Our Aries New Moon is especially significant this year, holding lots of creativity, exuberance, and eager anticipation for the future. This Moon marks a significant point in our history. Not only does our Aries New Moon arrive just hours after the spring equinox, but Pluto is on the cusp of its historic transition into Aquarius, arriving for the first time on March 23rd.
Since 2012, astrologers worldwide have been anticipating this once-in-a-lifetime event. We are currently only 11 years into the new Aquarian Age, and with Pluto (the most powerful planet) making a heralded entrance into Aquarius, those of us who have been looking forward to this event can hardly contain our excitement.
With Pluto’s entrance to Aquarius coinciding with the Aries New Moon, it is helpful to understand how the energies of Aries are helping to initiate this historic event.
Aries: The Beginning of Becoming Something Greater
As is the first sign of the zodiac, Aries launches the astrological new year. For us in the northern hemisphere this coincides with Spring Equinox. For us, Aries represents the archetype of spring through these powerful energies of cyclic renewal.
Aries is associated with the archetype of new beginnings, individuality, inspiration and spontaneous creativity. With its energies of cardinal fire, Aries is a generator of activity. It holds an internal push to be more than whatever was before.
The Sabian archetype for our New Moon at 1° Aries highlights this new impulse of creativity as the birth of pure potential.
ARCHETYPE: The choice to emerge into new form with the potentiality of a greater consciousness.
COMMENTARY: Each individualized moment holds the possibility of actualizing one’s potential, and realizing one’s function within the larger field of planetary evolution. This new impulse is the beginning of becoming something greater, whether it is the birth of a new quality of individualized consciousness, or the birth of a new nation.
Working with this archetype, we can understand why our New Moon represents such an amazing synchronicity. Not only does this represent the beginning of a new cycle, but also the potential for an entirely new era in the world, coinciding as it does with Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in less than two days.
A New Moon on the first degree of Aries is especially significant because the energies contained within the first degree of Aries hold the raw potential of every single degree of the entire zodiac (and year) to follow. Allow this to sink in for a moment: The Aries 1° activation, in tandem with Pluto entering Aquarius, has the potential to set the tone, not just for the coming year, but the entire new era that is emerging.
On the personal level, this New Moon activation holds a key to understanding just how powerful your pure potential can be. Our New Moon is energizing a whole new meaning of the power of personal choice, including the possibility of the birth of a new Individualized quality of consciousness. We can think of this light-filled quality of awareness as supporting our expansion into 5D consciousness.
With the imminent entrance of Pluto moving into Aquarius in less than two days, we are truly on the verge of something greater. Pluto’s movement into Aquarius will be providing the raw power necessary for the Aquarian Age to begin operating in a more open and visible way.
Aries New Moon: Personal Exuberance
The energies of our New Moon hold pure enthusiasm. As we move into brand new territory, I encourage everyone to focus on the feelings of joy and the possibilities of new creation that are overflowing with our Aries Moon. Nature itself is overflowing with creativity, and this creativity is especially active with our New Moon.
Aries is known as the pioneering spirit. It holds the energies of confidence and adventure and the ability to face change without fear. This is a time to feel the excitement of new creation as you experience this Aries energy spontaneously springing up all around you.
This is an important time to make new choices, not out of fear, but in alignment with moving quickly and gracefully into new opportunities. Each step moves us further into the new era.
This is a time in which the past is truly over. Moving forward, our new era has both the creativity and raw power necessary to make major changes in the world as our civilization emerges further into the new paradigm of 5D consciousness.
Be patient with challenges that may develop. A small portion of the world’s population who currently hold power will resist this extraordinary shift. We can witness their resistance begin to crumble as we begin to see major changes in world governments and our monetary systems worldwide. These changes in world governments and international monetary systems are directly related to Pluto’s movement into Aquarius.
The Mars - Pluto Bowl Pattern
Our Mars-Pluto bowl is a pattern in which all the planets form the shape of a bowl, with Mars and Pluto on the outer edges. The bowl represents a highly concentrated pattern of planetary energies all working together.
As the leading edge of our chart, Mars is activating the energies of the bowl and carrying them forward into the future. The Sabian for Mars at 29° Gemini describes the opportunity for the emergence of new creation and the excitement that this emergence brings.
ARCHETYPE: The fresh and creative exuberance of the human spirit responding with great virtuosity to basic life experiences.
COMMENTARY: To follow in the footsteps of greatness requires great skill and utilizes a creative and artistic approach. The creative aspect of spring leaves behind all that didn’t germinate, not with sorrow, but with creative joy expressed as love emerging from the heart of the planet. Nature’s joy is expressed in the freshness of new organic environments.
I find that the synchronicity of Mars at the leading edge of the bowl, which is focused on a creative and artistic approach to life’s circumstances, is more than a coincidence.
As the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars represents the personal momentum and quality of transformation that is currently taking place. As the lower octave of Pluto, Mars personalizes Pluto’s transformation and helps us connect directly with Pluto’s raw power so we can harness the energies as we move together into the Aquarian Age.
