Strategic Excellence is the New Spirit of 2024

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Strategic Excellence is the New Spirit of 2024

Aquarian Age Update

The spirit of the Aquarian Age has moved into the new year. The torch of excitement, emblematic of the new Aquarian era predicted long ago, has now been handed off to the new era. I believe this is the year when the rules will drastically change; some for the better, some for the worse. In the near future we will no longer be bound by the Capricornian power and control matrix that has kept us locked in an era that is now ending.

I’m personally excited by the realization that this upcoming year will be quite unique. In the coming months, I will discuss new developments and technologies that propel us beyond any previously conceived ideas about astrology, as well as our perceptions of the world we inhabit.

One of the unique aspects of our year is the way Pluto, the most powerful planet in our system, is playing a crucial role in our shift into the new era. Pluto has energies capable of completely transforming our fundamental reality. Through its transformative nature, Pluto’s presence in Capricorn over the past 20 years has set the stage for our massive changes. Now as it transits back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius, it will usher in the energies necessary for the final shift.

We are currently just nine days away from Pluto entering 1° Aquarius, at which time life at every level will undergo another dramatic acceleration. In the months to come, as Pluto reactivates Aquarian consciousness, each of us will witness firsthand the direct conflict between Light and dark.

The global conflict between the Light and the dark will now be unfolding openly for all to see. The Sabian symbol for Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius is quite descriptive of this massive shift.


ARCHETYPE: The creative power inherent in all great human achievements that endures beyond what has become culturally and spiritually outdated.
COMMENTARY: At the end of an era, whether it’s an end of a project, the span of a person’s life, or an outdated status quo, there’s a birth of something new, and the beginning of a new era. The seeming permanence of institutions or ideologies must always come to an eventual end. Each ending becomes an opportunity for a new vision of the future to take hold and become a reality.

The closing of the former age, characterized by authoritarian rule and control (the shadow aspect of Pluto in Capricorn), is nearing its decisive end. The year 2024 will mark the visible disintegration of the old order, along with its darkness and manipulative distortions of our reality.

To further highlight the conclusion of our current authoritarian system and the collapse of those trying to reshape the world, one need only observe the effects of Pluto in its current position in the final degree of Capricorn. When it comes to world affairs, we are witnessing the efforts for control of the direction of our future.

The Sabian archetype for the final degree of Capricorn underscores the inherent collusion at the end of a significant era and the transition into a new paradigm.

ARCHETYPE: The power of a small group of people taking control over crucial decisions affecting larger populations.
COMMENTARY: Planetary, spiritual, and evolutionary guidance is the natural right of each individual and not that of a select or secret group of elites making decisions for individuals. The spiritual energies that reside within each of us provide all the inner guidance needed to live a fulfilled life. This innate power to assume self-responsibility for our own lives cannot be assumed by others. Without the inner guidance of spirit, all types of leadership deteriorate into self-interest and darkness.

Authentic leadership is guided by Source and enables personal choice for all. Without the inner guidance of spirit, all types of leadership deteriorate into self-interest and darkness.

As we are turning the corner into the new era, we are truly on the precipice of a great shift. The reality of this shift will become evident throughout our coming year. Stay with us as we use principles of astrology to break down these amazing developments that are taking place within our consciousness. The more we can understand our internal shifts, the more we can understand and sort through all the new details that are continually emerging.

Capricorn New Moon: The Dynamic Interplay Between Outcomes

Our Capricorn New Moon occurs just days before Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius on January 20th. These events mark the start of a significant process of change, set to continue accelerating until November 19, 2024 when Pluto settles in Aquarius for the last time, where it will remain for the next two decades.

During this pivotal transition, we’re observing two opposing agendas emerging in our world, each representing potential outcomes. This is the contrast of the light and the dark that I mentioned earlier in the introduction.

The Sabian archetype for 30° Capricorn discussed earlier highlights how the shadow side of Capricorn, characterized by power, secret agendas, and control, stands in stark contrast to the Aquarian Age’s values of freedom, expanded consciousness, and prosperity for all. The disparity between Capricorn’s positive qualities—such as pursuit of excellence, teamwork, and harmonious outcomes—and its shadow aspects of power and control is particularly dramatic. This contrast within Capricorn’s qualities clearly expresses the conflicts we are witnessing in our world today.

