Stepping into a New Dimension: Lunar Eclipse Astrology Sept, 2015
• Article Window: Sept 27 to Oct 27
• The Full Moon Eclipse is Sunday, Sept 27, 7:50 PM PDT
• Sun is 5° Libra, Moon is 5° Aries
• Current New Moon Theme (Sept 11 thru Oct 11): Expansion of Life-Force
• Next New Moon: Oct 12
• Next Full Moon: Oct 27
Current Lunar Cycle
A Lunar Eclipse opens a portal that offers a unique activation stemming from the power of the Full Moon. The portal releases a special cosmic gift resulting in a new ability you can use for inspired action in your life.
The Eclipse portal will remain open until October 25.
Full Moon Astrology Article: Stepping into a New Dimension
This Lunar Eclipse brings a remarkable and potentially life-changing opportunity. With this astrology chart I see us literally being offered the opportunity to step into a new dimension, or frequency, of life.
This opportunity is delivered through a complex energy pattern offering two complementary and distinct processes for growth.
Two Distinct Patterns for Expansion
The two simultaneous patterns that are supporting the expansion are very different and equally powerful. You can see the patterns illustrated in the chart as T-squares (triangles). One is ruled by Saturn, and also involves Neptune, Jupiter and Mars. The other involving the Sun and Moon is ruled by Pluto. Both configurations support transformation but in very different ways.
The pattern ruled by Saturn involves transformation through your current relationships, social structure and life circumstances. The pattern ruled by Pluto involves transformation from within. The Pluto configuration is purely internal, not dependent on external circumstances or relationships.
Both patterns are of value. There’s not a right or wrong path but most likely one process will resonate more than the other. It’s important to note your own preferences and also to be aware that both processes will be operating simultaneously in your life.
Transformation through Relationships
The pattern ruled by Saturn supports transformation through your current life and existing experiences and relationships. Neptune adds a complex element because while Saturn is concrete and practical, Neptune is abstract and more spiritual than practical. Neptune is all about dissolving patterns, letting go, and ushering in a new matrix for operating at a higher level.
In this case they are working together, along with Mars and Jupiter, to further practical goals. At the same time there is also a natural support for letting go which allows the moving forward. This letting go is the Neptune aspect, transforming the old and releasing whatever is unnecessary.
What is being perpetuated and carried forward are the ideals rooted in the current patterns of your life. At the same time, whatever is limiting is being dissolved.
This is not an easy configuration. The simultaneous actions of Saturn and Neptune can feel confusing. In the coming days it might be hard to know what needs to be released and what needs to be preserved. You can trust that these are important questions that need to be resolved, and part of the opportunity of this process.
Transformation from Within
The T-square pattern ruled by Pluto doesn’t care about current circumstances, or the past or future. It’s not attached to the existing structure of your life. Indeed, it doesn’t care about ‘preserving’ anything.
This pattern is about creating something brand new. It is only concerned with the transformation that comes about from a new factor or opportunity that is being introduced with this Eclipse. You will experience this transformation internally, rather than through your circumstances.
The Aries Full Moon in the configuration of the T-square with Pluto, emphasizes that this pattern of transformation is more personal and individual. Aries lends an infusion of power and creative vitality, along with the inspiration to create something brand new.
The opportunity for transformation is emphasized by the Sabian symbol for 5 degrees Aries, which is “Wings,” and “A New Dimension Offering Transcendence.” This symbol describes the energy signature of the portal which opens at this location in the zodiac.
Extra Support for the Challenge
The challenge with the complexity of this chart is that these two concepts have to be able to work together in order for you to fully experience success or positive growth.
Although both patterns can result in positive growth, the reality is that they are very different. Since both will be happening simultaneously, the result can feel confusing or even chaotic.
Support to balance the conflicting patterns comes from the North Node which is conjunct the Sun and Mercury. This is a very positive formation that supports your ability to come to alignment with the bigger potentials.
The North Node formation appears as a type of polarization that will help you illuminate and clarify extremes and opposites. For example, you will have clear perceptions of the extremes of where you are now, and where you want to go.
From the North Node you can also access clarity to understand the challenges or contradictions within the seemingly conflicting patterns that might otherwise feel chaotic.
Lunar Eclipses always offer the opportunity for a quantum leap forward. You can make enormous strides in the coming days, especially if you can be patient with any accompanying intensity you may experience.
This Eclipse brings the experience of a “new dimension” into reality in a variety of ways. The “new dimension” can be reached through engagement in your relationships and circumstances, or through internal transformation, or a through a combination of both. The choice is up to you as you follow your own best path.
Through my experience with clients I understand that many people will feel drawn to one of these processes more than the other. Your preference is determined by your personal astrological patterns. Remember, neither approach is good or bad, it’s just that you have a natural constitutional comfort level with one or the other.
What’s importance to realize is that this Lunar Eclipse Portal is transmitting to each person the blueprint of a new dimension. This is a special event that you can use to grow, change, and transform into a more expanded version of You.
By being aware of both of these patterns you can hopefully more easily navigate the opportunities as well as whatever challenges or confusion results.
This is a month of unprecedented opportunity. I wish you well.