The Courage to Look at What is Possible: New Moon Astrology Apr 2018

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Courage to Look at What is Possible: New Moon Astrology Apr 2018


April 13, 2018

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The Courage to Look at What is Possible: New Moon Astrology Apr 2018

Article Window — Apr 15 to May 15
• New Moon is Sunday, Apr 15,  6:57 PM PDT
• Sun is 27° Aries, Moon is 27° Aries
• Next Full Moon: Apr 29
• Current New Moon Theme (Apr 15 to May 15): New Possibilities

The New Moon releases a wave of new potential that sets the overall theme for the entire month that follows. This month’s Lunar cycle offers a new tool-set that creates momentum for energizing your life’s purpose. To experience your fullest potential in the coming month allow this energy to guide you, especially while adjusting to life’s changing circumstances.

Astrology Article: The Courage to Look at What is Possible

Our Aries New Moon astrology is full of untapped new potential and bursting with new possibilities and creative energies. What’s most unique about this New Moon is the actual raw power of what IS possible. This Aries Moon is setting the stage for you to take advantage of opportunities that you may not have even considered possible in the past.

The creative energies of Aries come from the element of fire which symbolizes its potential for transformation.  As such, Aries energizes and inspires each individual to reach further. In the coming days you can take advantage of this new momentum to fuel your own imagination and creativity in order to move forward into new possibilities.

Creative Imagination and Perceived Failure

Creative imagination is a powerful energy that is stimulated by all forms of contrast. What this means on a personal level is that creativity is stimulated by experiences of success as well as failure. It is easy to think in terms of black and white when it comes to ideas about interpreting success. However, under the right circumstances, the lack of success can also trigger an intense creative response, sometimes even more so than when things work in our favor.

Consider what happens when you fail at something into which you have put a lot of effort. Failure often allows for a time of reflection. During this period of reflection, it’s possible to use your imagination in a new and creative way. This use of imagination is the perfect time for revising your attitude, including the ability to see what could have been. It’s a time that can be used for creating new possibilities for a new or different outcome as you move forward into the future.

Often times, this level of creative imagination is not possible without first achieving failure. It’s the contrast of something that has failed that spurs one’s creative imagination. In this way failure can be a tool for creativity. Failure doesn’t have to be an automatic trigger for a loss of personal faith and the fear that you will continue to fail.

Courage, Faith, and Fear

The New Moon is about new possibilities. The role that courage must play during this coming Lunar cycle cannot be overstated.

Courage is the power to beyond move beyond whatever has been limiting you from moving forward in freedom.
Courage enables you to face your fears. Within the context of the current New Moon chart, the experience of fear is directly related to listening to the voice of failure. This is the inner voice that has been programmed within by those who have said, “It’s time to give up. What you have attempted isn’t possible. Take solace with the rest of us who have wisely accepted our failure and stopped trying.”

With this New Moon you have the opportunity to face patterns of fear with new levels of courage and faith. Faith requires you to trust in yourself and your inner ability to see the bigger picture. With faith you know that you have reserves of untapped potential just waiting to be activated. Faith is your ability to move forward in life with the courage that comes from this inner knowing that you can become more.

The experience of faith is tied to the knowledge that everything in the Universe is connected. This includes the awareness of the ways in which creative experiences of new possibilities are somehow connected to perceptions of failure and those opportunities that have seemingly been lost. From this perspective of faith, even a lost opportunity can be recovered by recognizing the potential and holding the consideration that a new possibility may satisfy – and even out-shine – what was once thought to be lost.

Inner Strength

Along with the Aries momentum available for new possibilities and the courage to move forward we also have available a considerable amount of inner strength to fuel the forward momentum.

This quality of inner strength gives you access to new levels of inner guidance. Your inner strength, aligned with inner guidance, is working harmoniously now with the overall energies of the New Moon to offset any fear or unnecessary discouragement.

Astrology Pattern

Our New Moon is contained within a bowl pattern that holds and harmonizes raw potential by turning it into something that holds value. The bowl pattern’s outer rim is marked by Jupiter and Venus. These two planets are working together in this chart to amplify the ways in which we can integrate what’s important to us. They show us that our own personal value has context and meaning out in the world as we expand socially to make a positive difference.

What makes this bowl pattern so harmonious is the fact that it is also one half of a perfectly symmetrical grand sextile with a mid-point at 20° Aquarius. Even this mid-point, according to the Sabian, is centered on finding your potential and worth in the world through your spiritual connection to inner guidance.

The other two key aspects worth noting are the concentration of energies around Pluto and the influence of Uranus on the New Moon.

Pluto in Capricorn is working with Saturn and Mars, which are balsamic to Pluto. There is a letting go of fear and acting with the courage to move forward in faith. This is required before any true or significant transformation can take place. You must have faith in the larger processes that are occurring. The harmonizing of energies of the overall pattern must be free of negative and fearful attitudes. This will enable Pluto to transcend and transform in new ways. Otherwise, if anchored in negative patterns from the past, Pluto will transform through the inertia of the past momentum, including the pure control of previously established authoritarian power.

With Uranus conjunct the New Moon we have access to a powerful intuitive inner voice that is encouraging us to try again, and again, to activate our own potential. It shows us “what’s not working” with new clarity so that we can turn a failed attempt into success. Uranus is working with the Moon and Sun to provide that inner spark and guidance that reminds us that even a lost opportunity can be reclaimed. You can most effectively use this reclaiming process by accessing Uranian energy through your connection to your creative imagination. Remember that all forms of contrast are opportunities now for creative inspiration.


There is a tremendous amount of new momentum with our Aries New Moon. The New Moon chart features a stable and harmonious bowl pattern that allows you to see and act within the realm of new possibilities. This is especially true once you understand that moving forward requires you to access courage and creative imagination. This includes your ability to creatively access new possibilities within all forms and experiences of past and present perceptions of failure.

This is a Lunar month to pay attention to your inner guidance and to separate yourself from the inner voice that wants to give up at the first sign of difficulty or failure. Use the additional frequency of new levels of inner strength and guidance in order to offset any discouragement. Trust in your highest potential and move forward with the faith in what and whom you are becoming.

The world is full of new possibility,
Happy New Moon

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