Revealing The True Nature of Reality: New Moon Astrology Nov 29, 2016
• Article Window: Nov 29 to Dec 28
• The New Moon is Nov 29, 2016 4:18am PST
• Sun is 8° Sagittarius, Moon is 8° Sagittarius
• Next Full Moon is Dec 13, 2016
• New Moon Theme (Nov 29 to Dec 28): The True Nature of Reality
Current Lunar Cycle
“This month I am departing from the usual article format because this month’s New Moon energy is unusually powerful and significant. I hope that this month’s New Moon insight helps to connect you with the larger potentials and the new possibilities that are becoming available to us now.” -Steven
Written by Steven Shroyer
Co-authored by Elizabeth Schermer
Astrology Article: Revealing The True Nature of Reality
This month’s New Moon Astrology is infused with a powerful signature of new awareness and understanding that will enable humanity to work together to create, build, and establish new social structures that serve humanity in ways that our current systems don’t.
We are at a threshold of new possibility. Many of the current systems in our world are completely broken. Circumstances are trending to reveal previously hidden shadow elements with remarkable clarity.
Recent events have been a wake-up call and as a collective mind we are ready to see things that we weren’t able or willing to see before. The New Moon on Nov. 29 launched a new cycle that is designed to help us see clearly so that we can access new solutions to the problems we face.
The first two weeks of the current cycle, from the New Moon on Nov. 29 to the Full Moon on Dec. 13, are all about revealing new understandings regarding the “nature of reality.” What I mean by this is the ability to see circumstances for what they truly are as well as the deeper meaning and patterns hidden within. The energy of this month then will build momentum in the direction of these new insights.
Significantly, Winter Solstice follows the Full Moon and falls in the middle of the second half of the cycle which ends with the Capricorn New Moon on Dec 28th. This entire period will reveal new ideas and insights into possible solutions regarding our current collective trends.
Now that you have a sense of the significance of the entire 4-week cycle, the remainder of this article will offer insight into the first half, leading up to the Full Moon. It’s my intention to help you recognize the opportunities that are available and understand practical ways to incorporate the new understandings that you can expect from this new Lunar wave.
Understanding the Mystery of Sagittarius
To understand the significance of the current Lunar month, it’s first important to explore the deeper significance of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is perhaps to the most difficult of the Zodiac signs to understand. The reason for this difficulty is related to the level of abstraction that is required for deeper understanding to occur. This is one of the two key processes embedded within Sagittarius. The other is transmission.
Abstraction refers to the way we access the ‘deeper meaning’ of things. It is also connected to the idea of a higher vibration or frequency. The quality of abstraction leads to archetypal symbols, which imply a relationship that’s scalable and/or fractal in connection. It’s this abstract archetypal understanding that provides the true power behind symbols.
The word Transmission refers to the energy signature of what’s being passed along. What’s significant is not mere information. What’s significant in Sagittarius is the meaning of the information. What’s transmitted is the energy signature embedded within the meaning.
It’s this concept of higher-frequency and deeper understanding that is most important about Sagittarius. Sagittarius is all about connecting with the principle of truth.
Here are two traditional ways that you can easily recognize Sagittarius in your life.
Sagittarius is traditionally associated with philosophy. That’s because we experience deeper meaning as ‘truth’ through the symbolic languages of philosophy, poetry, spiritual teachings, mathematics and music. With all of these systems it’s the transmission of the core truth or principle that is the key.
All authentic truths are rooted in holism and work at all levels. The “Golden Rule” for example is a container of a philosophical truth. It holds its integrity from the level of the personal to the family, group, community and nation. It’s scalable because of the simple truth that’s being transmitted at the core.
Sagittarius is also traditionally associated with travel. That’s because travel expands understanding by allowing us to see new connections within a new context and over a larger area. Travel provides a larger context than personal life and these expanded frames of reference allow us to experience a larger connection to our world. The result is an expanded understanding of personal truth that’s scalable and connects us to a larger reality.
