Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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Aquarian Age Journal

The Game of Life: Is it Rigged?

The Game of Life: Is it Rigged?

Aquarian Age Update

The Aquarian Age of enlightenment is steadily gaining momentum. Now that Pluto has reached the 3° of Aquarius, we have the courage to change our course in life. Pluto is the second most powerful planet in the Solar System next to the Sun, and the powerhouse that is specifically energizing the Aquarian Age.

To better understand where we currently stand in relation to our progress, and new frequencies of courage, we can look at the Sabian for Pluto at Aquarius 3°.


ARCHETYPE: The self-realization of the individual as they separate from the sea of collective control.
COMMENTARY: Social status is a collective controlling mechanism that undermines individual sovereignty and integrity. An essential aspect of self-realization is the repudiation of external controls as the individual refuses to willingly participate under the spell of collective consciousness and its control. This rejection of status and collective mindset is akin to a deserter walking away from the navy. When we choose our own path we bypass all forms of collective control and manipulation.

One important aspect of self-realization is the recognition and rejection of all types of external controls. Modern society has many damaging expectations with built in constraints and limited choices. There is great wisdom and courage in the ability to walk away from these constraints. When we as individuals refuse to willingly participate in these systems we break the spell of collective consciousness and its resulting control.

Our new Aquarian era of self-realization is empowering each individual with the freedom to follow their own path, despite efforts of collective control.

The Sagittarius-Gemini Polarity: Qualities of Wisdom and Freedom

The Sagittarius-Gemini polarity supports the highest frequencies of these zodiac signs. Qualities of Gemini include: curiosity, self-discovery, playfulness, resourcefulness, and being in the present moment. Sagittarius qualities include: playfulness, adventure, travel, a deeper understanding of humanity, and a greater perspective.

When they work together at the highest level, the energies create a quality of wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to focus and bring a greater understanding of life through the highest frequencies available in the moment. This quality of wisdom is an important aspect of these zodiac energies that has often been overlooked.

The active Sagittarius qualities of wisdom include: Direct access to universal knowledge, shared adventure and playfulness, and multidimensional awareness that sees and perceives the true scope of what one experiences. These qualities of Sagittarius wisdom are well integrated and inspired.

The active Gemini qualities of wisdom include: Diversity and excitement of one’s awareness; direct access to situational knowledge and perception; and playfulness that’s creative, organized, and light-hearted. These qualities of Gemini wisdom are experiential and curious.

When the wisdom within this polarity is functioning as a whole, awareness and all types of knowledge become extremely vast and comprehensive. Wisdom that is operating at this level knows no limits or boundaries. This is especially true when mind-energy is bypassed in favor of the superior wisdom and knowledge only found within the heart center.

When the Sagittarius-Gemini polarity is in complete balance we make our decisions from a higher frequency of awareness. Decision-making is no longer based on one’s situation or artificial rules externally imposed, but proactively based on our own creation.

Exposing the Rules of the Game

The ‘rules of the game’ mentioned here refer to the hidden constraints and parameters that shape and corral our choices along predetermined pathways and outcomes. The wisdom of Sagittarius and Gemini can expose these hidden constraints and help us understand our choices, and what choices are even possible in the moment. Along with questioning the origin of the rules we must also consider who made the rules, and whether these artificial limits are fair, or if they’re even needed at all.

As we take a closer look at the full moon Sabian archetypes, it will be helpful to keep awareness of how both of these archetypes expose the ways that rules, boundaries, limits, and parameters shape our reality. The wisdom that is coming forward gives us the ability to see how our choices have been limited. We may not have questioned these limits in the past, but now we have the power to make new choices that aren’t limited by the old rules, but based on our preferences.


