A Royal Banquet for the Soul — Full Moon Astrology Dec 2015

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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A Royal Banquet for the Soul — Full Moon Astrology Dec 2015

A Royal Banquet for the Soul — Full Moon Astrology Dec 2015

A Royal Banquet for the Soul: Full Moon Astrology Dec 2015

  • Article Window: Dec 25 to Jan 11
  • The Full Moon is Friday, Dec 25, 3:11 AM PST, Universal Time 11:11
  • Sun is 3° Capricorn, Moon is 3° Cancer
  • Current New Moon Theme (Dec 11 thru Jan 11): Preparing for Future Events
  • Next New Moon: Jan 11

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Christmas Full Moon 2015

Full Moon Astrology Article: A Royal Banquet for the Soul

Our Christmas Full Moon of 2015 will be an event to be remembered, not only for the glittering lights and gifts that accompany the season, but for the coalescing of all the energies that have come together on this auspicious day. It is precisely this energetic coming-together that creates the larger opportunity for a “royal banquet,” rather than a mere social gathering.

The astrology of this year’s Christmas Day is quite fascinating. There are three main elements that stand out in our Christmas astrology chart. Together they create this special celebration and opportunity.

The first element relates to the word “royal” that I have specifically chosen to describe the special significance of what’s being celebrated beyond the traditional festivities of the day. The exact Sabian Degree for the Moon suggests that the Christmas energies are illuminating your own connection to your higher-self and Soul.


This implies that this Full Moon is creating a higher connection and an awareness of your soul that accompanies your Christmas celebration this year. This is the deeper meaning of A royal banquet for the soul.”

Christmas Full Moon Astrology Chart for Dec 25, 2015The second element that stands out is a prominent opposition between Mars and Uranus. There is much craziness in the world right now, and that is being reflected in this opposition position between Mars & Uranus. However, along with this craziness, there are also neutralizing energies providing the opportunity for a positive choice and outcome.

Since the middle of November, with each New and Full Moon, I have observed these competing energies and they have clearly been available for a higher purpose. These current experiences of contrast are enabling us the access to transforming types of activities that neutralize conflict and support a more positive outcome.

Our Christmas astrology chart indicates this same neutralizing energy to the potentially disrupting Mars/Uranus pattern. Instead of the typical unexpected conflict often associated with this Mars/Uranus configuration, we have for a brief time (Christmas Day) the ability to see beneath the outer phenomenon of the world, to the inner structure of events, with their hidden reality.

Throughout the ages, glimpsing the deeper meaning of Christmas has been a cherished part of our traditions. This Christmas provides the energies to make “seeing beyond” even easier. This provides a practical way to see beyond any conflicting energies you may experience, both on a personal level and also larger global circumstances.

The third and last element I find super interesting is in the coincidence of the exact Universal Time of the Full Moon. The Full Moon occurs at 3:11 AM on the west coast, but the Universal Time is “11:11”. When we also take into consideration that our current Lunar cycle is “Dec 11 to Jan 11,” we another 11:11 synchronicity. This pattern is definitely worth noting.

Although there are many interesting and varied ideas and interpretations for the numerological meaning of the 11:11 pattern, let’s keep it simple and just focus on the current context of it occurring on Christmas Day, at the Full Moon, and with a specific astrological pattern of turning conflict into peace, with an ability to see beyond our normal perceptions of what we call ‘reality.’

Taking in all of this current context, our “11:11” coincidence takes on a more significant meaning which can be summarized with the title of this article, “A Royal Banquet for the Soul.” What’s implied with “11:11” is an energetic doorway or “portal” to a larger and divine aspect of yourself. This aspect is your “Royal Self” seeking embodiment in human form. This is also what’s often referred to as embracing the Christ Consciousness.

Christmas Day this year is indeed a special day. Celebrate, rejoice, and connect with that aspect of your own divinity which is reborn at each and every Winter Solstice.

Blessings to all, and have a wonderful Christmas.
Steven Shroyer

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