Rising to the Occasion: New Moon Astrology June 2017

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Rising to the Occasion: New Moon Astrology June 2017

Rising to the Occasion: New Moon Astrology June 2017

Rising to the Occasion: New Moon Astrology June 2017

Article Window: June 23 to July 23
• The New Moon is Friday, June 23, 7:31 PM PST
• Sun is 3° Cancer, Moon is 3° Cancer
• Next Full Moon: July 8
• Current New Moon Theme (June 23 – July 23): Leadership in New Territory

Current Lunar Cycle

The New Moon releases a new wave of available potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to changing circumstances.

Photo of Summer Solstice Tropical Beach

Astrology Article: Rising to the Occasion

Our New Moon astrology occurs only three days after the Summer Solstice, creating a consolidation of potentials that are needed to push all of us toward new territory in our lives. This expansion doesn’t mean your life direction necessarily needs to change, but you must be willing to make adjustments and possibly reorient yourself to the possibility that you are entering uncharted terrain. While it’s possible that this new territory may result in the expansion of a completely new life direction, it may also simply result in a new orientation and new awareness within the direction you’re already headed.

The New Moon always contains elements of new possibilities. What’s unique about this New Moon is the requirement for you to rise to the occasion. This “stepping up” to the occasion includes a new opportunity for personal leadership that will come through your ability to use your willpower to make decisions from inner alignment rather than through reactionary responses to external experiences associated with the past.

There’s no room for wishy-washy logic with this New Moon. This is the time for your individual character to come to the forefront of your life. What leadership will look like as you enter uncharted terrain depends on your circumstances, but this lunar month will test your resolve to stay grounded as you make sound decisions from the depths of your own character.

The Summer Solstice Influence

This year’s Summer Solstice energies support the highest individual expression of your unique potential. There’s a natural urge right now to take charge of your life and a desire to move into alignment with your own excellence. In a nut shell, the Solstice activates self-leadership as its core experience.  I’ve coined the term “self-leadership” to indicate a form of leadership based on inner alignment that supports your highest potential as well as the collective good.

Summer Solstice always supports individual expression and most often times the individual is supported by the collective. This year that’s not the case. This year’s  Summer Solstice plays a key role in the development of self-leadership during this New Moon by amplifying the potential conflict between the individual and those collective energies that don’t support the highest forms of individual expression. In fact, this Solstice puts the individual in direct conflict with the limitations of the collective and the energies of the past that limit personal identity and personal freedom.

The overriding energies at this time are encouraging you to move forward with a  new and fresh perspective, unconditioned by limitations of the past.

Astrology Pattern

New Moon Astrology Chart June 2017At first glance, this month’s New Moon chart appears to be complicated, however the underlying signature is fairly straightforward, with a planetary stellium squared to Jupiter and opposite Saturn.

The stellium in Cancer reinforces the need to express personal individuality that’s in alignment with your highest  potential. Within this stellium, Mars is leading and providing the impulse for action.  The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all balsamic to Mars which requires that the action you take is unconditioned by your past.  Balsamic energy is future oriented. To be fully effective, it uses the future impulse as motivation for letting go, finishing up old business, and refining the foundation that enables you to move forward.

Mercury’s presence in the stellium requires clear thinking and a rational approach.  This is a time in which decisions are based on character and not fear of past limitations or failures. This is easier said than done. Think of it as an opportunity for clear, concise thinking and a rational approach that isn’t limited by past experience but rather your maturity in the present.

Jupiter and Saturn are positioned to provide contrast to forward momentum by highlighting and activating circumstances from the past that may be in direct conflict with moving forward.  If we respond through inner alignment, these circumstances can act as a catalyst for exercising will power and personal leadership in order to rise to the occasion and step into new territory. Altogether, the energies of Solstice and New Moon will enable you to move forward with a fresh perspective, unconditioned by crises of the past.

It’s important to understand that energies of the past will likely be strongly activated during this lunar month. You will need to use sheer will power to let go of your past limitations and allow the new momentum to lead you into uncharted territory of new potentials. Without this perspective, it could be easy to stumble and revert back into old habits  you thought were behind you. For those who are able to align within, rising to the occasion and assuming leadership for oneself is the only truly sustainable solution for moving forward at this time.


Our New Moon energies are taking all of us into new and uncharted territory where we cannot rely on past experience to guide us. Self-leadership, clear thinking, and personal alignment to your highest potential are all needed to navigate these changes, which will all come through  the mature use of personal will. This type of intentional willpower will have the effect of allowing you to rise to the occasion and move though any rough patches you may encounter. This is a time to move forward by relying on inner alignment and the deeper character of doing what you know is true and right.

Happy New Moon

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1 thought on “Rising to the Occasion: New Moon Astrology June 2017”

  1. Pingback: A New Pathway in a New World: Full Moon Astrology July 2017 – Seattle Astrology

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