Seeing Clearly with Courage to Act: Full Moon Astrology May 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Seeing Clearly with Courage to Act: Full Moon Astrology May 2016

Seeing Clearly with Courage to Act: Full Moon Astrology May 2016

Seeing Clearly with Courage to Act: Full Moon Astrology May 2016

Article Window: May 21 to June 4
• The Full Moon is Saturday, May 21, 2:14 PM PDT
• Sun is 2° Gemini, Moon is 2° Sagittarius
• Current New Moon Theme (May 6 thru June 4): Inspiration During Challenge
• Next New Moon: June 4

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon Over Ancient Temple Photo

Astrology Article: Seeing Clearly with Courage to Act

Our Full Moon astrology for the next two weeks is extremely dynamic and full of intensity. It’s this very intensity that is helping provide the energy needed to expand your awareness to enable you to clearly see what you want and then discern the best course of action needed to pursue it.

During the past six weeks the Lunar cycle has brought into focus a shift in power. This shift in power is through all levels, from global to personal, and includes personal access to a new level of Inspiration During Challenging Times. With our current Full Moon the energies are aligning to provide you with a clear direction and purpose for moving forward. The main challenge between now and the next New Moon on June 4th is the very powerful, yet subtle, undercurrent that’s operating beneath your conscious awareness.

This powerful undercurrent is stirring deep below the surface of your everyday experience. Its purpose is to move you toward a greater sense of harmony. One of the themes emphasized this month with the Sagittarius (Moon) and Gemini (Sun) polarity is the natural reward that comes from working through challenging circumstances with harmony. This harmonizing factor is activated through an understanding of a larger reality (Sagittarius) and the faith that the changing (perhaps challenging) details (Gemini ) of your current situation aren’t the whole picture.

Your experience of harmony becomes prosperity, which is your natural reward, for feeling this undercurrent and then acting with courage to move forward.

At certain points in your life conflict becomes necessary to mobilize the correct solution, or to push you forward in alignment with spirit and your higher self.  The current opportunity within contrast is in seeing the true nature of conflict in order to better understand what you want or need. Experiences of challenge open the door to enable you to access a clear direction in moving forward.

Over the coming two weeks, as you move forward to the next New Moon, be mindful of the underlying stirrings of power and intensity that you can feel at the deeper levels of your awareness.

As you connect with this inner awareness, it’s important to recognize the subtle difference between “power” and “intensity.”  The undercurrent of “power” is available as energy for you to use  as you mobilize your own inner power for new action and activity. The “intensity” you’re feeling just beneath the surface of awareness may be uncomfortable, but it is simply an indicator of just how much energy is available for you to access.

As such, be aware when you’re feeling intensity this month, that it’s from a combination of your receptivity to this great movement of energy, and at the same time, your attempt to analyze or rationally explain away what you are feeling without a full understanding of the details of the bigger picture.

Your opportunity is in a clear understanding that there is power available as energy to act, but only if you connect within and nurture your courage and faith in the universe.

Astrology Pattern

Full Moon Astrology Chart for May 2016What I find interesting about our current astrology pattern is that Mars and Venus are in direct opposition. This opposition represents the polarity of the relationship between activity (Mars) and desire (Venus). Mars and Venus in a position of opposition isn’t particularly unusual. What IS unusual is that Mars (action) is currently also conjunct the Moon (fulfillment), and Venus (desire) is also conjunct the Sun (pure energy). This dual combination is very rare and emphasizes the nature of conflict between what we as individuals want (desire) and the challenge of how to best go about pursuing our desire (action).

Unfortunately, the human tendency is to miss the opportunity of seeing challenge as a positive phase of a cycle. Instead we often focus on the narrow perspective of only the perceived conflict.

I like the contrast this astrological pattern provides. Venus represents the personal value and meaning we are able to extract from any given situation. On the other hand, Mars represents how we are able to expand and transform our experiences through action in order to reflect the true beauty, value, and worth of what is important to us.

In astrological terms, this pattern expresses love in action and represents how we can follow our heart, pursue want we want, and act in harmony and alignment with what is most important to us. Often times we pursue what’s expected, or perhaps most logical, or even have the experience of being forced, and not necessarily what we love and what’s in alignment with our heart. This Full Moon is focused on nurturing this process in a dynamic way by forcing us to look more closely at the relationship between what we desire and how to take steps to experience our heart’s desire more fully in the world. This is an underlying theme of the challenges and conflicts people are experiencing.

The final astrology element I would like to touch on is our current “astrology kite pattern.” As noted in this month’s New Moon article, the kite indicates a deep pattern of energy, power, and potential. When you look at the Full Moon astrology chart you’ll notice that the kite pattern that was activating the New Moon is no longer directly connected to Lunar cycle or the Mars / Venus opposition.

This apparent disconnection is only to emphasize that we are all experiencing something that is much bigger than we can perceive on the surface of things. The kite pattern in relationship to the current Mars/Moon and Venus/Sun opposition represents a very dynamic and potentially intense pattern of power that can be converted directly into personal energy for action and activity.

Your tools this month center on understanding the scale of the bigger pattern operating as an undercurrent. Courage and faith are practical tools you can use to turn potential into activity. This Full Moon is supporting the larger planetary changes and shifts in power. As you learn about these powerful energies, you become the harmonizing factor and come into alignment with a greater use of your own inner power.

As you move through the next two weeks, remember to focus on the opportunity/challenge aspect of your circumstances instead of the conflict. Use your courage and faith to sustain you in the positive movement of the universe. Your choice of perspective is necessary in mobilizing your own energies in a positive way.

Happy Full Moon
Steven Shroyer

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