Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius: Solar Eclipse Aug 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius: Solar Eclipse Aug 2017

Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius: Solar Eclipse Aug 2017

Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius: Solar Eclipse Aug 2017

Article Window: Aug 21 to Sept 19
• New Moon Solar Eclipse is Monday, Aug 21, 11:30 AM PST
• Sun is 29° Leo, Moon is 29° Leo
• Next Full Moon: Sept 6
• Current Solar Eclipse Theme (Aug 21 – Sept 19): Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.

Photo of Aquarius Aurora

Astrology Article: Rebirth into the Age of Aquarius

The total Solar Eclipse of 2017 happens during the Leo New Moon. In addition to the normal effects of the New Moon and the launch of a new Lunar cycle of change, the darkening of our Sun produces a shadow that affects our consciousness in a significant way. This article explains the unique nature of our total Solar eclipse and how you can access its unique eclipse signature to awaken to the new energies coming to our Earth.

The Sun and Moon are continuously working together to make personal growth and consciousness both meaningful and successful.  They each have a specific and complementary role to play in supporting our life on earth.  The Sun is a universal, impersonal, source of energy, life, and love. The Sun does not discriminate and gives the light of life and consciousness equally to all.  The Moon has a more intimate, personal, relationship to each of us. The Moon’s role is to release and deliver Solar energy over time in order to govern all forms and rhythms of growth on Earth. This includes all processes of personal growth for each of us, including our intuitive connection to the rhythms of time and change.

A Solar eclipse interrupts the normal relationship between Sun and Moon, and activates unusual potentials for all of life on Earth.

The Shadow Effect

When the Moon eclipses the Sun it produces a shadow. The very fact that a shadow is produced during a Solar eclipse is extremely significant, because it’s this shadow that marks the opportunity for change within our consciousness. In order to understand the higher potentials of this unique event, it’s important to understand exactly how we can recognize and access the energies of the eclipse shadow in our personal lives.

On the most practical level, when we speak of “the shadow” we are referring to what remains hidden beneath the surface, including the parts of ourselves that we don’t want to claim. The eclipse activation, including the shadow created by the actual eclipse event, gives each of us the opportunity to recognize and claim our personal shadow in new ways.

An object possesses a shadow because it has form. The shadow that is created during a total eclipse is not only physical, It’s also spiritual.  This eclipse shadow across the Sun signifies a very real and personalizing potential for conscious change. In addition to the physical darkening of the Sun, the eclipse also produces a spiritual type of shadow, a shadow within our consciousness. This energetic shadow puts our soul in relief, meaning that it gives our soul a form with which we can more consciously connect.

Through the spiritual effect of the solar eclipse shadow, our connection to our soul becomes more personal, accessible, and unique and gives us the opportunity to more fully experience the reality of our individual soul quality. In this way the eclipse allows each individual to consciously connect to the “Bigger Picture” of life through a more direct connection to Soul and higher personal purpose.

Return to a Golden Age of Aquarius

There is a bigger story at play with this eclipse. This story involves our emergence into the consciousness of the new Age of Aquarius, which is a golden age represented by universal cooperation and abundance. (Read more about the Aquarian Age in the recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse article.) The last time we resided in an Aquarian age was 26,000 years ago. I personally believe that we are returning now to a Golden Age that existed at that time. Because we as a collective hold the memory of that earlier era, there is a kind of familiarity to this current transition.

As a collective, we don’t one day just wake up and suddenly reside in a “Golden Age.” This emergence into the new age is a process. The events in our world, including the conflict and challenge, indicate an acceleration within this larger cycle of change. We are all moving into something greater that holds far-reaching potentials.

To put the eclipse into larger context, let’s begin with May of this year and the Gemini New Moon. May’s New Moon theme was “to reach farther and beyond,” allowing us to expand our vision of what we thought was possible. During June’s Cancer New Moon the theme was “leadership in a new territory,” which introduced a new power of self-leadership. The month of July and the Leo New Moon prepared us to “react to a bigger picture,” with a new power and ability to respond to energies of something larger in our lives.  Finally, the recent Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius focused specifically on “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.”

It is easy to see the ongoing pattern of universal growth suggesting that all of us are merging into something greater. A key point is that each cycle has offered new tools and abilities that enable each of us to experience our own personal participation within this expansion.

One of the indicators of the shift into new consciousness is the progressive splitting of energies, and the dismantling of aspects of culture that no longer serve our world. The splitting of energies includes activations of alternate time-lines and trajectories into the future. This is evidenced all around us by the pervasive increase of contrast and opposing perceptions and views of reality.

Astrology Pattern

Solar Eclipse ChartThe greater potential of what’s happening during this eclipse is expressed astrologically by the dramatic Kite pattern within the New Moon chart. Before we break down the significant elements of this unique pattern, an understanding of the general signature of the Kite can help you participate more consciously in our eclipse event.

Fate and the Significance of the Kite. In general, an astrology Kite is a highly organized and stable pattern. It’s so organized in fact, that a Kite pattern is sometimes referenced as “fated,” as if it holds a predetermined outcome. This isn’t actually true; what we call a fate is simply a strong pattern. There are no predetermined outcomes. It is true, however, that the energies within a Kite are so organized, harmonized, and stable that life events can seem to just fall into place, as IF the outcome were scripted or fated.

Because of the planets involved in the current eclipse Kite, this traditional fated aspect takes on a very specific meaning.  The fated aspect of this kite pattern indicates the continued activation of two contrasting trajectories or timelines. One timeline expands into the consciousness of the new age while the other continues to be entrenched in conflict and separation.