It’s our capacity for abstraction that connects both travel and philosophy and enables us to expand into a higher vibration. This is because they are both scalable; they are connected to bigger picture and deeper meaning, and they are capable of holding their integrity while they expand.
The Mystery of Sagittarius lies in our experiences of connection, truth, transmission, deeper meaning, and higher frequency.
The Nature of Reality
This month’s Lunar theme is centered around an increased capacity to see the true nature of reality, specifically from the stand point of a higher frequency and perspective.
With four significant planets in Sagittarius (Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Mercury), humanity now has an increased ability to recognize these higher frequencies in action. Saturn’s position between the New Moon and Mercury is highlighting the qualities in our lives that are NOT in alignment with higher truth.
Now, more than ever, we are able to see governmental, religious, and corporate corruption, as forces of greed actively try to frame our reality according to their own agenda. It’s extremely easy right now to see the attempts to block, control, and distort those groups and individuals who are working with higher frequency toward new social structures.
In the US, for example, we’re able to see these forces at play in the situation at Standing Rock, in the recent elections, and in the distortion of truth through corporate media. With the New Moon occurring just before Saturn (balsamic phase) there’s a opportunity to re-think how much protection we really need from those who want to control our lives.
Saturn is supporting our ability to see clearly what does and doesn’t work within our current social structures. We are able to clearly see the lack of harmony within corporate narratives and governmental assertions that tell us that everything is trending in a positive way. We are also able to see and experience the transmission of higher truth through circumstances that create true harmony, unity, and cooperation. This aspect is also Saturn at work in the creation of institutions that promote connections with others through deeper meaning and understanding.
During this new cycle, we are all able to experience a greater understanding and clearer perception of these higher vibrations. The New Moon is providing momentum so that we can act and think accordingly. You have the opportunity now to expand into something larger by recognizing your own truth and then using that truth to connect with the deeper meaning of life and reality.
There are many avenues for exploration. You can gravitate toward anything that holds deeper truth and brings greater harmony to your life. Spiritual teachings contain transmissions capable of expanding your consciousness and helping you connect to larger realities. All forms of travel support expansion through your ability to understand your own connection to the larger world. Whatever the action, remember that you’re intending to align yourself with a higher frequency and therefore guiding principles.
Speaking Truth to Power
Speaking truth to power is another significant way to align yourself to a higher frequency and participate in new awareness of the true nature of reality.
The importance of speaking truth to power (Mercury new phase to Saturn) comes directly from our understanding of Sagittarius. Our new awareness of the nature of reality has in some ways been forced through current events, and we are witnessing the need to speak out both in large scale circumstances as well as within our own groups.
A powerful placement of Pluto and Venus working together as a conjunction also supports the New Moon theme. It suggests the necessity to rethink how even the most basic values within a culture can become compromised if left unchallenged. For example, the long term relevance of what is unfolding at Standing Rock speaks to the true integrity of our values.
Saturn’s position to the New Moon represents our general awareness of how our access to information can become distorted. The Sabian symbol for Saturn speaks to the need to discern appropriate types of leadership and raises the question of how much a society should be controlled under the guise of ‘protection.’
All of this speaks very much to current circumstances. With Saturn and Mercury working together with the Sagittarius New Moon there’s a clear opportunity to transform current structures and elevate systems of power, especially through connecting with a higher vibration and guiding principles aligned with wholeness and truth.
I can’t stress enough the importance of this particular Lunar cycle and the energies that are being introduced. These first two weeks of the cycle are all about revealing new understandings about the “true nature of reality” in our world, and using these new understandings to build positive momentum.
Understanding the mystery of Sagittarius reveals the guiding principle of a higher frequency of consciousness. When we become aware of higher frequencies being blocked or distorted it’s important to speak out. Speaking truth to power is an expression of the Sagittarius principle of expansion.
Our New Moon energies of Sagittarius will continue to build until they are fully developed and ready for full integration at the Full Moon.
Happy New Moon