The Gift of Positive Outcome: Lunar Eclipse Astrology for Sept 2016

Picture of Steven Shroyer, author

Steven Shroyer, author

Author of the Aquarian Age Journal; creator of 5th dimensional projects in a new era.

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The Gift of Positive Outcome: Lunar Eclipse Astrology for Sept 2016

The Gift of Positive Outcome: Lunar Eclipse Astrology for Sept 2016

Article Window: Sept 16 – Sept 30
• The Full Moon is Friday, Sept 16, 12:05 PM PDT
• Sun is 25° Virgo, Moon is 25° Pisces
• Next New Moon: Sept 30
• Current New Moon Theme (Sept 1 to Sept 30): The Dawning of New Intuition

Our Lunar Eclipse delivers a Cosmic Gift that results in a new awareness, ability or insight that you can use for inspired action in your life. The cosmic gift is delivered through a portal that opens in the Zodiac at the exact moment of the Eclipse.

The Eclipse portal will remain open and active until the Moon returns to this location in the sky during the next lunar cycle. In the coming 4 weeks, while the portal is open, look for ways to celebrate and take inspired action, especially through the nature of the Full Moon gift and whatever you have embraced or experienced during the current Lunar cycle. Be patient with challenges that emerge in the coming days, recognizing that they are also a necessary part of your expansion.

Full Moon Eclipse Photo

The Gift of Positive Outcome: Lunar Eclipse Astrology for Sept 2016

Our Lunar Eclipse astrology for September 2016 is quite possibly the most dramatic astrological pattern I’ve seen in my entire lifetime. The significance of this pattern is amplified by the fact that it occurs during the second of two consecutive Lunar eclipses.

I would like to state from the outset that, despite what others may claim, this astrology chart doesn’t contain doom and gloom. What our astrology chart does contain is a significant pattern signifying the opportunity for a possible split from normal conscious perceptions. This would be a positive and good split. There is powerful opportunity in the days ahead.

Before I go into the details of the current chart I would like to describe what happened astrologically on August 24th, 2016. This date is significant as it relates to the initiation of a possible split in conscious perception and the ways in which reality is fundamentally understood.

The August 24th, 2016 Story

August 24th occurred only six days after the first Lunar eclipse. On this day, the planets Mars and Saturn made an exact conjunction with the Moon, creating positive alignments (trines) with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury.

This Mars/Saturn conjunction occurred at 10° Sagittarius and set in motion a brand new type of energy. Specifically this is a new direction of growth within society that supports the opportunity to perceive a new and more positive direction for humanity.

The Sabian symbol for 10° Sagittarius suggests that a new  positive direction must be taken, one that is no longer based on fear, ambition, or greed. The Sabian also suggests that that if positive growth isn’t accepted, that it may be forced upon us as a dramatic result of amplified dysfunctions within society. On the other hand, it implies that expansion will come with ease if it’s experienced through participation as a collective cooperation.

The reason the Mars/Saturn conjunction is so important is that it prepares us for the current Lunar eclipse, with the opportunity for another dramatic and positive shift represented by Pluto’s energy in Capricorn.  Pluto’s position calls for the need to end the abuse of power and corruption of our political and financial systems. The Saturn/Mars conjunction provided a foundation and set us up for this positive shift that’s offered in Pluto’s energy signature.

To follow the significance of August 24th even further, I looked online through the top 55 mainstream news stories on August 24th. I discovered the following general breakdown of topics: 28% political corruption, 15% military invasions, 19% civil unrest and violence, 31% describing various discrepancies in world events where the facts don’t add up nor make sense, 2% natural disasters, and 5% positive news about the future.

Only 5% of the articles in the mainstream news that day offered any positive news, or expressed any hope or  opportunity for a positive outcome in current situations. The vast summation of the articles of the day presented a world-picture of doom and gloom, now and moving forward.

It’s important to understand that this preponderance of gloom and doom isn’t the only perspective. There is good news ahead.  A change in perspective is about to occur, especially when the power of the Lunar eclipse can be fully activated.

The Lunar Eclipse

Astrology Chart for Lunar Eclipse on Sept 16, 2016Moving forward from the significance of the August 24th conjunction, in order to better understand the power of this Lunar eclipse, we can look now at the pattern in the current astrology chart which is comprised of five T-squares. There is no other significant configuration. This is extremely rare and unusual.

T-squares force our consciousness to make fundamental shifts, especially in perspective and in our decision-making process. If a shift in perspective cannot be made, conflict and polarizing behaviors begin to occur. I believe the significance of this Lunar eclipse lies in the opportunity to make a positive shift in perspective. The strength of the formation indicates that this is not only a personal shift but planetary as well.

Remember, this eclipse is a worldwide event. The symbol of 10° Sagittarius  that I discussed earlier in the article suggests that growth will either be in cooperation through positive choice, or else the growth will be forced through energetic reactions to the overwhelming levels of corruption worldwide. Either way, growth occurs.  Both avenues of change will happen simultaneously. Change and positive growth will occur through those actions directed toward common good and service to others. It will also be forced upon us collectively as a response to unsustainable corruption and control, and those actions taken in service to self.

This Lunar eclipse is providing each of us the tools to see the positive elements within the overall direction of our planet. All of these changes and impulses toward collective good are what many speak of as  the growth process of Earth moving toward ascension.

This Lunar eclipse is all about making a collective shift toward a positive outcome, for individuals, the human family, and for the Earth as a whole.  The question to ask yourself on a personal level is how you will show up in your own life.  When you show up and choose alignment with the collective good, you will have the opportunity to expand by receiving a change in your personal perspective as well as your circumstances and life experience.

In terms of human culture, the eclipse most likely will result in a greater polarization within society.  Positive individuals will be in greater alignment with service to others, and they will draw those experiences to themselves. Those with self-serving or fear-based focus will be drawn to the more negative perspective and tend to gravitate toward those experiences.

We are experiencing another step toward a planetary shift in consciousness, with a clear separation from those who choose a negative perspective. For them the world will further polarize into conflict, corruption, and greed. For those who are able to shift their perspective and choose to align with a positive outcome, their personal experience and the world itself will become more positive.  From a planetary perspective, this process is preparation for what is sometimes referred to as Earth’s ascension.

In Summary

This dramatic Lunar eclipse is focused on providing a shift in your personal perspective and life experience. For those who choose to focus on positivity and the collective (greater) good, the eclipse will result in new perceptions that allow them to see the world and those around them in new ways. In practical terms, this eclipse will strengthen your ability to see the positive in the present moment, and simultaneously clearly discern and understand those who would choose to polarize into conflict.

This Full Moon provides a huge opportunity to turn the corner, strengthen your intuition, and support the positive changes that are coming to our world.

Happy Lunar Eclipse

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