Riding the Great Piscean Wave: New Moon Astrology March 2015
• Article Window: Mar 20 to Apr 19
• Sun is 30° Pisces, Moon is 30° Pisces
• The New Moon is Friday, Mar 20, 2:36 AM PST (Solar Eclipse, 2:36 AM)
• Vernal (Spring) Equinox March 20
• The Full Moon is Saturday, Apr 4 (Lunar Eclipse, 5:05 AM)
• New Moon Theme (Mar 20 thru Apr 19): Momentum
Current Lunar Cycle
The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month, allow this energy to guide you while adjusting to changing circumstances. This month’s Lunar Cycle will offer a new tool set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose.
Astrology Article: Riding the Great Piscean Wave
During this month’s New Moon astrology there will be a powerful release of energy carrying a tremendous amount of momentum. The momentum is due to the convergence of several factors, and brings the energy of positive change. This next month presents a bright future, full of optimism and some well-deserved relief from a high level of intensity many have been feeling.
The last two months have carried a level of intensity that many found difficult to navigate. In some cases, it’s been tough to make the necessary adjustments to feel successful. For those who’ve been struggling, a degree of relief is on its way. This break in the intensity will be available during the entire coming Lunar cycle. This is especially true if you can take the opportunity to feel the magnitude of the coming wave of change and just “ride the wave.”
Change and Momentum
The New Moon always brings a wave of change, however this Moon is absolutely unique because of the convergence of several other powerful factors. This month’s New Moon carries the following additional waves of new momentum:
• The New Moon is located in 30 degrees Pisces. (As the last degree of the zodiac it carries the momentum of the entire previous year.)
• Several planets are in New Phase. (There are a total of nine new-phase combinations involving the Sun, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune.)
• The Vernal Equinox. (The new momentum of the now dominate day-force.)
• A Solar Eclipse. (Adds additional energy to the New Moon.)
Those schooled in astrology can work with the specifics of each of these events. However, even if you don’t understand the specifics, you can appreciate the unique convergence and understand the extra support of the fresh start.
The combination of these factors is creating a powerful and pivotal energy source, with enough momentum behind it to sustain a long-term new cycle. The quality of energy supporting this new wave of change is positive in nature and represents your strongest ideals made real and tangible. In other words, this wave brings real change capable of benefiting everyone to some degree.
What’s most important to understand is that this New Moon is offering you the unique opportunity for a fresh start.
Integrating Current Waves of Change
The Spring Equinox always represents a powerful point of change in our yearly cycle, but when combined with the power of a New Moon and Solar Eclipse, along with the planetary power of Venus, Mars, Uranus, Sun, and Mercury all involved in various new phases … All I can say is Wow!
If you’ve been experiencing intensity over the past several weeks, then the news of impending change my bring up fear or discomfort. You might even be saying, “Please, no more change! I need some stability!”
This is a moment to take a breath and realize that you are being carried in a process that’s already begun.
The coming wave of change is all about carrying forward the process of metamorphosis that began with last month’s New Moon. You can feel relief in knowing that the current momentum is being integrated and can carry you forward, as long as you can maintain inner balance and understand the bigger picture.
The silver lining of this New Moon wave of change is that you are in complete control of how you choose to see what’s coming. There’s plenty of support for optimism, curiosity, and perhaps even plain old fun.
Surfing the Wave
The pattern of this New Moon reminds me of the story of the surfer who had been out in the ocean all day and found himself in trouble. He realized he was so far out that he didn’t have the strength to paddle to shore. He felt the breeze stiffen and noticed a shift in the rhythms of the ocean swells. He began to panic. His intuition told him to turn around and look out toward the sea.
He turned around just in time to see the largest wave he had seen all season. He mustered the last bit of strength in his weary body and caught the huge swell with perfect timing. He stayed calm and relaxed, and concentrated on nothing but balance and controlling what he could. He rode the wave all the way to shore. In retrospect, the surfer remembered that massive wave as the most intense, most satisfying and rewarding wave he ever rode.
This story highlights the perfect way to approach this wave of New Moon energy coming your way.
Watch for new opportunities. Both Jupiter and Saturn are working together to support wise choices, and Jupiter is supporting the deeper desires of your Soul as it finds new ways to express itself through your humanity and connection to others. Stay calm and relaxed, and keep your sense of balance. You can even have a little fun, trusting that this wave has the potential to take you exactly where you need to be.
Astrology Pattern
The New Moon is occurring on the very last (30th) degree of the zodiac sign of Pisces. It’s especially potent because this is the last of the sequence of twelve signs, and the next degree initiates a new annual cycle (at 1 degree Aries, also the Vernal Equinox). It’s the equivalent of bringing forward the entire previous year in one moment. In other words, at this New Moon we have an entire year’s worth of momentum condensed into a super potential seed. The 30th degree of Pisces represents the power latent in all seeds and, furthermore, the latency for self-transformation in humankind itself.
To have the New Moon occur at this point is powerful, indeed!
Neptune provides a key piece to the wave of momentum when you realize that Neptune’s energy performs two important functions. Neptune not only dissolves old boundaries, but it also provides a new matrix for successful living with harmony and spiritual principles of unity. The New Moon is continuing to support the Neptunian theme of metamorphosis (change) that began with last month’s (February 28) New Moon.
You can see from the New Moon chart that the planet Neptune sits with seven other planets (including the Moon and Sun). From our vantage point all of these are proceeding at a faster rate of momentum than Neptune. In other words, Neptune is the slowest planet of the eight planets all grouped together. It establishes the intent and foundation for the new energies moving forward.
All of this is also occurring on the Spring (Vernal) Equinox, which is another huge spring board for moving forward as energies shift toward personal development and inspiration.
Mars and Uranus in conjunction are also working together to create an optimistic outlook for inspired action. Breaking free from old, stubborn patterns that aren’t useful anymore can be easily accomplished during this Lunar cycle. This is just one of the opportunities for successful living that you’ll be able to use to your advantage this month.
Celebrating the Vernal Equinox
Spring Equinox is a key aspect of the momentum of this New Moon. On March 20 this year the day and night are of equal length. This is the yearly point when the day-force increases to become of equal strength with the night. Ever since Winter Solstice the day-force has been gaining momentum, and now it has the power to overtake the night-force and dominate for the next six months (until the Fall Equinox).
This yearly point of transition has always been a time for celebration and inspiration. It is a perfect time to set personal intentions for yourself and your growth for the coming year.
Article Summary
This month’s New Moon Astrology provides you the opportunity to relax and stay balanced as a giant wave of momentum takes you to a new level of living and success. Go with the changes which will take place this month. These changes are for your benefit and provide the extra momentum you’ll need to move forward, as well as to release whatever is not useful. Spring is here and it’s time to create your own joy in life as you experience success at new levels.
It is my deepest privilege to share these thoughts with you.
Have a wonderful New Moon,
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