The Challenge of True Transformation: Full Moon Summer Solstice June 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Challenge of True Transformation: Full Moon Summer Solstice June 2016

The Challenge of True Transformation: Full Moon Summer Solstice June 2016

The Challenge of True Transformation: Full Moon Summer Solstice June 2016

Article Window: June 20 to July 4
• The Full Moon is Monday, June 20, 4:02 AM PDT
• Sun is 30° Gemini, Moon is 30° Sagittarius
• Current New Moon Theme (June 4 – July 4): Path to Health, Purpose and Love
• Next New Moon: July 4

Current Lunar Cycle

The Full Moon illuminates and activates new awareness, especially corresponding to whatever was released with the manifesting wave of New Moon energy two weeks ago. In the coming two weeks look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially from whatever you have embraced or experienced since the New Moon. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon Summer Solstice

Astrology Article: The Challenge of True Transformation

Our Full Moon astrology for the next two weeks continues to focus on the theme of the personal freedom, infused with energies from the planet Venus and the Summer Solstice, with an additional focus on the challenges that arise when our desire for personal freedom unexpectedly clashes with everyday circumstances.

The Summer Solstice occurs immediately following the Full Moon and is providing that extra push we all need in order to experience more freedom, specifically through a personal influx of beauty, truth, and new awareness of what you value in life. This is the time to cut loose, shine bright, and hold yourself to your highest standards.

The Challenge of Personal Freedom

The words “personal freedom” may conjure up feelings that on the surface feel empowering and even carefree. However, your actual experience of actualizing this new-found sense of freedom isn’t necessarily as easy as the initial “image of freedom” that comes to your mind.

While the forces of positive change and freedom are powerful, there is also an unseen and  hidden resistance that needs to be addressed before the reality of freedom can be entirely realized. This resistance is due to the stagnation or density of the old patterns that need to be released. This stagnation includes pressure or resistance from others who attempt to convince you that something from the past has value, when it doesn’t necessarily reflect your own sense of personal truth.

Our Full Moon astrology suggests that there are powerful transformational energies available, capable of neutralizing many of the stagnant energy patterns (Grand Square) that have been resisting change over the last several weeks.  These stagnant energy patterns are emphasizing a strong backward pull toward older, more traditional values. With the energies supporting personal freedom, this backward pull is beginning to dissolve.

The forces of Venus are amplifying the push-pull from the past in order to help us become clear of what currently reflects our personal truth.
Venus is key to understanding how to work with this backward pull of the past.  Venus holds two very powerful qualities, and they’re sometimes in opposition. Venus represents:  (a) what we hold on to as having “value,” and also (b) our ability to see the “beauty and truth” around us. The first are our values carried forward from the past, the second are the experiences we have in the present moment. When what we “value” becomes obsolete, then the only opportunity for personal transformation lies in recognizing what is “true and beautiful” in the present moment.

It’s at this point when what you value from the past becomes obsolete that it begins to impinge on your sense of freedom. This is when it’s time to move forward by releasing what is no longer in alignment with your present truth. This idea of moving forward is especially emphasized by the position of the Full Moon in relationship with Sun and Venus in Cancer.

Given the nature of this built-in Venusian resistance to moving forward, one of the more positive elements in our Full Moon Chart lies in the strong Neptunian signature. Neptune in this case is supporting the natural dissolving capacity of your old attitudes and desires that don’t belong in your life as you move from the old into the new.

Astrology Pattern

Astrology Chart for the Full Moon Summer Solstice June 2016The astrological pattern of the Full Moon chart is quite interesting in terms of the “challenge” that is built into its structure. This “challenge” can be clearly observed within the Grand Square, but not fully understood until we take a closer look at the planets involved.

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury are all part of our Grand Square. This particular Full Moon grand square lacks any real potency, but does represent outdated traditional values, beliefs, and modes of thinking that are in the process of dissolving. This disintegration is spearheaded by Neptune’s position in the grand square as well as the fact that this grand square does not significantly aspect the Sun during the Summer Solstice activation.

Throughout this article, I’ve made a deliberate attempt to focus on the transformational potential of the pairings of Mars/Venus and the Sun/Moon.  These two planetary pairs, combined with a powerfully aspected Uranus, provide additional receptivity and openness to an influx of spiritual types of energies. These energies can be experienced in the form of excellence, freedom, and positive types of transformation or change.

Any Full Moon that coincides with a Summer Solstice is quite significant. In this case, the Summer Solstice is acting as a Venus amplifier. It activates the Full Moon with additional energies to break free from feelings of stagnation. It’s appropriate to feel the summer momentum, experience personal freedom, and pursue your own flare for excellence as you into the summer months.

Summer Solstice Activation

The Solar energies during the Summer Solstice are the strongest of the entire year. When the Full Moon occurs on the Summer Solstice, it marks an indicator sometimes referred to as a “point of no return.” This is a reference to the activation power of the Full Moon in combination with the longest possible solar influence that can occur in a single day. The fullness of solar purpose is at its full strength and can activate growth in a spectacular fashion. Once activated, growth becomes inevitable.

This activation of purpose is not only a theme of the Summer Solstice, it is also a theme of Venus, which happens to be conjunct the Sun on the Solstice. The result of the Full Moon Summer Solstice activation occurring with a Venus conjunction is full of positive energy for those who can embrace the transformative energies of moving forward in their life. Uranus is contributing to the activation by providing both freedom and transformation that will continue to build throughout the summer months.

In Conclusion

The astrological energies that are active during the next two weeks, up until the next New Moon, are perfectly suited for transforming your personal experiences into a new type of freedom and excellence. Remember, this is the time to cut loose, shine bright, and to hold yourself to your highest standards.

Another way of describing this level of transformation is through your capacity to experience what is most important to you. One’s ability to “Shine Bright” requires the freedom to move forward, using excellence as your guide, while at the same time releasing the obsolete by resisting all attempts to justify old patterns and old ways of thinking.

Shining Bright can be summarized as feeling the forward momentum of the Summer Solstice, and feeling successful by meeting the challenge of “true transformation.” In other words, the way you respond to the “truth and beauty” of what you “value the most,” determines how “true”  your alignment is to your personal growth.

If you find that personal circumstances are making you feel restricted, the opportunity for freedom will be found  in pursuing your own “truth” of excellence. As you connect with your individual sense of freedom during the next two weeks, in whatever form it may take, remember to embrace any new feelings about the things most important to you (Venus) and then pursue those experiences in your life that are moving you forward (Mars).

Life Changing Readings

Are you ready to embrace the new Aquarian Age? Find your new Aquarian Age purpose and start creating a new era.

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