This archetype emphasizes the ways that we can use the energy of Mars to help create the proper attitude and motivation to embrace these creative new changes that are spontaneously emerging everywhere. Personally, I’m filled with excitement and joy as humanity works together for something greater.
An important aspect of this archetype of new creation addresses the recognition of the release of what has not germinated. During the spring push for new life, whatever has not germinated is left behind. In these early days of the Aquarian Age, it is still operating alongside structures of the past, and the status quo which will continue to crumble.
Amidst all of the changes it’s important to focus on the joy of new life rather than sorrow for what is left behind. This ability to trust the future momentum represents our developing awareness of the current split in consciousness between the old and the new.
The significance of Pluto moving this week from Capricorn to Aquarius cannot be overstated. Over the past 12+ years, Pluto’s movement through Capricorn has set the stage for our shift by exposing the unsustainability of the current planetary systems of power and control.
Even though Pluto is still 1 minute and 59 seconds away from entering Aquarius, the energies are directly affecting us now and must be considered within our New Moon chart. The powerful Sabian archetype for 1° Aquarius will be fully activated on March 23rd, while the Moon is still in New phase.
ARCHETYPE: The power inherent in all great human pursuits to endure beyond the outdated creations of a culture.
COMMENTARY: At the end of an era, whether it’s an end of a project, a person’s life span, or an outdated status quo, there’s also the birth of a new cycle and the beginning of a new era. The seeming permanence of institutions or ideologies must, over time, come to an end. Each ending becomes an opportunity for a new vision of the future to take hold and become a reality.
As we move forward, everything that represents the past is in the process of dissolving. This archetype expands our understanding that each ending is also a new beginning. Pluto’s current movement into Aquarius represents the unfettering of individual freedom and sovereignty, and the creation of new systems of governance and sustainability without the need for power and control.
New Activations of Intensity
Over the coming several months, Pluto will move back and forth over the Capricorn/Aquarian cusp to further anchor the necessary shifts of consciousness that support our larger transition into the next era. This will be a time of continued intensity, including increased contrast as the old systems are exposed and dismantled and begin to fall away.
Whenever there’s a major change in the status quo, the current power structures spring into action in the attempt for self preservation. In truth, any attempt to stop Pluto from energizing the Aquarian Age in a positive way will ultimately fail. This is because these attempts are simply out of sync with the new momentum of freedom and sovereignty.
A quick overview of the energies of Pluto in Aquarius will give us some insight into how this incredibly powerful archetype may play out in the near future.
Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto’s movement into Aquarius is directly supporting a new golden era of collaboration. This will include different experiences of revolt, revolution, world-wide changes, new paradigms, technology advancements, and the restructuring of out-of-date systems resulting from Pluto’s transit through Capricorn.
Depending on your personal perspective of the world, these global changes could be seen as desirable or undesirable. I believe these are all positive qualities, even though there is intensity associated with many of the necessary shifts.
In the short term, pay attention to major shifts in geopolitics, government restructuring, and financial systems. As individuals continue to awaken, any attempts to further institutionalize control in these areas will not be tolerated.
Any intensity we collectively experience will be a direct result of the old power structures refusing to relinquish their power and control. The greater the attempt to hang on the old systems of controls, the less graceful the transition will be worldwide. In regard to control, we’ll also be keeping a close eye on the implementation of artificial intelligence, which is an Aquarian shadow technology.
Pay very close attention to all financial institutions and systems. We are very, very close to a new financial system worldwide. For clarification, the new FedNow CBCD (tokenized central bank digital currency) is simply the old failed monetary system in a new package. This is just another example of the status quo refusing to end. CBCDs do not represent the new Aquarian Age monetary system that’s on the horizon. More about this financial shift can be found at www.aquarianagewealth.com.
On a personal level, the less we participate in these changing systems, or give our life force to the energies of fear, the less they will prevail. These systems only last as long as we energetically support them. In other words, fear of change and holding to the past is equivalent to resisting the freedom and sovereignty that the Aquarian Age represents.
These are enormously powerful energies. It is hard to anticipate just how the energies will unfold in tangible ways in the immediate future. This is a time, personally and collectively, to focus on the exuberance of what’s possible and what’s coming to life, rather than grieving over what didn’t make the transition as we move forward.
The amount of excitement surrounding Pluto entering Aquarius is extraordinary. As we step further into the Aquarian Age, we are filled with hope and enthusiasm for all of the new possibilities that are on the horizon. It’s up to us now, through our collective imagination and creativity, to bring into form the golden age of prosperity.
As changes continue to accelerate, make sure your choices are inspired by freedom and sovereignty. This way you will avoid the drama and inertia surrounding the changing of the status quo. The true power of the Aquarian Age lies within the shifting of power back to the people, and the creation of a beautiful world based on positive Aquarian principles of freedom and abundance for all.
Happy New Moon,
Steven Shroyer
4 thoughts on “The Exuberance of Entering a New World Era”
Pingback: Aries New Moon: Rebirth! – The Dendera Institute
Thank you so much for this article, Steve! It is very much in alignment with what I feel and am experiencing. I too am very excited about Pluto entering Aquarius, as I feel it will help completely change our paradigm in beautiful, benevolent, freeing and abundant ways. Love and big hugs!!
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