ARCHETYPE: The transcendent understanding of the nature of conflict and the strategic trap of reactionary decisions.
COMMENTARY: When viewed through the lens of duality, the game of life holds built-in limitations that are strategically complex and hide true creativity. The game of chess demonstrates this concept of limited choices which are hidden within complex strategies that only give the appearance of free will and choice. From a transcendent view, duality is a reactionary trap that’s created with a ritualistic set of circumstances. Polarities force people into complex decisions that are hidden within the artificial rules of a rigged game.

The game of chess is a beautiful example of a rigged game in which the game pieces are restricted to preset limits. The strategic element within the game of chess is a mere illusion choice. The illusion of choice is hidden within the complexity of the game. Although every move that can ever be made can be calculated, the winner will always be the person who takes the first move, unless a wrong choice is made.

It’s important to realize that life does not need to be a rigged game. Life is meant to be a creative exploration of experience. Those who make the rules, however, would very much like you to accept these rules. They want you to have faith in the rules, even though you didn’t agree to them, and in most cases never considered there was ever an alternative.

Our awareness is expanding and the current rigged game of life is being exposed. The wisdom of Sagittarius fully understands that free will, personal choice, and creativity have no natural limits or boundaries.

The Nature of Formalized Rules

The Sabian for our Sun at 3° Gemini has a very similar theme, in which the ‘rules of the game’ are hidden within formalization. This is another example of the standardization of artificial rules that create a limiting framework that structures behavior and decision-making.


ARCHETYPE: The inner beauty of nature remains perceptible, despite formalized attempts to control it through the imposition of collective behavior and the constraints of externally imposed order.
COMMENTARY: The application of order, symmetry, and standardization are all forms of limits that are applied to the natural creativity of nature through the use of mind-centered intelligence. Spirit has a natural capacity to sort and order. The true creativity that is reflected throughout Spirit and nature bypasses mind energy so that activity can be directed from creativity, rather than through the limits of logic, order, and artificial constructs.

This archetype can be understood through the example of the Garden of the Tuileries. This garden was created over hundreds of years, through incremental changes that resulted in its current formal layout of symmetry and order. Although it’s called a garden, it resembles nothing of nature’s free-form beauty of unfettered perfection. Instead, this garden is defined by order, straight sight-lines, artificial rows of standardization and symmetry. At the Tuileries, nature was given only a select few choices to grow within the rules and limits of artificial constraints.

The game of life is rigged in much the same way. We are born as spirits in a material world. We were taught from the earliest age to fit in, get in line, do the right thing, and say the right thing. In the most extreme circumstances, we were encouraged to be part of the system, so that we could be rewarded by a society-approved career as we paid our taxes and saved for an old age when we would be too decrepit to work. One day this person wakes up and asks themselves, “How did I get here? Was this the life I envisioned? Did I choose my life, or were my options and choices limited and rigged from the very beginning?” The answer to this person is a resounding yes. Your game of life was rigged and programmed from the beginning.

We are becoming wiser. The true wisdom of the Sagittarius-Gemini polarity is that we have free will and our creativity is unlimited. We are beginning to see how our choices were orchestrated and limited from the very beginning. In many cases we have only had the illusion of freedom.

We are becoming powerfully aware and self-realized. We are realizing and deciding individually that we have the ability to follow our own path. We can even reject the rules of the game whenever we want to. Like the Navy deserter (3° Aquarius), we can walk away, choose our own life path and live as unlimited beings of light and creativity. The choice is ours. We have the freedom to follow our inspiration and create our own path of joy and excitement.


The rules of the game of life have been rigged through all of the unsuspecting limits placed on us over time. These are often hidden within social status, ancestry, and many other collective controls that undermine our individual sovereignty. These external controls and societal expectations limit true personal freedom, free will, and creativity.

The Aquarian Age is stimulating a resurrection of free will and the inspiration to be a sovereign individual. As our awareness continues to grow in wisdom and understanding, we are able to clearly see when we are choosing our own path, versus when we are simply accepting someone else’s rules. We are now able to freely make choices independent of external circumstances or expectations.

With Full Clarity,
Steven Shroyer

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