Releasing Your Inner Freedom: Full Moon Astrology for Aug 10, 2014

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Releasing Your Inner Freedom: Full Moon Astrology for Aug 10, 2014

Releasing Your Inner Freedom: Full Moon Astrology for Aug 10, 2014

  • Article Window: Aug 10 to Aug 25
  • The Full Moon is Sunday, Aug 10, 11:09 AM PDT
  • Sun is 19° Leo, Moon is 19° Aquarius
  • Current New Moon Theme (thru Aug 25): Releasing Potentials for Success
  • Next New Moon Aug 25

Current Lunar Cycle

Full Moon Astrology. The Full Moon illuminates and activates whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon over Golden Gate Bridge in California.

Full Moon Astrology Article: Releasing Your Inner Freedom

Every once in a while, the universe says that it’s time to take a break and relax. Taking a break, feeling your inner freedom, and anchoring your creativity are all important themes for the next two weeks. With the Moon in Aquarius and Sun in Leo there’s an inner need an opportunity to find the inner freedom to release your creativity so that your true individuality is able to fully shine.

Personal freedom is a necessary ingredient for creatively expressing your individual nature and uniqueness. This is especially true in our modern world with its myriad of social obligations and even at times a rigid or inflexible social structure.

The two week period following the Full Moon will be a perfect time to step outside of the box and experience a special kind of freedom. The Full Moon astrology pattern suggests the best way to integrate the creativity of success is in not by working harder, but through the temporary relief of your rigid day-to-day routines and social grind. This is a time to experience success by having fun. Relax, throw a party, or even go on vacation to get away from the established day-to-day structures of your life.

However throwing a party and experiencing the temporary relief it provides isn’t your only option to access success. The astrology chart highlights that there are two clear paths of potential success available and both are worth discussing. While both paths offer opportunity for success, only one path offers the experience of freedom and expansive creativity at the same time.

The first path to success comes from Saturn and requires you to focus and be assertive in your daily responsibilities. It requires your activities and social exchanges to embrace quality over quantity. It also gathers strength from using extraordinary concentration to power through the inflexible structures of day-to-day responsibilities.

The second path comes from Uranus and utilizes an unstructured atmosphere of creativity which releases you from the need for powering though. Uranus breaks through rigidity. This allows you to withdraw your focus from social obligations and routines and allows for success to flow from inspired creativity released from the depths of your being.

Because of this month’s larger pattern supporting success (the New Moon theme), your most inspired personal creativity will then anchor success within you at the deepest levels. External success will follow.

The main difference between these two paths of success is that the first relies on a more traditional path of Saturn with all the rules and structure Saturn loves. The other is a path of freedom and transcendence offered through Uranus. One advantage of the second non-traditional and unstructured path is that it promotes the necessary time to integrate the full force of creativity that is being released.

Astrology Patterns

Full Moon Astrology Chart for Aug 2014The astrology chart for this Full Moon is super interesting, with two competing energies from which you can draw. (These competing energies are circled on the chart to help illustrate this point.) On one side we have Saturn-Mars forming a square to the Sun/Moon. On the other side we have Uranus-Part of Fortune forming a trine-sextile to the Sun/Moon.

To better understand this pattern, let’s take a look at the unique relationship between Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the last of the visible planets in our solar system and represents the outer boundary, the structures, and rules which society honors for success in the material world.

Uranus is all about freedom. Because it’s “beyond” Saturn, it often operates in an unconscious manner, especially in those who are still in the process of “waking up.” This “waking up” is an important transcendental aspect of Uranus, which provides the ability to “see what lies beyond Saturn’s limits and the structures of the known world.” Uranus offers you the freedom to go beyond what is known and to transcend your personal limits (Saturn). With Uranus in Aries, creativity and inspiration will easily flow with freedom and individuality.

With Saturn on one side and Uranus on the other, success this month has two possible avenues or paths that it can follow. The Saturn path involves tradition and the forceful and assertive management of energies (Mars). The square emphasizes the need for practical goals, good management, and extra concentration.

The Uranus path involves breaking free from tradition. The urge is to transcend and embrace a new sense of freedom. The Part of Fortune in this chart indicates a “fulfillment of desire.” The trine-sextile emphasizes the vision, flow, and opportunity that can follow from withdrawing from your everyday patterns (Uranus inconjunct Saturn).


This entire Lunar month is all about releasing new opportunities for success. With the Full Moon’s illumination there are clearly two paths for moving forward. One path is traditional, with the promise of traditional types of success. The other is nontraditional and less structured, and promotes the necessary time to integrate the full force of creativity that is being released.

The first path uses Saturnian energy for success through the use of structure and the ability to “power through.” The second path uses Uranian energy for success by releasing and anchoring creativity through freedom and temporary relief from rigid social stress.

If you’re feeling the urge to have some “down time,” then you have the perfect two week window in which to relax, all the while using these potentials for anchoring your future success.

My personal plan for integrating these Lunar energies is simple. I’m going to throw a party. Cheers!

Full Moon Tarot Video

By Elizabeth Schermer. Visit Elizabeth’s website.

[youtube url=”” rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″ showinfo=”0″]

In Closing

It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful month,
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