In order to understand how to access the energy of this once-in-a-lifetime eclipse, let’s next look at each corner of the Kite. (In the astrology chart that accompanies this article you’ll see the four main planetary corners circled.) It is worth noting that both Saturn and Uranus are retrograde, meaning that it will be necessary to work with the internalizing elements of these two planets. There is also an additional element of unpredictability related to the tail of the kite, formed by the planet Uranus.

New Moon Solar Eclipse (Sun/Moon Conjunction). The key signature here indicates a new direction and new energies that are stabilized by your conscious participation and capacity for internal change. This eclipse is meant to be felt. Your own shadow is your proof that you exist. You’re real and relevant. As you feel and expand, including through patterns of resistance, you will have access to new insights provided by the planet Uranus.

Jupiter.  Jupiter supports our ability to expand and organize ourselves into something greater. The exact signature of 21° Libra suggests that these energies are huge and expansive, and that they must be felt in order to consciously work with them. Jupiter is supporting our expansion into a new time-line, or fate, by enabling us to personally feel and experience the Solar shadow and the reality of our soul.  It’s helping us make a new connection between our personal self and experience of our soul, and in this way participate more intentionally in our own expansion.

Saturn Retrograde. Within the eclipse Kite pattern, the significance of Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius is twofold. On the one hand it is an internal experience, representing the activation of our own patterns of resistance to the internal changes we must make in order to adapt to what is coming into form. On the other hand, Saturn also represents our experience of the external contrast within two juxtaposed trajectories occurring in the world around us. The juxtaposition of these contrasting trajectories show the opposing directions in which the world is currently heading.

When confronted with this contrast, as we are daily, mental flexibility and humor are the antidote to being able to see the New Age coming into form amidst what is also being dismantled. This can help us more fully to participate and distinguish the role our personal shadows plays within the larger trajectories of the world around us.

Uranus Retrograde. Throughout much of our history Uranus has operated beyond the conscious awareness of the mind. This unconscious relationship of the collective to Uranus is dramatically changing.  For many who experience this eclipse, this may be the very first time they are able to consciously connect to their intuitive powers. This intuitive connection happens through the activations of the planet Uranus.

More and more individuals are waking up to the transforming aspect of Uranus and the real possibility that their intuition is real. This is an essential aspect of the process of waking up, since it is Uranian intuition itself that most directly connects us to the transformation occurring within our consciousness. It is this direct level of transformation that makes Uranus highly unpredictable. It requires us to show up and release the forms that hold us back (Saturn).

In the current configuration, Uranus is located in the tail position of the eclipse Kite and signifies the importance of our internalized connection to intuition. In this formation Uranus supports each of us expanding to see the bigger picture and understand how we are transitioning into the New Age of Aquarius.  Uranus brings the Kite into full focus through this internal intuitive process of “seeing” our own shadow, providing the evidence of our participation in something greater than ourselves.

The eclipse shadow and personal activation of solar illumination, supported by the influence of Uranus, together become the catalyst that jump starts our connection to the personal potentials of the eclipse.

Accessing the Shadow

More than anything else, this eclipse is supporting your emergence into the new age through an experiential feeling of your own spiritual shadow (soul connection) as something real and something greater than yourself. This includes the release of the limited perceptions of yourself that you have previously known.

It is through the focusing of your will power (Saturn) that you are able to shatter whatever is standing in the way between your personal identity and the deeper truth of who you are. If you are available and willing, the eclipse illumination can literally shatter anything buried within your personality that prevents you from connecting with the transcendent aspect and brilliance of your inner truth. This includes connecting with all the parts of you that are larger and more expansive that your smaller personality currently experiences.

The Shadow of the eclipse creates the opportunity to see your own internal changes. Your ability to transcend and create a new fate moving forward, represented by the activation of the kite formation, is entirely dependent on intuitively perceiving the changing time-lines in a new world. These new potentials are our new fate, our new territory as we enter the new age of Aquarius.  The alternate fate activated by the eclipse shadow is to reject the opportunity for change and continue the momentum of existing patterns, ruled largely by the unconscious.

These new perceptions and Uranian “great ideas” can come suddenly, like light bulb insights. It’s as if you’re in a dark room where it’s difficult to distinguish details, when suddenly the light bulb goes on and everything emerges into view. Uranian intuition is not a subtle spacey feeling, groggy or sleepy. A sleepiness or floaty feeling can, however, precede the adrenaline-like rush of sudden alertness that signifies the Uranian flash of new insights and perceptions. At times, experiences of fogginess can also be the indicator of resistance to a Uranian activation.

In general, Uranus intuition has a quickness and suddenness. Insights may come in the form of transcendent holograms and fully formed understandings and illuminated insights into the nature of reality and your place in the larger order of things.


This eclipse marks a new beginning, or new threshold, in our personal and collective process of expansion.  In my opinion, we are now directly experiencing the dawn of the Aquarian Age. I’ve been systematically following the Lunar cycles for the past nine years. In that time, and through all of the significant events that have occurred, this eclipse marks the clearest potential for a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity.

New levels of harmony and expansion indicated by the kite formation, in combination with the power of the eclipse activation, will come from the choices we are collectively making together.

On the personal level, the “shadow effect” within this Leo solar eclipse creates the opportunity for your rebirth into a new alignment with your soul and a new ability to feel your own “Being-ness.” Any actions you take now, especially with the intention of connecting with the eclipse event, have the potential to change your life trajectory in a meaningful way.

During the day of the eclipse and moving forward, pay special attention to your experiences and insights. Notice activations of the shadow, as well as those experiences that feel harmonious. All of these are indicators of new awareness and new connections to your soul’s highest calling. My personal plan during the eclipse itself is to spend time in meditation, with the intention to consciously shift my thinking and personal trajectory into a more peaceful and abundant world.

Peace to All and a Happy New Moon.

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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