Developing the Positive Qualities of Capricorn

Key positive qualities of Capricorn include a drive for excellence, cooperative teamwork, striving for harmonious results, cohesion building, restructuring power for common good, and a spiritual ethos of creation that fosters harmony in all connections. These positive qualities of Capricorn can be likened to spiritual networking, promoting excellence, collaboration and personal sovereignty.

Conversely, the well-known shadow of Capricorn manifests as dominance and power over others through government and corporate structures, hierarchical systems, obligation to timelines and schedules, forced adherence to external systems of control, and ambition for positions of influence and power.

Our New Moon supports all of the positive qualities of Capricorn as we move into our new era. Our Sabian archetype for the New Moon at 21° Capricorn underscores the dynamic interplay between the pursuit of excellence and the effort needed for effective teamwork in order to experience excellence and success.


ARCHETYPE: The dynamic interplay of pursuing excellence is the back-bone that quickens the effort of building teamwork.
COMMENTARY: One must quicken the development of team building so that relating and adjustment-making is able to meet any challenge. The excellence that resides in the element of consciousness that we carry within is able to combine and collaborate with others in such a way that success is emphasized. The value (the relay torch) that we carry forward is developed through a dynamic interchange of excellence and success, which is ultimately celebrated as Spirit’s victory over darkness.

What I love about this Sabian is the way that collaborative success is experienced as a result of the personal responsibility of an individual’s pursuit of excellence. When we collaborate in the Light, success happens without the need for a controlling hierarchy or external rewards. In this way, team building is a Capricorn theme that emphasizes the power of collaboration rather than control over others.

As Pluto continues to transit back and forth over the first degree of Aquarius we can expect to continue to see major shifts in consciousness worldwide. These shifts happen on the personal level, as well. As we continue to develop our consciousness throughout the coming year, the more we can understand success to be an internal marker of our own excellence, the quicker we will remove the detrimental influence of the negative expectations of others.

Collaboration in the Aquarian Age

With the Capricorn New Moon collaboration is emerging as a key theme in the astrology of the coming year, and highlighting its importance as a core quality in the unfolding of the Aquarian Age. High-frequency collaboration is based on harmonious effort that values individual choice while also enabling group progress in a shared direction. The Aquarian Age elevates this concept of collaboration by adding new frequency-based dimensions to our endeavors.

Our new awareness of frequency signifies the global shift of which we’re all a part. When we work at higher frequencies, our collaborative efforts extend beyond simply uniting with other like-minded individuals. When we collaborate within a higher frequency we are also able to synchronize with the planet’s own expanding frequencies and dimensional shifts. In this way the metaphor of a relay race aptly symbolizes the significance of our united actions in constructing a harmonious world by actively pursuing our goals together.

The astrology for the coming year, as suggested by this first New Moon, is setting the stage for inspired collaboration and combined effort (a “relay race”). The race isn’t a race to the finish line, but instead, a creative process that requires individual excellence. As we collaborate with those who also want to move forward with sovereignty, we create a world that supports our every desire.


The year 2024 will prove to be a year of great change. Pluto will support our transformation, as it will reside in Aquarius for all but 3-and-a-half months until November, when it remains in Aquarius for the next 20 years. In order to maximize your own experience of this great shift in consciousness, pay very close attention to choosing with whom you collaborate, and placing your focus on the outcome you desire. Our future is unwritten and unscheduled. We’re now able to determine our own future, even beyond what we can currently imagine.

Now that Pluto is energizing our new era, we are completely free to pursue our own dreams and then experience how they will quickly become our reality. The relay race torch that we are carrying forward represents our shared visions of a new world. Let’s collaborate with greatness and excellence.

In Great Celebration,
Steven Shroyer

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

1 thought on “Strategic Excellence is the New Spirit of 2024”

  1. Pingback: Capricorn New Moon: Taking Our Power Back – The Dendera Institute

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