open the door to the etheric realm where wisdom can be distilled and comprehended by our spirit.

The challenging aspect of Sagittarius energies is to intellectualize philosophies and wisdom teachings. This results in dogma and the habit of following external guidance (Sagittarius shadow) rather than wisdom from one’s true center.

The polarity with Gemini provides the practical language and perspective that we need to distill wisdom in practical ways. Gemini grants us the capacity to articulate, connect, and convey the discoveries of the etheric world with clarity. In this way, Gemini provides the language and essential tools we need to transform abstract spiritual concepts into comprehensible ideas.

This process reminds me of the spiritual teachings of the Tao Te Ching, which describes the Tao as “The Way.”

The connecting theme between our current energies at the Full Moon and the Tao Te Ching is that they both embody a type of wisdom that isn’t always straightforward or easy to understand. The Tao Te Ching is one of the oldest spiritual texts on earth. The Tao teaches us to focus on simplicity, humility, and to align ourselves with the Tao through non-action (wu wei), advocating a life led by intuitive understanding and effortless action. These teachings mirror the energies we are currently experiencing.

Our current Full Moon highlights similar energies presented in the Tao Te Ching. By working with the practical aspects of the polarity, we can understand these etheric energies in practical ways.

Sagittarius Sun: Wisdom

Our Sabian for 5° Sagittarius describes the experience of the wise. It introduces the idea of “translucency of experience”, which is an unfamiliar phrase referring to intuitive access. This particular archetype describes a type of wisdom that is rooted in a calm approach to life.

ARCHETYPE: A poised and wise inner approach to life based on a clear perception of existence and choices that are presented.
COMMENTARY: True observation in the present moment becomes fully active when life is slowed down and decisions are guided by the wisdom of spirit. This wisdom, rooted in a wise and calm approach to life, emerges from the capacity to connect the true potential of each situation with the insights unveiled within the omnipresence of prime creation. In this elevated state of wisdom, the intellect resides in a state of tranquil observation, embracing the full breadth of every moment, in perfect peace.

What I love about this Sabian is the way in which it offers an entirely new way to look at our decision-making processes. It extols the virtue of slowing down this process, enabling an individual to truly appreciate the power of the present moment. In this way decision-making can now come from a translucent mind — a mind that is fully present, capable of releasing the past to reside in a state of tranquil observation. This is a state of non-reaction, yet fully aware of what the heart desires.

This type of decision-making process allows for wise decisions to be made without preconceived conditioning or programming. The independent evaluation of each situation creates space for the individual to move into their heart energy and away from mental programming, reactionary responses, or past trauma.

The 50th section of the Tao Te Ching describes a similar process.

The Master gives himself up to whatever the moment brings. He knows that he is going to die, and he has nothing left to hold on to: no illusions in his mind, no resistances in his body. He doesn’t think about his actions; they flow from the core of his being. He holds nothing back from life; therefore he is ready for death, as a man is ready for sleep after a good day’s work.

This section of the Tao Te Ching is also referencing the creative processes of action without reaction within the Gemini archetype which we will be looking at next.

Gemini Moon: The Shadow of Reaction vs. Intuitive Decision Making

Our Sabian for 5° Gemini is an archetype that points to following one’s inspiration, which moves us beyond a logical, mental process.

ARCHETYPE: Following one’s inspiration to move beyond what’s no longer working for the people, a new vision is presented.
COMMENTARY: Restrictive environments do not foster creativity, curiosity, or self-discovery. When the status quo no longer serves the people, it becomes time to go in a new direction and to reach beyond what has been established and accepted. In terms of polarity, clearly seeing the opposite direction can act like a guiding principle that requires new action in the moment in order to shift away from complacency, corruption or tyranny.

This interesting archetype is about taking action that comes about through inspiration. What’s highlighted is the difference between reaction to what’s not working and the alternative of taking inspired new action that transcends and reaches beyond one’s current circumstances.

In the Tao Te Ching, the Master gives himself up to whatever the moment brings. This reminds us that the power to create is in the moment because inspiration only exists within the moment. The wise person doesn’t react to something from the past, because the past is a ghost, a memory of an experience that has died long ago.

What our current Sagittarius-Gemini polarity reveals is the solution to the conundrum of acting without reacting. We are learning to move within. There is great wisdom within, in the translucency of the mind. Here the past, with its trauma, its disappointments, and its emptiness is not a factor in following our inspiration.

The principle of action through non-action embodies a profound wisdom. It teaches us that moving forward in life is not about forceful effort, but about aligning with the inspiration in the moment. It is in the present that we have direct access to our spirit, revealing the path ahead.

When the wise person is asked, “What would you like to do before you die?”, there is only one answer. They would simply say — “Exactly what I’m doing right now!” Herein lies the power of spirit and the new decision-making process of the Aquarian Age.


Our new energies bring a shift in our decision-making process that reflects a deeper connection to the wisdom that is only found within the present moment. The current astrological shifts converge here with the enduring teachings of the Tao in a philosophy of the eternal now, urging us to make choices from a state of clear, present awareness, unclouded by the past.

Shifting our approach away from reaction mirrors the effortless flow of nature. Our new approach to decision-making advocates for actions born not from reaction but from inspiration. This is a wisdom that transcends the constraints of tradition and habit. As we embrace this new paradigm, we find ourselves empowered in the moment, in harmony with our spirit that seeks to always act in our best interest. This illustrates just one of the profound transformations we are beginning to experience in the new Aquarian Age.

Fully in the Moment,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

1 thought on “Reaching Beyond What’s Already Been Established”

  1. Pingback: Reaching Beyond: Living from the Wisdom of the Heart – The Dendera Institute

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