Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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December 26, 2023

Published on

Full Cancer Moon

Event Highlight



Elizabeth Schermer

Returning to Harmony and Sovereignty

Aquarian Age Update

This journal follows humanity’s entrance into the new Golden Age of Humanity, also known as the Aquarian Age. With Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in March of 2023, we have entered the final stages of a major consciousness shift taking place on our planet. We will be updating the journal each New and Full Moon with creative suggestions for how to utilize the massive and potent energies that are currently flooding our world.

The Aquarian Age is unfolding before our very eyes. With Pluto re-entering Aquarius on Jan 20th massive processes of change in our world will continue to accelerate. Pluto will stay in Aquarius for the next eight months until September 1st when it retrogrades back into Capricorn until its final movement into Aquarius in November.

The continuing increase of contrast and change in our world is indicative of where we are in the Aquarian Age ascension cycle. Pluto’s movement between Capricorn and Aquarius is directly supporting this universal energy shift into new frequencies of consciousness.

Pluto supports the dismantling of the old world power structures and the creation of new higher frequency systems based on Aquarian principles of freedom and personal sovereignty.

This is uncharted territory. We don’t know how long the final stages will last. As we continue to move into our higher frequency shift, it will be important to use our consciousness to apply what we’re learning and engage our heart energy within the everyday circumstances of our changing world.

The Capricorn-Cancer Polarity

Each Full Moon polarity can provide a valuable tool to assist our preparation for coming changes. At its most basic, the current Capricorn-Cancer polarity helps us recognize how to feel our inner compass so we can navigate and find our direction in a changing world.

Cancer, a water sign, holds the quality of energetic feeling as its fundamental core experience. Cancer’s feeling nature helps us to recognize what’s authentic and holds integrity through all of our connections and relationships including circumstances and environment.

Capricorn, an earth sign, holds the desire to build harmonious structures as its most fundamental core experience. Whether building an environment, a relationship, an organization or a community Capricorn is inspired to see and recognize how things fit together and support each other.

What’s most interesting about these two archetypes working together is the way that they support each other’s highest potentials. Cancer’s feeling nature doesn’t necessarily know what to do with all of those feelings. Capricorn energy provides the solution of turning those feelings into tangible productivity, by building harmony into all of its creation.

In Capricorn there’s an inherent desire to build, but there’s often a lot of confusion as to what to build and how. When Capricorn is working well with Cancer’s feeling nature, the tangible contrast between harmony and disharmony can be easily felt. In this way Cancer’s intuitive decision-making process helps Capricorn build toward something beneficial for all.

The Capricorn Sun: Returning to Harmony

Our Sabian archetype for our Sun at 5° Capricorn highlights the efforts required to maintain personal harmony, especially when the energetics of our circumstances are disturbed or threatened.

ARCHETYPE: The mobilization of physical and emotional energies used in a harmonizing effort that requires assertive action.
COMMENTARY: When the environment of like-minded individuals is disturbed by external energies, or an individual’s sovereignty is threatened by outside forces, harmonizing action is required to re-stabilize the natural harmonics. Extremely dynamic and volatile situations may demand constant attention in order to effectively engage with and address the challenges posed by disrupting events. Consequently, assertive preparations and actions are actively needed to create a cohesive flow, harmonized to meet specific outcomes.

In today’s modern society, disruptions, interference, and challenges have become a common occurrence. It’s becoming increasingly important, whenever our natural flow is disrupted, to have practical strategies for reestablishing and building our natural state of harmony and balance.

The importance of maintaining and cultivating inner harmony is true at the personal as well as planetary levels.

The shadow of Pluto in Capricorn includes the growing trend of organized interference throughout our culture, including limiting personal rights and government overreach. This has resulted in unnecessary division, strife, and conflict.

Assertive preparation is the theme that describes the type of action you can take to minimize any coming challenges or disharmony that may occur. This is not the time to shrink, or retreat in fear or trepidation, but a time to prepare for what some have called the “coming storm.” Each individual who is grounded in wisdom and inspiration (a powerful theme of our recent Sagittarius cycle), will be able to use a wider field of vision to navigate this exciting phase of our Aquarian Age transition.

The Cancer Moon: Expanding Your Horizons

The Sabian archetype for our Moon at 5° Cancer Moon describes a very dramatic scene of a potential collision. Our archetype gives us a clear-cut approach to avoiding disruptions by using our feeling nature to expand our overall vision and trajectory of life.


ARCHETYPE: The recognition of competing trajectories is made evident as the individual expands their field of vision.
COMMENTARY: As consciousness expands, individuals become increasingly aware of their field of vision and experience, including the intricate nature of external trajectories and timelines. Such trajectories, often based on timing or artificial social constructs of time, can unwittingly align individuals with agendas not their own. A reckless person may not realize they are on a collision course with such externally imposed agendas. In contrast, choosing to live outside of these constructs—living in the moment—frees one from this entanglement. By embracing the present, the urgency of conventional time and its associated stresses dissolves. This shift away from traditional time perception enables the emergence of new multidimensional abilities, significantly enriching personal experience and freedom of choice.

This dramatic Sabian describes the importance of expanding our individualized consciousness by staying in the moment. In this way we can be aware of our inner experience and at the same time being fully aware of the larger field of experiences that are taking place around us.

In this archetype the car symbolizes our personal consciousness, and the freedom we have to go in any direction we choose. The train represents all forms of external trajectories, including the momentum of time-based constructs and perceptions of reality.

This Sabian suggests that our current understanding of linear time and the trajectory of external timelines can be expanded to give us room for new types of multidimensional abilities and awareness.

The contrast presented here shows how we have the freedom to be in the moment, transcending the externally imposed agendas of our modern society, which include feelings of urgency, that often involve rushing to keep up with someone else’s timetable or schedule. By remaining in the moment we can increase our field of vision which allows us to see the entire landscape of life with greater clarity.


Our Capricorn-Cancer polarity is highlighting the importance of balancing our intuition and feeling nature with practical actions that build positive outcomes for us all. This is a time when good decisions and preparation can really help us and make life easier. This astrological perspective emphasizes the need to transform our intuitive feelings into constructive and harmonious actions. Moving forward, this prepares us to navigate potential disruptions in our modern society with wisdom and confidence.

Our current polarity also supports our expanded understanding of time. It encourages us to challenge the traditional constructs of linear time and to embrace living in the moment. This approach frees us from the limitations of externally imposed timelines and the unconscious controlling effect that our perceptions of time may hold. We now have the freedom to live life from a new perspective.

Out of time,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

1 thought on “Returning to Harmony and Sovereignty”

  1. Pingback: Nature’s Miracle: Tending the Seeds of the Future – The Dendera Institute

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